Lilac weaving from beads - schemes. Beading for beginners
Lilac weaving from beads - schemes. Beading for beginners

The art of beading has been around for thousands of years. And in recent years it has become popular again. People are happy to discover the world of needlework, are fond of this ancient craft.

Thanks to new glass processing techniques, it became possible to create a huge number of all kinds of beads. The result is truly unique things.

Beading does not require special tools. In order to create amazing things, all you need is a needle, thread, scissors and, in fact, beads.

Round beads

This is the most common bead shape, which is convenient to use in any kind of products. The main exporters are the Czech Republic and Japan. There are other manufacturing countries as well. Beads from Japan are large, with a wide opening, more like a square in shape. Czech is smaller, it is flattened, has a small hole, and is oval in shape.

weaving lilacs from beads of the scheme
weaving lilacs from beads of the scheme

Someone prefers to work with one type of beads, someone - with another. Each craftswoman decides for herself what kind of beads she likes. However, it should be remembered that beads vary inshape and size, which means that they cannot be used in one product.

Covering beads

It is due to the fact that beads can be of different sizes, textures and colors that they have become so popular. With it, you can embody all sorts of fantasies, create incredible things.

Beads happen:

  • transparent - it transmits light well and is made of transparent glass;
  • translucent - light is partially transmitted, this type is made of milky glass;
  • opaque - does not transmit light.
  • with a silver line - the hole of such beads is covered with a mirror coating, which can be either completely silver or silver-plated, copper, bronze or gold;
  • with a line - the hole is covered with a different color;
  • silk - the glass of such beads is covered with grooves; it is compared to "tiger's eye" or silk fabric.

The coating gives the beads uniqueness and certain features that will favorably emphasize the dignity of the item being made.

Well, color. He can be anyone. Now in specialized stores you can find a huge amount of beads of various shades. And the range is constantly updated. You just need to choose the best option and get creative.

Composition "Lilac"

Variety of beads promotes creativity. Today we will see how you can make a lilac from beads with your own hands.

For the composition you will need:

  • two color options for green beads - 100 grams each;
  • two color options for lilac beads - 100 grams each;
  • copper wire 0.3mm wide;
  • thick skeletal aluminum wire;
  • flower tape;
  • two colors of acrylic paints - black and brown; can be replaced with gouache;
  • acrylic lacquer; can also be replaced with any wood varnish;
  • building plaster or alabaster;
  • PVA glue;
  • regular paint brushes;
  • artistic stacks; but regular chopsticks will do.

The main thing is your own desire and great patience. The work is painstaking, but worth it.

Make twigs

Start weaving lilacs from beads. Schematics are not needed. Even a novice craftswoman can cope with the task.

So, to make twigs, you will need beads of two colors of lilac shade and thin wire. First you need to mix the beads. We randomly string it on the wire.

lilac beaded master class
lilac beaded master class

First you need some beads. So it will be more convenient to weave. It is best not to cut the wire from the coil. If desired, a piece of wire of the desired length can be cut from the coil. To prevent the beads from falling apart, a loop is made at one of the ends before starting work.

Stringing the required number of beads on the wire. Now you need to step back from its end by about 3 centimeters and disconnect 10 beads from the total. In this place we twist the wire. It turns out a loop with beads. Similarly, we make another 6-8 loops on the wire. In total, from 7 to 9 pieces should be obtained, an odd number is required. The distance between them should be the same, approximately 1.5-2 centimeters.

lilac bush from beads
lilac bush from beads

So, we have from 7 to 9 loops on the wire, 10 beads each. Cut the wire from the coil or remove the excess. Now we twist the workpiece into a twig. The central loop will be the top, the rest are connected in pairs.

If you intend to make a large tree, you will need approximately 150 of these branches. And if you want to make a lilac bush from beads, then 70 pieces are enough. If the first few branches were difficult, then the next ones will turn out great.

Make leaves

We continue weaving lilacs from beads. The schemes for creating leaves are varied. Let's consider a couple of options. Which one to choose for your composition is up to the craftswoman.

In any case, you should first take the beads of two green shades and mix it. Of course, thin wire is required.

The first version of the leaves is done similarly to lilac branches. For a lilac bush, approximately 70 such branches will be required, for a tree - less, somewhere around 50.

DIY beaded lilac
DIY beaded lilac

We continue to weave lilacs from beads. Master class on the second version of the leaves. First, a loop is made of 5-6 beads. Then, over this loop, another loop should be applied. It will already have about 15-17 beads. The leaf is a loop within a loop. Stepping back from this leaf 2 centimeters, we twist a few more in the same wayleaves. In total, they should get 5-7 things on one branch. It twists similarly to the first option.

For a bush, you need about 100 such branches, and for a tree - 50 or 60 pieces.

Making lilacs

So, we continue weaving lilacs from beads. Manufacturing schemes are very simple. You need to take one green and two lilac branches, twist their bases together. We do the same with all branches.

You can also make a bouquet of lilacs from these branches. From beads you can do anything, any composition. How much fantasy and desire is enough.

Let's form a tree. Twist several branches together. Be sure to ensure that the direction of twisting is the same. Otherwise, the branch will be skewed. On average, 30 branches come out.

beads trees scheme lilac
beads trees scheme lilac

We continue to weave lilacs from beads. A master class on making wood suggests that you can not do without scissors, floral tape and frame wire.

A branch of lilac is tied with floral tape to the end of the wire. To form one large branch, 2-3 branches of lilac are attached to the frame. Similarly, we form the remaining large branches of the future tree.

Now you need paint. It should be remembered that it is better to paint the branches separately, before the formation of the tree itself.

When the branches are dry, they are carefully twisted together to form a tree. The branches must be connected in a spiral, additionally using floral tape. It will give us the relief of the trunk, make it morerealistic. We are trying to end up with a branchy bush.

Shaping the trunk

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in weaving lilacs from beads. Schemes for the manufacture of a gypsum shaft are also not particularly needed. You will need some kind of plastic container, gypsum and PVA glue. Dilute gypsum with water, add glue to the mixture and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The consistency should resemble cottage cheese.

The formed bush is placed in a container and filled with gypsum mixture. Now you will need to hold it in this state until it dries. After making sure that the tree stands firmly on the stand, we form the trunk with a gypsum mixture. With the help of artistic stacks draw the bark on the tree.

bouquet of lilacs from beads
bouquet of lilacs from beads

And the finishing touches. We paint the finished trunk again, varnish it and decorate it as we wish. These are the trees we get using beads. The "lilac" scheme is not the only one. Many other compositions can be created in the same way.

In closing

Beads are an amazing material that allows you to turn the most daring fantasies into reality, you just have to show a little patience and skill. You can weave flowers, bouquets, trees. Whether it's lilac or other plants, everything looks amazing.
