Techniques and schemes for embroidering houses
Techniques and schemes for embroidering houses

Embroidery is considered a popular type of needlework, as it combines several techniques and allows you to create both individual elements and full-fledged paintings. The drawings created on the canvas can have a magical connotation. For example, embroidery patterns for houses help in solving housing issues.

autumn house
autumn house

Popular stories

Not only the result, but also the meaning depends on what is embroidered on the canvas. Foreign firms produce kits equipped with the materials necessary for the process. The houses are embroidered with cotton threads and small count canvas. For primitives, needlewomen choose homespun cloth or linen to make the embroidery beautiful and detailed.

Popular house embroidery patterns include Victorian charm, castle haedas by season, and Chimera patterns. Domestic manufacturers also produce sets with the image of houses, but they are not as large as those listed above.

Schemes with houses can be divided into several categories. These are landscape images, where the main role is given to nature, but also against a beautiful background.the house is embroidered, architectural variants, where the main role is played by the embroidery of the building. Combined embroidery includes embroideries using different techniques and a combination of several elements.

complex scheme
complex scheme

Magic overtones

Embroiderers invest in their work not only strength and time, but also desires. Visualizing what you have planned helps you achieve what you want faster. This is how house embroidery schemes influence the solution of housing issues.

It is necessary to embroider on the growing moon and a new needle. In order for the wish to come true, it is imperative in the process to imagine a new house and how it will be inside. You can not sit down to work in a bad mood, because the threads absorb energy and can then give it to the environment.

Houses should be embroidered with light in the windows, which means joy and a full-fledged family. Embroiderers do not advise depicting dry branches, broken trees or dried up rivers near the house. It is advisable to choose a pattern for embroidering a house in the summer, when there are many flowers and bright colors around.

When choosing a color scheme, you should pay attention to warm and soft shades and abandon too dark and deep ones. The exception is the Victorian charm or witch's house, which is embroidered on a dark base. This house is considered magical, because in most cases it helps to solve the issue of housing.

primitive schema
primitive schema

Execution technique

You can embroider not only with a cross, but also by alternating different stitches and options. This is done to create volume, smoothness or detail of transitions from one shade to another. Semi-crosses and crosses in different threads are considered popular in the embroidery process.

French knots are used to embroider flowers or small polka dots, thanks to which attention is drawn to small details. A back stitch or a back stitch with a needle helps to draw the outlines on the embroidery and adds clarity and brightness to small plots.

festive primitive
festive primitive

Sometimes suture techniques can be used, which not only adds originality to the work, but also creates a realistic plot. Elements made with satin stitch are also often used in embroidery, they add watercolor and lightness to the work. House cross stitch patterns combine different techniques and stitches to achieve a realistic finished work.

Original sampler

This type of embroidery combines several details and a key element that unites all parts on the canvas. Samplers are popular due to their versatility, because an embroidered plot can carry both a decorative and an applied function.

You can independently create a unique image with inscriptions, metrics are becoming popular, which indicate the number of people living in the house and embroider its architectural features. The idea of such an image comes from ancient times, when samplers were passed down from generation to generation as valuable relics.

Today, the embroidery formats have changed a little, but the meaning of the transmission has remained the same. Thanks to beautiful schemes, you can create a masterpiece.

Power is in the primitive

It is not necessary to embroider large pictures in order tobring the changes you want into your life. A small plot, neatly designed and with the necessary details, is enough. Patterns for embroidery of small houses, the so-called primitives, require considerable experience in creating different types of stitches.

Such pictures are made in a semi-cross on a small count canvas, back stitch and other stitches can also be used. As for colors, a few contrasting shades are enough for a primitive to convey meaning. This type of embroidery can be designed both as a decorative work and as an applied practical item.

winter version
winter version

Seasonal embroidery

In a separate category, you can collect plots that are sewn in the winter. In such works, special warmth and comfort are hidden. Patterns for embroidering winter houses suggest designing not only in a picture, but also in a beautiful boot for gifts or a cozy decorative pillow.

Although a cold range of shades is used, additional elements in the form of shiny threads, beads, charms are added to the otshiv, which gives the finished work beauty and comfort. Pictures of such a plan also have a magical meaning, because it is a sign of the unification of the whole family, peace and tranquility.

Small plots or individual embroidered elements of the needlewomen are made into New Year's toys and decorate the Christmas tree or hang them in prominent places. Embroidery schemes for New Year's houses will help create a festive mood and decorate the room, creating the desired coziness and comfort in it.
