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2025 Author: Sierra Becker | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:09
A rubber band phone case is a thing that every little fashionista dreams of. After all, you must admit, this bright, memorable, and most importantly, completely individual accessory will not go unnoticed in the crowd.

Subtleties you need to know to weave a phone case from rubber bands
The case is, of course, a wonderful thing. But how to make a phone case out of elastic bands so that it would be worthy of a little princess? In fact, there is absolutely nothing incredible and difficult about this - any girl can handle this matter on her own, unless, of course, she is very small. Learning to weave a phone case from rubber bands is not at all difficult, the main thing here is to have the desire and skill. With desire, most likely, complete order, but with the ability problems may arise. But this is also fixable: a few useful tips - and a chic, exclusive accessory in your pocket.

Inventory for weaving a cover
Please note that forsuch a serious matter as weaving, first of all, you need to stock up on great patience. After all, this will take some time - the result will not appear instantly. After all, weaving a phone case from rubber bands is a rather laborious task. First of all, to create it, you need to decide on the pattern and method of weaving. Then get those same rainbow rubber bands - the basis of our cover. There should be a lot of them - at least a thousand pieces. In addition to irises, you will need the weaving pattern itself, drawn on a piece of paper (it will be easier to cross out what has already been done with it), and, of course, the device itself for creating a masterpiece. You can’t weave such a thing on your fingers, so you will need to take care of having a special machine or hook. Of course, you can try to weave a phone case from rubber bands on a slingshot, but it will just be a waste of time.

How to weave a phone case from rubber bands
There are quite a variety of ways to weave products from Rainbow Looms - it all depends on the complexity of the product and the skill (respectively, and age) of the performer. But if we talk about a rubber phone case, then there are only two affordable and convenient ways to weave.
- On the machine. This method, of course, gives a wider range for the flight of fancy, since it allows you to vary both the available pattern and shape in a much more interesting way. Tons of patterns to make and lots of patterns to keep you happy.
- Crochet. Here,of course, there will be a little less options, but with sufficient skill, you can create an amazingly beautiful phone case from rubber bands.

Make a product on the machine
With a set of rubber bands, a machine and a little patience, you can make an exclusive thing. Making a phone case from rubber bands on a machine is not difficult. On the columns of the machine (upper and lower row) it is put on each under one rubber band with a figure eight. The main task is to ensure that the output is a kind of letter X, which occupies the entire perimeter of the machine. The amplitude of weaving is as follows - the first lower column and the second upper one are braided by the first iris. The next one clings to the second lower peg and is hung on the first upper one. Then everything is simple - not twisted elastic bands are put on the corresponding pairs of pegs in the bottom row.
Repeat the same for the top row. With the help of a hook, the lower elastic bands are pulled together to the middle. Then all actions are duplicated in accordance with the required length of the cover. Do not forget about the technical holes - they are made simply with the help of passes. To complete the weaving, all loops are removed on the first row - and then on the iris, which is then tightened.
This is a completely general scheme, if desired, you can always dilute it with some of your personal know-how - for example, use different variations of the color of rubber bands, weave patterns and ornaments, you can even weave letters - in a word, use everything that your imagination will let you.

Crochet rubber band phone case
Of course, at first glance, it may seem that weaving a phone case from rubber bands with a hook is much harder and longer. In fact, this is absolutely not the case - both methods have their own charms and conveniences. To crochet, you need to acquire directly the tool itself - a crochet hook. Further, everything is simple - weaving goes in the "chain" way. At the same time, keep in mind that the chain link has about 1 cm, so it's easy enough to calculate exactly how long the product you need and how many elastic bands it will take.
To get started, take the first elastic band, fold it into a figure eight and put it on the hook - that's the first loop. Next, take the next one and thread it through a double loop - it turns out four loops already. The outermost two loops are pulled through the new irises all the time and returned back to the hook. Thus, we get the whole cover - elegant and beautiful.

Open case
In order to weave an interesting phone case from rubber bands, you do not need to have any unusual knowledge. It is enough to have a machine at hand. Do not try to knit a phone case from rubber bands on forks - it will take an insane amount of time and does not guarantee a good result, after all, a phone case is not a bracelet at all.
If you don't like having your phone closed all the time, you can weave a case with an open screen. This does not require anything new - a machine (preferablydouble) and rubber bands.
The beginning is quite standard - eights are thrown on the bars. Then, an elastic band is put on every second pair of pegs. Don't forget to leave some space for the screen. After that, irises (of a different color) are put on each column around the perimeter. Rubber bands from under the bottom rise up and are reset. Then again, elastic bands are put on around the perimeter - and everything repeats. That, in fact, is all the wisdom.

Small bonus - accessories
The most standard case can always be distinguished from other similar products with the help of accessories. A variety of patterns is excellent and bright, but the product will look much brighter, for example, with a bright flower made of rubber bands. In order to make it, it will not take much time and rubber bands. For this product, somewhere around 15 rubber bands will be used. Weaving itself takes place with the help of a slingshot, since the flower will be quite small.
An elastic band is wound on one horn of the fork in three rows. Then two irises are put on both horns, and the triple elastic band is removed from under the bottom to the center of the double one. Then the double gum is removed on the opposite horn. Everything is repeated five times. Thus, on one of the horns of the fork, five double rubber bands are obtained with an inner row of triple wound ones. After that, another iris is put on both horns, and all the elastic bands from the horn are removed into its center. It turned out an elastic band on the horns, and in the middle of a flower. The end of the connecting elastic is pulled out, threading through the other. All,it remains to spread the petals - and the flower is ready. It can be put on the cover while weaving - and you will get a wonderful accessory.
In the same way, you can decorate your future phone case made of rubber bands with a variety of stars, figures - everything you want to stand out.
As you can see, how to weave a phone case from rubber bands is easy enough to figure out. With patience, desire and a small amount of imagination, you will definitely get something that will distinguish you in the crowd of the same gadget users. At the same time, it doesn’t matter the model of the phone or its fancyness - with such a case made by your own hands, you will always be at the peak of fashion trends and, importantly, you will never merge with the crowd. Only you and no one else will have such an exclusive item.
Of course, the cover is not the only thing that can be created from these wonderful Rainbow Loom. Bracelets, rings, toys, key chains - a great opportunity to express yourself in creativity, and not only yourself. Children will be happy to join you in this wholesome fun, and you will have a fun and productive time together. After all, beauty is a terrible force!
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