Secrets of board games: how to win at tic-tac-toe
Secrets of board games: how to win at tic-tac-toe

There are a whole host of interesting and fun little board games in the world. And almost each of them has some secret, the knowledge of which allows you to be the main contender for victory. In this case, we will talk about the wonderful game of tic-tac-toe. So how do you win at tic-tac-toe?

As mentioned above, almost all such games have their own secret. In this case, this secret consists of the ability to anticipate the situation and the ability to create the situation. That is, it's like chess, only a more simplified version. So before you win at tic-tac-toe, you need to learn a few simple tricks.

how to win at tic tac toe
how to win at tic tac toe

First of all, you should know that the main principle of victory is to create two incompletely filled lines. With this option, the opponent's next move will be absolutely unimportant (unless, of course, this is a winning move). To create such a favorable situation, it is best to take a place in the center of the field. Even more than that, in fact, there is no other way to win at tic-tac-toe. Unless, of course, the opponenta complete layman (and sometimes it happens).

So, in order to win, it is highly desirable to be the first and exactly to the center. If the opponent put his piece in any of the central lines, he automatically played. The main thing in this case is to know the very essence of the game of tic-tac-toe. So, if

tic tac toe games
tic tac toe games

already the opponent acted in such an imprudent way, we must put our cross in one of the corners, and so that it simultaneously blocks the further advance of the zero. Further, he has no choice but to become defensive (and this should have been done from the very first move). Zero in any case becomes in the opposite corner. Then our cross should be placed again in the corner. What we have? And we immediately have two lines of two crosses. This means that the following actions of the opponent are absolutely not important to us. With any move, we win.

In the event that again we move first and put our piece in the center, and the opponent puts his piece in the corner, then the chances of winning are significantly reduced. In fact, there is only one possible option that will not allow this game to come down to a draw. When the opponent answered our move with his zero in the corner, it is necessary to put a cross in the opposite side. The opponent has three possible moves. If he again puts his piece in a corner, it's a draw. If he chooses the central lines, this is a loss. Both with one of his moves and with another, everything becomes obvious, and there is no need to explain how to win at tic-tac-toe.


As for when the opponent starts the match, then almost everything happens the same, only with reverse accuracy. If his piece is placed in the center, you need to become defensive and slowly forget how to win at tic-tac-toe, because here the only possible option is a draw.

And if his piece is placed from the first move in any of the eight cells in addition to the central one, then you need to occupy this very center, and then act according to the circumstances.