What can be done from chestnut at home?
What can be done from chestnut at home?

It is very important for young children to learn about the world around them, as well as to be outdoors as often as possible. An ideal idea for a walk would be a family trip to a park or forest belt. After such adventures, kids bring home a lot of natural materials that should not be thrown away immediately. What can be made from chestnut at home will be discussed in this article.

what can be made from chestnut
what can be made from chestnut

Benefits of collecting natural materials

If children make crafts from chestnuts with their own hands, their fine motor skills develop very quickly, and the flexibility and tenacity of their fingers increase. Such activities will help discipline the child and educate him in creative skills and a sense of beauty. Playing with natural materials brings children and parents closer together. If there is no free time for full communication, such joint gatherings will help the child cope with difficult feelings.

Before learning what can be made from chestnuts, it is worthprepare material for future crafts. To collect fruits, you should take a small plastic bag with you, and you need to choose still soft, only fallen specimens. They are much easier to punch with a needle or cut with a knife.

do-it-yourself from chestnuts
do-it-yourself from chestnuts

DIY crafts from chestnuts

After the fruits are brought home, they must be thoroughly washed with slightly warm water and wiped dry with napkins or a towel to remove excess moisture. Chestnuts will need to be sorted by size and supplemented with other natural materials, such as twigs, pebbles, dry berries. Matches, toothpicks, straws for cocktails and a sharp knife will also come in handy. Raw fruits cut perfectly, and a child can be trusted to string them on a strong thread to create amazingly beautiful beads. If the harvested chestnuts have become hard, you can soak them for a day in water, and then keep them in a wet cloth for about a day. To fasten the fruits, use strong threads, fishing line, matches, toothpicks or ordinary plasticine. Thinking about what can be made from chestnut, most parents immediately choose complex, impressive works, such as baskets, complex shapes, or entire rugs. It will be much more useful for children if you try out some simple model first.

What can be done quickly from chestnut?

A very simple option would be a long caterpillar, collected from fruits of approximately the same size and decorated with plasticine details. The child can string chestnuts himself and blind the eyes of a new toy. For kids over 4-5 years oldadvise to make a horse. This will require several prepared fruits, an awl (for making holes), strong thick threads, matches or suitable twigs.

do-it-yourself chestnut crafts
do-it-yourself chestnut crafts

The body and head are made from large chestnuts, which must be fastened together with matches or toothpicks. Legs are made from strong twigs, and the mane and tail can be cut from durable woolen threads. In the marked places, holes are made with an awl and all the details are assembled into a nice little horse. The mane can simply be glued so as not to suffer with the fastening of each bundle of threads. In such a simple way, you can occupy your beloved child for half an hour or an hour, as well as learn something new yourself.
