Paper money of 1961: nominal and actual value, possible purchases, history of creation, author of the banknote design, description and photo
Paper money of 1961: nominal and actual value, possible purchases, history of creation, author of the banknote design, description and photo

The issue of paper money first began on Russian territory during the reign of Catherine II. The 100 rubles “katenki” issued by her decree were large. Their cost was significant for the Treasury.

Money from the time of Catherine II
Money from the time of Catherine II

In the course of history, banknotes decreased in size. At the same time, there was a decrease in their value. With the reform in 1961, the weight of the rubles that had been in circulation since 1947 changed. The value of the 1961 paper money was thus greatly reduced, while the prices in the country skyrocketed.

History of Creation

Soviet paper signs began to be produced only in 1920, immediately after the Bolsheviks seized power. The first banknotes were distinguished by an extraordinary appearance - their separate area was empty, there was no image on it. Since several republics were included in the newly minted state, this was taken into account by the authorities. For each region signatures onbanknotes were produced in the respective local languages. Three-ruble banknotes featured images of peasants reading, while five-ruble notes depicted tractors driving straight over the horizon.

banknotes of the USSR
banknotes of the USSR

After a decade, the Bolsheviks decided to change the appearance of banknotes. By 1938, all the money issued in the country supported the Red Army, pilots, miners. Dozens have traditionally depicted a portrait of Lenin in paper form.

The complex innovation took place in 1947, and its implementation was fraught with many difficulties. During that period, a huge number of Soviet people suffered - they lost their savings, which quickly and uncontrollably lost their weight.

25 rubles 1961
25 rubles 1961

New banknotes of that period again contained portraits of Lenin, some depicting the Kremlin. By the mid-1950s, innovation was still ongoing. The design changed: some of the stripes were removed from the decoration of banknotes. And, of course, the most significant of the innovations of that time was the reform in 1961.

The 1961 currency reform

This year, the USSR issued a decree, according to which a new type of banknotes was issued for all denominations of banknotes. At the moment, banknotes issued in those years are stored in many houses. They have become a real monument to the financial stability of those times. They are kept in memory of the times when many people were happy and calm about their future.

Reverse side 25 rubles
Reverse side 25 rubles

Many hope the costSoviet money (paper notes of 1961) will grow. Saving them at home, they expect that later they will be able to sell for a lot of money. Most owners are interested in how much 1961 paper money is worth if they are intact and almost new. However, the design of banknotes of that era did not change for many decades. Looking ahead, it should be said that the cost of paper money of the USSR in 1961 will not be too high in the near future.

1961 banknote names

Statesmen instantly christened only the money going into circulation with new names. Banknotes of 1 and 5 rubles. called "state treasury notes". Their larger comrades received the name “tickets of the State. bank of the USSR. This is the historical name of such banknotes since 1947

5 rubles 1961
5 rubles 1961

Of course, people gave their names to money and instantly compared them with previous, already outdated samples. "Stalin's footcloths" were called voluminous banknotes of previous years. With the innovation of 1961, newly minted securities were dubbed "Khrushchev's candy wrappers." Indeed, they were quite colorful, which was very unusual for the Soviet population of that era.

Traditions of names

The custom of inventing comic names for all banknotes flourished among the Russian population throughout the history of money issuance. At first, coins acquired nicknames, but the same fate befell the securities that replaced them. At the same time, the names that modern people are used to hearing came to us from history.

10 rubles 1961
10 rubles 1961

For example, “ten” is the name of brand new banknotes of 1961. They were also “chervonets”, as they once called the gold rubles of the tsarist era, which were red, or “worms” in the people. Ordinary people sometimes called her "red".


The appearance of freshly baked banknotes was colorful, bright and varied. Images for valuable "wrappers" were created by artists Pomansky, Dubasov, Lukyanov. Banknotes with a face value of 1 ruble were distinguished by a brownish tint. and 100 rubles. Greenish were decorated with 3 rubles. and 50 rubles. A bluish tint was characteristic of 5 rubles. Red steel 10 rubles. The purple tint was for 25 rubles.

On the paper money of the USSR in 1961, the Moscow Kremlin was depicted with its towers and temples. On the "dozens" flaunted a portrait of Lenin. The banknote of 25 rubles, decorated with purple, stood out for its beauty. To this day, its design is recognized as highly secure, counterfeiting such a security is extremely difficult.

How much do 1961 banknotes cost

Determine the real value of each bill, taking into account many features: the presence of seals, watermarks, stamps. UV marks also have a strong influence on the final price. They were placed on banknotes in denominations of 10 rubles, 25 rubles, 50 rubles, 100 rubles. Without the presence of ultraviolet marks, paper money (10 rubles) of 1961 was issued, their cost was several times higher. The UV marks were both purple and yellow. Depending on the characteristics of the ultraviolet glow, paper money 1961Years worth 25 rubles are also valued differently.

Differences in bills

All banknotes, even issued around the same time, will differ from each other. Among each series there are defective money with different coatings, on different types of paper. All this certainly affects the final cost of banknotes. Sometimes a coin or banknote of a smaller denomination will be several times higher in value than a seemingly less common denomination. To detect distinct banknote differences, take into account:

  • A kind of paper. The first type is not covered with gloss, its shade is light. The second type is distinguished by a white shade, it is covered with gloss, but only on one side. It was this type that was most common at all times. However, samples of the first type are considered more valuable, their final price is much higher.
  • Series number. The most expensive are banknotes with the beginning of the series with the letter Y.
  • The state of banknotes. Given the quality, the presence of various defects, abrasions, the final cost of paper money of 1961 is estimated. It is clear that banknotes that are not damaged by time are most valued.
100 rubles 1961
100 rubles 1961

How to determine the value of 1961 banknotes

For their own calculation of the real value of banknotes, they use specially created tables, forums for the sale of numismatics. Taking into account only the state of banknotes, 100 Soviet rubles of that era would be valued at about five hundred modern rubles. For one ruble of ideal condition they give about forty rubles, whilewhile in the dilapidated equivalent, the same papers will cost about 3 rubles.

The science of bonistics was created to improve the condition of banknotes. Using it, you can improve the material condition of any banknote, as well as study the historical moments of various countries and eras. It must be remembered that the value of paper money in 1961 will always be highly dependent on their safety. And even though those days have passed not so long ago, these banknotes still arouse considerable interest among people who are fond of numismatics.

What to Consider When Evaluating

Many families keep this money at home, which is already of some value. At the same time, it must be remembered that the value of paper money in 1961 will vary depending on the date of issue, paper, its impressions and stamps. The most expensive will be banknotes without UV luminescence. They are recognized among professionals as rare. Therefore, the owners of just such banknotes are lucky, they can be stored until the subsequent increase in their value.

When evaluating, it is imperative to remember that the dates written on a paper sign are not always real. For example, banknotes issued only yesterday may contain dates ten years ago. This will mean that the appearance, design of the banknote was developed on the specified date. However, the banknote itself is new, therefore, its value will be low.
