What can be done from a tire with your own hands and without much effort?
What can be done from a tire with your own hands and without much effort?

Recently, old tires have gone from trash to craft material. Different figurines can be seen more and more often not only in the country, but also next to ordinary residential buildings. Even if you do not have any skills, you are still subject to this art of transforming an unnecessary thing. Look around. How much waste material can be used to decorate a small area in front of windows.

what can be done from a tire with your own hands
what can be done from a tire with your own hands

What can you do from a tire with your own hands? This question is no longer relevant. How many articles were devoted to this topic, how many ideas were embodied, what is more reasonable to ask: "What did you like more and what physical effort are you willing to spend on it?"

Let's look again, for the sake of reminder, of different crafts so that you can decide what to make from old tires. The simplest and most inexpensive option is a small flower bed. It is enough just to lay the wheels and pour into the ground. Then plant flowers or seedlings. Everything, your contribution to the beautification of the city, one might say, has been made. If you also paint the tire, you will get a bright colorful spot near the gray houses.

what can be done from a tire with your own hands 2
what can be done from a tire with your own hands 2

We continue to consider further options for what can be made from tires. Now let's look at the already complicated tasks, for which you need to have several wheels, no matter what size they are. They need to be laid in any sequence on top of each other. You can make a chamomile out of 6 tires. We lay one in the center, and lay out the future petals around. If you can arrange more circles side by side, great! So your chamomile will have more beautiful petals. And if you also plant flowers wisely, for example, in the center - yellow, and at the edges - white, then you get a colorful composition.

what can be made from tires
what can be made from tires

Knowing what you can do from a tire with your own hands, you will create a real fairy-tale world around you. The same flower beds will look very good if arranged vertically in several tiers. The same dimensions must be laid on top of each other, laid out with a wall or in a circle. If the tires are all different, then you can get an excellent slide that looks like a children's toy. Remember how kids were taught? First, put a large circle on the stick, then a smaller one, then an even smaller one, and so on. Remember your childhood skills and make a multi-tiered flower tree.

If you like differentlittle animals, then choosing from what you can make from a tire with your own hands will not be difficult. The simplest options are frog, hedgehog and turtle. These are recumbent varieties, so it is enough to lay one wheel, and make paws and a muzzle from an empty plastic bottle. You can also make a ladybug. If you managed to pick up bottles of different colors, then you won’t need to paint anything.

what to do with old tires
what to do with old tires

A teddy bear or a bunny is great if you fix two wheels vertically. Here you will need to apply some materials and additional efforts. First of all, you need a metal rod to connect the two tires to each other. Then you need a dense material (oilcloth or linoleum) to sheathe the figure. On the upper part, you should draw a muzzle, and on the lower part, the torso. Ears come out great from a bottle.

Everything else that you can make from a tire with your own hands already requires effort and skill. Sometimes even a strong man's hand is required. However, what excellent swans, parrots, snails turn out! Many more animals can be made from unnecessary tires. But the main thing is that you wanted to do it, and you decided to make a small contribution to the beautification of the city.
