Beaded iris: master class and weaving pattern
Beaded iris: master class and weaving pattern

The iris plant is one of the simple and delightful, it is quite popular in beading. Especially often it is used in the French type of weaving. This style is simple, so if you have no experience, you should start experimenting and learning on iris.

However, this is a rather complicated flower in terms of color selection. It is not in vain that it is named after Irida, the goddess of the rainbow. The iris flower shimmers in several shades - from three or more flowers.

After reading this article, you will learn how to make a beaded iris with the right selection of colors and shades. Shall we start?

Beaded iris: master class

To create a full-fledged iris you will need to make:

  • large petals -t6;
  • beard - 3;
  • sepals -3;
  • small petals - 3.

Beaded iris - weaving pattern:

  • Make an axle - "bite off" eight centimeters from the wire for stringing beads.
  • To create arcs - "bite off"piece of wire and screw it to the axle.
  • Beads must be strung on the screwed wire.
  • Turn around the axis.
  • Similar loop should be done below (to get an arc).
  • Leaving a piece of wire on top, add more turns. As a result, you should get a petal of the future flower.
  • iris beaded master class
    iris beaded master class
  • From the wrong side, use tweezers to bend a piece of wire inward.
  • To make beards, make one axis and an arc three centimeters long.
  • iris bead pattern
    iris bead pattern
  • For small petals, an axis of two arcs of two centimeters is required.
  • A blank for fouls and standards - an axis of three centimeters and seven arcs.
  • Creating a sepal - an axis of three centimeters and two arcs.

Collecting iris from beads

Let's start assembling our beaded flower:

  1. Take the wire that was prepared for the stem of the flower.
  2. Use small beaded petals to it with the help of threads.
  3. iris bead pattern
    iris bead pattern
  4. Under the small petals screw beaded beards.
  5. Wrap the petals of the standards between the beards.
  6. Fouls must be tied to the stem stem between the standards and under the barbs.
  7. Next, wrap the thread around the rod three centimeters lower.
  8. Next, tie 3 sepals to the rod.
  9. Keep threading on the rod. You can make it any length you like. Then just fasten the thread andcut.
  10. Smear the entire rod with PVA glue with a brush. Wet well the places where you screwed all the elements. This is necessary for the strength of your craft.
  11. Spread the petals gently.
  12. It will be organic if you add a bud to your flower.
  13. iris bead photo
    iris bead photo

It is worth noting that the beaded iris (photo above) practically does not differ from a real flower in its shades and iridescence.

Required tools and materials

Before you start weaving iris from beads, you will need to prepare the following materials;

  • wire - for making flowers and leaves;
  • thick wire for rod;
  • beads of various colors;
  • threads - for winding the rod;
  • scissors, wire cutters, tweezers;
  • PVA glue and brush;
  • pencil and ruler.

How to make an iris bud?

  1. For buds, you need to make two axes of three centimeters and five arcs, as well as two arcs and an axis of three centimeters - for two petals. They are called optional.
  2. Real additional petals of living irises are white, light colors are enough. Located in the branching of the stem. Screw the bud petals onto a simple pencil and twist together.
  3. Take a short piece of wire and attach a bud to it. Then screw additional petals there (at a distance of two centimeters from the bud).
  4. On the other short wire, add a second bud. You should get a budbeaded.

Forming an iris flower

  1. The first flower should be placed on a wire at least 50 centimeters long.
  2. Below the flower, about five centimeters, screw a curved short wire - this will be a branch from the main stem.
  3. Screw a bud onto this short wire.
  4. Additional petals need to be screwed into the place where the bud is attached. As if hiding the place of attachment of the bud.
  5. Next, screw the wire again, slightly curved and short. Half of this wire should be wrapped with thread.
  6. Below on the wire you need to wind the second bud.
  7. You also need to screw two more petals there and hide the junction.
  8. The second flower should be five centimeters lower. Attach it the same way. The third flower should be slightly lower.
  9. Fully wrap the rod with thread. After that, grease it well with PVA glue. You should end up with a beautiful flower.
  10. iris beaded
    iris beaded

    In the photo above, as you can see - a more beautiful and complex work, represented by a composition of several irises in the design.


This beautiful flower has been familiar to people since ancient times. In Japan, these flowers adorned the imperial gardens. In addition, one of the most expensive paintings by Van Gogh, which depicts irises, was sold for more than 50 million dollars. Perhaps your beaded iris will be just as unique and will be appreciated by posterity.
