Do-it-yourself cat carrier bag: choice of material, patterns, sewing order
Do-it-yourself cat carrier bag: choice of material, patterns, sewing order

Going into a pet store, it is quite possible to get confused both by the number of cat carriers offered and by the price of them. If you are a frequent traveler and take your pet on trips, then it is definitely better to invest in a good mobile home. For example, the offered plastic containers are best suited for flights. But if your cat rarely gets out into the street in a carrier, then the bag can be made independently. So you will save your budget, and you will develop the design yourself. How to sew a cat carrier bag? Patterns and tips can be found in this article.

Choosing material to carry

When choosing a fabric, you should proceed from what time you will use the pet house on the handles. Ideally, it is better to make several carrier bags for the cat. For each season - their own apartments for trips.

For summer cat trips, look for dense yet breathable fabrics. These include jeans, raincoat fabric and the like. Make sure that the pet is not bored on the trip. To do this, make a window so that he admires the surroundings. Suitableany sheer fabric or mosquito net.

cat carrier bag
cat carrier bag

Winter trips need warmer material. Pay attention to fleece. Mesh is also needed, but care must be taken that it can be closed tightly and that it does not release heat.

It is not necessary to buy new material to make a fabric cat carrier bag. It is quite possible to use an old jacket or bag. Of these, you should make the main parts for carrying. All you need to purchase for sewing: finishing fabric, zippers and padding.

The bottom of the carrier must be hard. This is necessary so that the cat feels comfortable during the movement due to the stability of its position. For the base, use materials of appropriate rigidity: plastic, plywood or fiberboard. You can make the bottom cardboard. However, it won't last long. Under the weight of the cat, the cardboard will begin to sag, and eventually the carrier will become unusable.

What tools are useful for sewing?

To make a do-it-yourself cat carrier, you need to stock up on some materials:

how to sew a cat carrier bag pattern
how to sew a cat carrier bag pattern
  • First of all, it's fabrics. You choose them based on the criteria described above. Remember that two types of fabrics are needed: the main and lining.
  • Foam for softness.
  • Lightning. There may be several. The number of zippers in the bag will depend on the selected pattern.
  • A piece of plywood or plastic to reinforcebottom.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Non-woven backing to reinforce seams.
  • Mosquito net to protect the viewing window.
  • Pens. You can take them from your old bag.

Taking measurements from a cat

This is the main and indispensable condition. To create a comfortable do-it-yourself cat carrier, you need to know some sizes of your pet. In particular, the length and height of the animal.

The length of a cat is measured from the inside of the front paw to the tail. Growth - from the paw to the neck. The length and height of the container are defined.

cat sizes
cat sizes

The dimensions of the carrying bag should be made convenient for the cat. This means that the pet must be freely located in his travel house: be able to turn around, stand up to his full height. To create comfortable conditions for the animal, multiply the indicated measurements (length and height of the carrier) by 1, 5.

Semi-Round Carry Bag

When building this pattern, only three parts are used. In a simplified version - two. The pattern consists of the front and back walls, the bottom and two sides.

In order to sew a cat carrier bag with your own hands, you will need the materials listed above. Namely:

  • dense fabric that holds its shape, it is better to use several types (frame, lining and decorative);
  • for bottom stiffness - plywood, cardboard or plastic sheet;
  • foam;
  • zipper;
  • pen;
  • window protection net.
semicircular carry bagfor a cat with their own hands
semicircular carry bagfor a cat with their own hands

How to sew a semi-circular shipping container?

  1. Cut out the main pieces from the lining and frame fabric. Insert soft material (foam rubber) between the sides. Make the bottom hard: that is, put plastic or plywood between the lining and the frame fabric.
  2. The size of the sidewalls must correspond to the measure of the "height of the cat" plus five centimeters. Otherwise, the animal will rest against the top of the bag.
  3. Sweep the details. Sew the sides to the bottom.
  4. Create a mosquito net window.
  5. Take a zipper to the top side of either side.
  6. Cut out the front and back of the carrier from a single piece of fabric in the shape of a rectangle.
  7. Sew a handle in the middle.
  8. Sew the details on the typewriter. First sew the part where the zipper is. After the rest.

Tote bag

In the photo you can see that the pattern of this carrier is simple and unpretentious. It is very easy to sew. The photo shows a detailed diagram with the necessary designations.

cat carrier bag with long handles
cat carrier bag with long handles
  1. Cut out the desired size of the part from a piece of paper web.
  2. Lay the pattern on the main and lining fabric and foam rubber. Cut them out, taking into account the seam allowances.
  3. Sew the sides on two fabrics. Insert foam inside.
  4. Sew the bottom of the bag to the side (main fabric).
  5. Repeat with the same lining pieces.
  6. Between main and lininglay foam rubber with fabrics.
  7. Baste the side seam.
  8. The zipper will be located on the top of the bag. Sew it on.
  9. Make the handles the length you see fit.
  10. Sew them on.

Four Zip Bag

The calculation is based on a medium-sized cat. To make this transfer, you will need the following:

  • one square meter of main and lining fabric, foam rubber (you can use padding polyester instead);
  • four zippers;
  • Velcro;
  • 20 x 40 cm plywood;
  • mesh - 45 by 20 cm;
  • pens.

Let's consider step by step how to sew a do-it-yourself cat carrier bag according to a pattern. It will be with a lot of lightning.

cat carrier bag with 4 zips
cat carrier bag with 4 zips
  1. Enlarge the pattern suggested in the photo to the desired size. For convenience, the places for each zipper are marked with different colors on it.
  2. Place the main fabric and lining together.
  3. Prepare the details using the paper pattern. Cut them out with a 1cm seam allowance.
  4. Open the back pocket.
  5. Do the same with foam rubber.
  6. Carefully cut a hole in the fabric for the window.
  7. Make a window out of the mosquito net. The size is indicated in the photo. Don't forget the seam allowances.
  8. Reinforce the bottom with hard material: plywood or cardboard.
  9. Sweep the pieces and machine stitch them.
  10. Now we need to deal with lightning. The photo shows exactly how they are in. Zippers should close from the corners of the carrying.
  11. Sew the top flap of the container to the cross section of the bag. In the photo, this place is marked with a cross. Zippers number 4 and 5 must be fastened with a flap.
  12. Sew a handle on top. Carry bag ready!

Decorate a cat house for trips

After you have finished making a bag for your pet, you can use your imagination to decorate it. Various elements are used for decoration. Suitable rhinestones, beads, threads, beads, appliqué, fur. It all depends on your imagination and desire.

How to make a cat friends with a new bag? Some tips

A cat is an animal with a wayward character. And it may well be that the bag you made with love and care will be rejected by the pet. The first option is to force the cat into the carrier by force. However, this will be a serious stress for the animal. In addition, there will be scratches on your hands. What to do in this case?

cat carrier
cat carrier

The cat should be "acquainted" with a hand-made carrying bag. She should be associated with a pet with something positive and calm. It takes a few days for the cat to get used to her moving house.

Which bag shape do you prefer?

Several options for carrying patterns were presented above. Each one is easy to sew. When choosing a form, you should be guided by your preferences. A hand-sewn cat carrier with long handles will allow you to carry it on your shoulder. Hands will remain free. A semi-circular carrier is more suitable for medium-sized cats. A large number of zippers on the bag will allow you to get a picky pet from any direction. The choice is ultimately yours!
