How to make DIY board games: ideas, instructions and photos
How to make DIY board games: ideas, instructions and photos

Board games are a great way to spend time with the whole family. You can make such entertainment easily and quickly from improvised materials. The handmade wooden game will be an original and memorable gift.

How to come up with an interesting game

how to make a paper board game
how to make a paper board game

In fact, the question of how to make a board game with your own hands should not be difficult. In order to come up with it, you do not need to reinvent the wheel. Already existing entertainment is quite enough to pass the time with family and friends. You need to take some classic game as a basis and try to repeat it. The uniqueness of the finished product will be given by manual execution and the time invested in the thing, the work of the master.

The main thing is to determine the age of the players and their number. If the fun is intended exclusively for children, then it is worth performing it in the most vivid and beautiful form. The content should be tailored to the individual interests of the child, then the baby will be happy to spend time with entertainment.

What can be made fromgame

kids board games
kids board games

Materials for the manufacture of entertainment take a variety of. You can make children's board games with your own hands, both from paper and cardboard, and from felt or wood. It turns out very interesting when materials of different texture and color are combined.

Good children's fun can come from a metal candy box. The bottom of the package must be pasted over with paper pictures, and as animals, objects and buildings, you can take felt figures with sewn-in magnets. Such toys will keep on the field, and the box itself is easy to store and take with you on trips or for a walk with a child.

kids board games
kids board games

The photo shows a clear example of how to make a board game with your own hands - a puzzle. You need to take popsicle sticks and stick a picture on them, wait for the glue to dry. Then carefully cut the pattern with a paper cutter. On the reverse side of the sticks, you can stick pieces of the Velcro fastener, then the wooden puzzles will be conveniently attached to the felt backing.

Children's board games

There are some easy ways to make a paper board game for kids. They only need paper or cardboard, pencils, felt-tip pens, a ruler - a stencil, scissors and glue.

To make cards for a game that develops a child's memory, you need to cut an even number of rectangles of the right size from thick cardboard and put paired drawings on them. Such cards can be used not only for entertainment"Memory". They will also be required for such popular amusements as "Imaginarium" or "Crocodile". In some games, for example, in "Chest", instead of ordinary playing cards, you can also use children's cards with pictures.

how to make a paper board game
how to make a paper board game

Dominoes can be a very interesting entertainment for a child. The principle of entertainment is known and understood by everyone, so questions about how to make a board game with your own hands should not arise. If you use self-adhesive multi-colored paper, then the chips can be made very quickly. On children's cards, it is better to draw multi-colored geometric shapes, so you can teach the child during the game. For those who are preparing to go to the first grade, you can make dominoes with letters and numbers.

how to make a paper board game
how to make a paper board game

Try to repeat the famous and simple game "Stairs". To do this, you just need to draw whatman paper into squares, number them. Then each decorate and draw the stairs in random order. The role of chips can be played by small toys made of chocolate eggs, figurines from a popular designer, or just cute trinkets.

What can be used to make a playing field for a board game

wooden board games
wooden board games

To make a DIY board game as a unique holiday gift, some handicraft, drawing and imagination skills are needed.

An ordinary wooden table with due effort can be turned into a very large and beautiful game roomfield. We recommend that you find out in advance the preferences of the hero of the occasion. When creating an original gift, be sure to take the time to learn the rules of the game.

The game can be made in the form of a felt bag or any other fabric. This format will be very convenient for travel and entertainment on the street. The bag is very convenient to carry and store all the accessories in it. The gift will please both adults and children.

Board games made of wood

wooden board games
wooden board games

Working with wood requires certain skills and experience. But even with a minimum set of skills, you can make interesting and beautiful games. You can take a regular cutting board as a basis.

The image shows a well-finished plywood sheet painted with ink and covered with a thin layer of transparent protective varnish. The game is very simple and clear, even a set of rules is not required, it is enough to find a couple of playing dice and multi-colored figures that play the role of chips.

wooden board games
wooden board games

It is more difficult to make a tic-tac-toe variant like in the picture, but doable. You will need nine identical blocks of wood and a frame exactly according to their size. Details can be covered with stain or colored paint, on one side of the cubes draw zeros on the other - crosses. An interesting game - the gift is ready!

wooden board games
wooden board games

Woodcarvers can take on more complex projects with confidence. In the photo you see a game from hot Africa, it is called kalah or mancala. Archaeologists believe that it is older than chess. Fora complete set will require a set of bright, multi-colored pebbles, a couple of cubes and a beautiful glass for storage.
