We knit a small crochet flower, knitting patterns
We knit a small crochet flower, knitting patterns

Small crocheted flowers, knitted from threads according to patterns, are gaining huge popularity. They are crocheted and then used to decorate garments, hats, hairpins, bracelets, bags, etc. Wonderful bouquets, necklaces and earrings are collected from such flowers - all the fair sex will be happy to receive them as a gift.

There are a huge number of knitting methods - from narrow petals to oval, voluminous and flat inflorescences.

Using knitted flowers

The size of knitted flowers is also varied, they are both large and smaller. They can decorate absolutely everything - from ties for curtains to coats. With their help, masterpieces are created!

By tying a lot of small flowers, you can make unique jewelry, a hair clip, a holiday card or a photo frame.

colorful flowers
colorful flowers

The advantage of these products is their high resistance to wet processing - washing, dry cleaning. They are notwarped, perfectly retaining the original shape. They are attached to the material either with glue or by sewing with threads.

In short, with imagination and patience anything is possible! Crochet small flowers according to the patterns and decorate your favorite things!

Tools and materials

To work on knitting small flowers, there is no need for additional costs for new skeins of yarn, use the remnants of materials left over from old knitters! Each needlewoman has such a bag of balls that you really don’t want to throw away. Now they will come in handy!

We also note that when working with different types of threads, completely different effects are obtained, even if knitting follows the same pattern. For example, thin woolen yarn will give a fluffy soft texture of a flower, cotton thread will create a very clear outline of the contours of the leaves, mercerized cotton will bring a slight glow to the finished product.

flower knitting
flower knitting

Each crocheted flower must be crocheted in the appropriate size - it is matched to the thickness of the yarn. The most suitable for such work are the thinnest hooks - No. 1, 2 and 3.

Beads, beads, rhinestones are also needed for the centers of flowers.

Crochet flower - patterns for beginners

If you take a lot of different colors of thread and impose miniature small flowers from them, and then combine them into one canvas, you can create quite nice things. It is very easy to make small crocheted flowers according to patterns - now you will see for yourself!

We knitlet's start with a yellow thread from the "amigurumi" ring, into which we will collect 16 columns. without crochets. Tighten the free end, and connect the columns with a half-column. You can tighten the thread "until it stops", or you can leave a free hole. The middle is tied - you can cut the thread.

We attach the yarn of the desired color and continue knitting.

In the first loop we knit 1 column. without nak., 1 post. with nak.;

In the second - a pillar. with 1 nak., pole. with two nak., pillar. with 1 stitch;

In the third - a pillar. with 1 nak., pole. without acc.

So, we tied a petal that occupied three loops of the previous row and consisted of seven columns.

simple flat flower
simple flat flower

Knit each subsequent leaf in the same way, as a result you will get a small five-petal flower.

A simple little crochet flower - diagram and description

One of the simplest patterns is one where knitting is limited to only the central row - a ring and a few individual petals. These flowers are insanely easy to make, and their size depends only on the texture of the threads and the thickness of the hook. The middle is knitted from a chain typed with air loops and several columns knitted into a ring without crochets or with crochets. Any of the variants of such an inflorescence has the same central part, becoming more complicated in some cases.

The petal is given the shape of a semicircle due to the fact that towards the middle the number of crochets increases, and then decreases again.

So, here is a diagram of the simplest flower, which even beginner knitters can do!

flower for beginners
flower for beginners

Each leaf is knitted either in all columns of the previous row, or several columns in one previous one.

Sometimes, when they start crocheting small flowers with complicated patterns, they notice that arches of air loops or pico are added to single crochets.

flower with pico
flower with pico

In this design, they get a slightly different kind of flower, more complex and original.

Crochet Viola

Creating asymmetrical flowers, such as violas, is not at all difficult, as it seems at first sight. The base is the same as in the previously described variants - a ring of loops with a pole tied into it. without crochets. The only difference is in knitting the leaves.

viola knitting pattern
viola knitting pattern

There are 3 stages in the work.

The first is knitted with a core of yellow yarn, which is then tied with half-columns.

The second step will be to attach purple yarn and tie a pole in a circle. without crochets. The same thread is used to knit arches from air loops.

And already flower petals are created on them.

Miniature layered flowers

Having mastered the simplest techniques for crocheting beautiful flowers according to patterns, you can start making much more interesting inflorescences! After all, many flowers were created by nature with several rows of leaves. Creating three-dimensional flowers is easy using flat color schemes.

layered flower diagram
layered flower diagram

At the beginning of workthey also knit a ring of air loops, tie it with single crochets, and then with the help of arches knitted under the petals of the previous row, increase another row of petals.

This row will be larger than the previous one by one loop. Each arch in the next tiers gains one more additional loop.

The diagram shows in detail how a similar flower is knitted.

Crochet small flowers according to knitting patterns is very exciting, and things decorated with them will delight you and those around you for a long time!
