Hot batik: technique. Cold and hot batik
Hot batik: technique. Cold and hot batik

Today, when fashion changes every day, and any novelty in the shortest possible time becomes available to the masses of people, exclusive and unusual clothes are appreciated. Therefore, world designers are working, trying to come up with a new print for their fabrics. Their achievements cost a lot of money and remain in demand for a short time, until absolutely identical fakes appear in all stores.

history of hot batik
history of hot batik

If you want to have a fashionable thing of your own design, pay attention to the batik technique.

Batik is painting on fabric. In this way, you can decorate your blouse, skirt, scarf or any other fabric product. There is cold and hot batik.

History of technology

Hand-painted fabric, called batik, has been known to people for a very long time. This technique was used in Japan, Egypt, China, Africa and Russia. The place where technology appeared is Indonesia, the island of Java. Although recently archaeologists have found canvases painted in this style in ancient Egypt and China.

Until now, scientists and archaeologists are arguing when exactly the art of fabric painting was born. Some say thatthis technique was used at the beginning of our era, others correlate its appearance with the invention of the “reserve”: this is the name of the device for applying hot wax to fabric (14th century). Be that as it may, the history of hot batik begins much earlier than cold batik.

The name "batik" first occurs in Holland in the 18th century. The inhabitants of the island of Java called this technique "ambatik".

batik hot
batik hot

Javanese are the most skillful in making fabrics painted using the "hot batik" technique. This people gave the world fabrics of unreal beauty, it is in Java that the most famous designers in the world of batik live.

And this is not surprising. The art of hand-painting fabric was passed down by the Javanese from generation to generation, and each clan had its own unique technique. Initially, in Java, clothes painted in the "hot batik" style could only be worn by representatives of the "blue blood", but over time, when the fabric began to be painted for sale, the aristocracy began to involve commoners in painstaking work.

In 1835, the first factory producing batik paintings appeared in Holland.

Cold batik appeared only in the first half of the twentieth century. A solution was invented that allows applying a reserve to a fabric without heating, was in Russia.

Tools and materials

If you decide to master the batik technique, you may need the following tools and materials.

Fabric. Initially, natural silk was used to paint the fabric. Now that paints and materials have come out on a newlevel, other thin fabrics are also suitable for batik, such as cambric, staple, chiffon, etc. The fabric can be used by the yard or as a finished product

Paints. Paints in the "batik" technique are of considerable importance. There are a large number of their manufacturers, both imported and domestic. According to their properties, paints are divided into those that are diluted exclusively with alcohol, and those to which water is added. The main difference between them is the method of fixing. They can be fixed with an iron, hot steam or water

Contour composition. It is best to take the contour composition of the same company as the paint. Usually they are colorless, coloring pigment is added to them immediately before application

Frame for batik. Of course, you can buy a special frame for painting fabric, but you won't spend much time if you decide to make it yourself

Palette. Needed for mixing paints

Pipettes. Needed for a set of paint

Tubes for cold batik. With the help of glass tubes, you can draw thin lines on the canvas. They can be bought at a specialized store. However, if you can't find them or don't want to spend money on them, don't despair. You can simply choose the right tool, for example, fairly thick centographs, isographs, rapidographs, medical droppers, drawing pen, etc

Scotch. Needed to protect the frame from paint. If the frame gets dirty, it may damage the next job

Tailor's pins, stapler - any item to secure the fabric

Alcohol. Needed fordilution of some paints

Brushes for painting fabrics

  • S alt. Needed for faster drying of individual sections and obtaining a specific pattern.
  • hot batik technique
    hot batik technique

Purified water. Needed to dilute some types of paints

Special pencil or pen. For drawing a pattern on fabric

Wax. Needed if you are close to the technique of hot batik. You can buy ready-made, or you can make it yourself

Capacity for dyeing fabric


Cold batik

Cold batik is considered to be a simpler technique than hot batik, as the dye limiting solution is applied without preheating.

Of course, cold batik still requires concentration, a firm hand and clear lines.

hot batik master class
hot batik master class

If you briefly describe the process of painting fabric in a cold way, then you need to do the following.

Progress of work

  • A piece of fabric that you are going to paint is attached to the frame in a stretched form with the help of buttons, a stapler, etc.
  • Then, a drawing is applied with a special pencil or pen that you want to see on your canvas.
  • A reserve contour is applied over the pencil sketch, and it should not have gaps. Otherwise, the paint will come out of the drawing, and your work will be hopelessly damaged.
  • The fabric is left until the reserve dries.
  • Paint with brushes, sponges, sprayerscanvas pattern and background.
  • When the work is finished, it is processed as required by the paint manufacturer. This is necessary to fix the picture. Then the product is washed with warm and cold water.
  • hot batik technique
    hot batik technique

Batik Hot Features

As mentioned above, there are two ways to paint on canvas. An older, natural and traditional hand-painted fabric is called "hot batik", the technique of which is known to the ancient Javanese, Egyptians and Chinese. The meaning of this method lies in the gradual application of paint to the fabric with the protection of the reserve composition of individual elements. Moreover, only natural components are used as a reserve, which must be heated before use.

The wax composition was originally applied using a copper ladle with a thin nose - chanting, now there are a whole bunch of alternative ways to apply the reserve, for example, special stamps, brushes with stiff bristles, etc.

On a large surface, the reserve is applied with a wide brush, and a thin brush and chanting are needed to reserve the contour and small details of the picture.

Hot batik technique

  • First of all, you need to prepare the fabric you have chosen for painting. To do this, soak it for half an hour in a soda solution (5 liters of water per 1 tsp of soda). This is necessary to wash out the chemical compounds that manufacturers process the fabric with.
  • After drying, the fabric is fixed on the frame.
  • The first, lightest coat of paint can be appliedbefore sketching. By the way, it is important that the product is soaked with paint in sequence from dark to light.
  • A drawing is applied with a special pencil. Although some advise, in order not to injure the fabric, apply the drawing not to it, but to a sheet of paper with a marker that will be visible through the canvas.
  • cold and hot batik
    cold and hot batik
  • Then the pattern is impregnated with a reserve, leaving free only those parts that will be covered with the lightest layer of paint.
  • After the paint has dried, the reserve is removed with an iron. A newspaper or paper is placed on the fabric and ironed in such a way that all the wax from the fabric moves to the paper.
  • Then the paint is fixed according to the instructions.
  • Then, a reserve solution is applied again to the colored and darker areas and the whole procedure is repeated. And so paint with a reserve is applied layer by layer, until all shades (even the darkest ones) are on the fabric.

Handkerchief with irises

To make it easier for you to get involved in the process, you can make a scarf using the "hot batik" technique. The master class described here will help you figure it out.

hot batik flowers
hot batik flowers

First you need to stock up on the appropriate materials.

  • A silk white handkerchief or just a piece of white silk.
  • Frame with pins.
  • Brushes thin and thick - for paint and for reserve.
  • Reserve.
  • Pink, blue, green, yellow colors.
  • Capacities for breedingpaint.
  • Spray bottle.

Master class

  • Soak fabric in soda solution.
  • After the fabric is dry, stretch it over the frame.
  • We breed blue paint in two containers: in one - lighter (light blue, almost transparent), in the other - darker (blue, but a little more intense).
  • Wet the fabric with water from a spray bottle and draw stains on it with these paints.
  • Let the fabric dry completely.
  • Since we will draw flowers using the "hot batik" technique, we depict irises with long leaves on a dried scarf.
  • Reserve background with wax.
  • When the wax dries, dip the handkerchief into a solution of pink paint (the iris flowers should be colored).
  • Let the work dry.
  • We cover the parts of the flowers that should remain pink with wax.
  • When the wax is dry, dip the handkerchief into a weak solution of green paint.
  • After the paint dries, we cover the parts of the leaves that should remain light with wax.
  • When the wax dries, use a brush to paint over the parts of the leaves that are not covered with a reserve
  • Paint over the petals of irises that are not covered with a reserve with slightly diluted blue paint (the color should remain dark enough).
  • Paint with bright yellow paint pistils of flowers.
  • Let the handkerchief dry.
  • Using an iron and newspapers, remove wax from the product.
  • We fix the paint according to the instructions (depending on the manufacturer).
  • We wash the product first in warm and then in cold water.

So you didfashionable designer scarf in "batik hot" technique.
