The path of Russian chess player Tatyana Kosintseva
The path of Russian chess player Tatyana Kosintseva

The combination of beauty, intelligence, fortitude and determination is rare in one person. Such character traits prophesy to the owner considerable success and respect in society, especially if a very young girl, now an international grandmaster, Tatyana Kosintseva, realizes her rich potential. Despite many difficulties, the chess player achieved her dream, but how did she achieve it?

Formation and early career

Tatyana Anatolyevna Kosintseva is a Russian chess player who is known for numerous victories in many tournaments in Russia and outside the state. A girl was born on April 11, 1986 in Arkhangelsk. The love for intellectual games manifested itself in the child from an early age, so the parents enrolled their daughter in a chess club. Tatiana has a sister, Nadezhda Kosintseva, who also started playing chess, first for herself and later professionally.

Tatyana Anatolyevna
Tatyana Anatolyevna

Achievements in the chess field

KosintsevaShe started her professional career at the age of 6. Thanks to hard work, the girl represented Russia at the European Championships, in which she won first place. At the age of 14, the girl, along with her sister Nadezhda, jointly took a prize at the same tournament.

Tatiana and her sister Nadezhda were taught by the Honored Chess Coach of Russia Dokhoyan Yury Rafaelovich. From 2002 to 2007, the girl takes part in chess competitions in Russia three times, each time winning a brilliant victory. In the period 2002-2004, Tatyana Kosintseva participated in European tournaments, bringing the team prizes, as well as silver and bronze medals.

In 2010, the girl became a member of the Russian team at the chess championship and at the end received the title of winner of the World Chess Olympiad. After a series of victories in Russian chess competitions, Tatiana is actively storming European tournaments. Together with the team, the girl again wins the championship in Istanbul, and later in Dresden. During the tournament in Turkey, Tatyana had a conflict with the current coach of the Russian chess team at that time. The real details of the disagreement are not known, but at the end of the competition, the chess player left the national team with her sister. The coach's training system gave the highest results, so in the irreconcilable clash of the parties, the girls decided to defend their positions, even at the cost of leaving the team.

This fact did not affect the professional activities of any of the parties. The Kosintseva sisters continue to improve their skills and perform as part of anotherRussian team. Tatyana wins not only in classical games, but also in rapid chess - shortened matches.

Chess player at the tournament
Chess player at the tournament

Personal life of Tatyana Kosintseva

In the period from 2003 to 2008, the girl graduated from Pomor State University. M. V. Lomonosov with a degree in jurisprudence.

Tatyana has a pet, which has practically become a member of the family. The chess player maintains personal pages on social networks: Vkontakte and Facebook. Now Tatyana Kosintseva lives in her hometown - Arkhangelsk and continues to improve her playing skills and improve her performance.

Tatyana Kosintseva
Tatyana Kosintseva

Chess player titles

In 2001, the girl was awarded the highest chess title - grandmaster. A couple of years later, the international chess organization added to the existing title the title of master, an intermediate link before the international grandmaster. After a series of victories in various tournaments, members of the chess organization awarded the girl the title of international grandmaster. Three years ago, Tatyana took part in the World Championship, which included several stages. After each game, the loser is eliminated from the competition. Tatyana Kosintseva went through the full first round, during which more than one chess game was played. At the moment, the won titles and titles include: grandmaster, master of sports, champion of Russia and Europe in classical and rapid chess.

Tatyana Kosintseva
Tatyana Kosintseva

Between the name and the word "Tatyana Kosintseva - chess" you can put an equal sign, as the girl is a vivid example of determination, diligence and full dedication to her beloved, but not easy business. Only by believing in your strength and making every effort, you can reach any heights. The main thing is not to stop there, always improve your skills and abilities, which is what the great chess player is still doing.
