Models of skirts for women with protruding belly with patterns, photo
Models of skirts for women with protruding belly with patterns, photo

For a long time, fashion existed only for slender women. Today there are finally models of skirts for women with a protruding belly.

Secrets of choosing the right skirt style

Stylish, visually reducing figure flaws outfits for overweight have become a real breakthrough in the fashion industry.

skirt models for women with a protruding belly
skirt models for women with a protruding belly

Models of skirts for women with a protruding belly look luxurious, photos of which are presented in the article. And all because the couturier knows some secrets that every reader of this article can now use.

Correct skirt size is the number one secret

The main mistake of many curvaceous women is the choice of too loose, baggy clothes. Such models, although they hide ugly folds on the body, visually increase the fullness even more.

The second mistake is choosing clothes that are too tight. This looks completely vulgar. After all, a tight outfit exposes even a tiny crease at the waist.

skirt designs for womenprotruding belly photo
skirt designs for womenprotruding belly photo

Skirts for women with a protruding belly should be exactly the right size for the lady. This is the main secret of the visual harmony of the lady with magnificent forms.

High waist and wide belt - secret number two

Some people think that skirts are absolutely contraindicated for women with a belly. This is an incorrect judgment. It’s just that when choosing a style, it’s important to determine where to make the waist (may the readers forgive us for the phrase from the joke).

skirts for women with protruding belly
skirts for women with protruding belly

And so it is. Indeed, when choosing a skirt model for women with a protruding belly, it makes no sense to emphasize this part of the figure. It is best to make the belt wide and slightly raise it above the waist. And on the line where the belly begins to protrude, sew the main details of the skirt. It will be slightly higher than the classic version.

Here's the second secret that makes skirts for women with a protruding belly comfortable and downright chic.

Maxi skirts are slimming secret number three

No wonder in the past, women wore long dresses, up to the ankles. And their skirts were puffy, adjacent to the body only at the waist or under the chest. Such robes even made it possible to hide the pregnancy in the second half.

skirts for women with belly
skirts for women with belly

So modern couturiers turned their eyes to the past. And today, retro models of skirts for women with a protruding belly have come into fashion - long, puffy, luxurious.

Maxi outfits visually increase growth. And the lady naturally seems thinner andslimmer.

Additional details at the top of the skirt - secret number four

Cover your tummy with capes, peplums, wide ruffles and ruffles. Such models of skirts are very suitable for women with a protruding belly and narrow hips. It is only important not to overdo it with these details.

skirt models for women with a protruding belly
skirt models for women with a protruding belly

But mostly mature ladies prefer to cover the top of the skirt with a slouchy blouse or jacket.

Splendor of the bottom of the skirt is the secret of harmony number five

There is a secret for those who do not want to draw attention to wide hips. The fact is that the main details of the skirts, collected in small folds on the belt, create an unnecessary volume in this case. Therefore, ladies with wide hips should not make the skirt too fluffy immediately from the waist.

Young ladies look beautiful in pleated skirts. It is best to sew them to the line of the widest volume at the waist.

But you can get by with just an extended skirt. It is not difficult to build a pattern for such a style if there is a pattern of a straight silhouette. The drawing shows how you can make a pattern yourself.

skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
skirt patterns for obese women with a belly

On the pattern, from the tops of the tucks, draw vertical straight lines to the bottom. If desired, you can make another line, without a tuck, then the skirt will be more magnificent from below.

Next, the pattern is cut along the lines to the tops of the tucks. If the pattern was made on paper or polyethylene, then the darts can be stabbed with pins. If the template is made of cardboard, theycut out.

By connecting the received parts from above, the bottom is smoothly connected with one line.

Both a mature woman and a young girl look very presentable in half-sun, sun, year skirts. And you can sew such models at home with your own hands.

Sun-flared and semi-sun styles: skirt patterns

For overweight women with a belly, this model should be long enough. To make a pattern, you will need only two measurements: the length of the product and the waist.

models of skirts for women with a protruding belly and narrow hips
models of skirts for women with a protruding belly and narrow hips

The drawing clearly shows that the length of the product plus some kind of measure "a" is deposited first. Therefore, first we calculate it according to the formula: the waist circumference must be divided by a constant value for all sizes - 6, 28. This is twice the number "pi", which is obtained from the formula for finding the radius along the circumference.

Now add the resulting value to the length of the product and draw a semicircle. From the same central point we form a second inner semicircle. So the pattern for the sun-flared skirt is ready.

Sew such a model as a one-piece (if the width of the fabric allows), and with a seam. In the latter case, fabrics are cut as shown in the drawing.

To build a half-sun skirt pattern, you need the same measurements. Only the value of "a" is calculated a little differently. After all, the semi-sun consists of one part, therefore, the inner semicircle is equal to the length of the waist circumference. And the entire circumference will be equal to 2 waist circumferences. This means that the radius "a" will be twice as large as withopening of the sun-flared. This value is found according to the following formula: the waist circumference is divided by 3, 14, where the divisor is a constant number.

Some novice dressmakers may have a question: how to draw such large circles? After all, you can’t even find such a compass in the house! Experts advise using towline. It replaces the step of the compass.

To do this, a pencil is tied to the end of the string (if we draw a pattern on paper) or a tailor's felt-tip pen, chalk, a piece of dry soap (if we build a drawing directly on the fabric). Then the desired radius is measured from the writing instrument. This place is fixed in the center of future circles. Now, pulling the string, turn a pencil or felt-tip pen around the axis, at the same time marking the outline of a circle on fabric or paper.

You can use your second hand for this purpose. If the radius is larger than the arm span, then you should ask someone else to help.

Yodet skirt pattern

This is another one of the most suitable styles for ladies with a tummy. Its meaning is that the skirt remains tight on top, but below the hips, at the knees or in the calf area becomes lush. Each dressmaker decides for herself where the extension should be. The skirt as a result has the shape of an open tulip. It looks very impressive.

Even a novice dressmaker can sew such models of skirts for women with a protruding belly. There are no problems with patterns for gode.

models of skirts for women with a protruding belly with patterns
models of skirts for women with a protruding belly with patterns
  1. You just need to take the usual pattern, according to which the details of a straight skirt are cut - the front andback.
  2. skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
    skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
  3. On both patterns from the center, mark the third part in width and draw a vertical line. Then you should transfer the tuck to this auxiliary line.
  4. skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
    skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
  5. Now we cut the patterns along the line just drawn, the tucks go away, and the cut bends in this place.
  6. skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
    skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
  7. We build triangles that will be the folds of the year. To do this, you need to calculate its height - we measure from the point where the fold begins to the bottom of the product. In the drawing, it is 35 cm. We make an arbitrary base - the splendor of the bottom of the skirt will depend on it. You can do as the fashion designer advises - 10 cm. Raise the vertices at the base of the triangle up by 3.5 cm. Now we connect these points with a smooth line passing through the middle of the base.
  8. The resulting triangle is cut in height.
  9. skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
    skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
  10. To the details, obtained from 2/3 of the halves of the front and back, on both sides we apply the halves of the triangles at right angles so that their bottoms coincide. The triangles will be the folds of the year.
  11. To narrow details (1/3 of the pattern) the triangle is drawn only from one (not near the center line) side.
  12. Final version of the pattern: we trace the received parts, comparing the line at the point of attachment of the top of the triangle to the main part.
  13. skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
    skirt patterns for obese women with a belly
  14. Cut should be 2 asymmetric parts with two triangles and one part with one triangle. But before cutting out a part with one triangle, the fabric is folded in the direction of the shared thread. The pattern should be applied in a straight line to the fold. You should end up with a total of 6 pieces.
  15. Don't forget to add seam allowances!

There is an option not to make a specially continuous pattern for the wedges, but to cut them separately. They are easily sewn between the details of the skirt. Some fashion designers prefer to make them in a different color material.
