Storage shoes in the hallway: ideas
Storage shoes in the hallway: ideas

One of the most necessary pieces of furniture in the hallway is a shoe rack. After all, without it it is quite difficult to keep the corridor neat. Even in a small family, there are quite a lot of shoes. There is one that is actively used. The other is stored until the right season. That is why it is necessary to carefully consider the storage of shoes. This will not only create a comfortable environment in the hallway. With thoughtful storage, your shoes will last a long time.

shoe storage
shoe storage

Design Features

Is it possible to store shoes with clothes? This issue is constantly being actively discussed. Most people come to the conclusion that it is better to provide a separate place for boots and sneakers. After all, it is much more convenient and correct.

The main arguments in favor of a separate storage system are:

  1. Shoes emit a specific odor that can spread to clothing.
  2. Boots are often great moth bait.
  3. Sneakers, boots are a dusty and dirty part of the wardrobe. So it's better to keep themseparately.
  4. If shoes are stored in "native" boxes, then a lot of space is taken up in the closet.

Varieties of shoe racks

Those who decide to provide a separate place for the dustiest part of the wardrobe, you need to determine what kind of this furniture will suit them.

There are several types of shoe racks:

  1. Open. This is the most common type of furniture designed for shoes. It has both advantages and disadvantages. Open storage of shoes in the hallway is an opportunity to dry them quickly. Therefore, unpleasant odors will not occur. But this design does not protect sandals and boots from dust. Over time, a shoebox can turn into a rather dirty piece of furniture.
  2. Closed. Most often it is a locker, bench, ottoman. A shoe rack with a seat has become very common. This option solves several problems at once in a small hallway. It's not just storage space. The soft seat makes it comfortable to put on shoes. The pros and cons of such furniture are completely opposite to those described above. A closed closet does not allow boots and boots to dry properly. Accordingly, an unpleasant odor cannot be avoided. But at the same time, everything is completely protected from dust. To provide at least a little ventilation, it is recommended to consider additional holes in the box.
  3. Slim. This is a special kind of shoe. Such furniture is very narrow and high. This is the choice of owners of small apartments. The width of the shoe is approximately 20 cm. It has folding shelves thatopen at an angle of 30-90 degrees. The smaller this angle, the more inconvenience when getting shoes. Unfortunately, it does not provide storage for various accessories. Therefore, brushes will have to find another place. And the most important minus of the slim shoe rack is its instability. Therefore, when placing such furniture, it is necessary to provide additional fastenings to the wall.
shoe storage ideas
shoe storage ideas

Materials for shoe racks

This piece of furniture is easy to make yourself. You may have a variety of ideas, if you need to streamline the storage of shoes. With your own hands you can create quite unique items. In this case, it is not at all necessary to be a furniture master.

But before considering the process of making shoe racks, we should dwell on the materials.

You can make a storage system from:

  1. Thin chrome metal tubes. Their structures are light and very compact. This is a great option for a small hallway. The shoe has good ventilation. But there is also a drawback. Dirty shoes can only be stored on the bottom shelf.
  2. Natural wood. These shoes look great. Most often they are used for hallways, designed in a classic style. The disadvantage of wooden models is their high susceptibility to moisture. Shoes can be put in this design only in a well-dried condition.
  3. Rattan. Despite its belonging to the "wooden" products, the shoe rack is very practical. It is moisture resistantventilated.
  4. MDF. This is the most common material for making shoes. It has a number of advantages, such as low price, excellent appearance, good quality.
  5. Plastic. Furniture made from this material is lightweight. She is quite mobile. Most often, plastic is used in the country.
DIY shoe storage ideas
DIY shoe storage ideas

So, you are faced with the acute question of how to think about storing shoes in the hallway (options).

You can make a variety of models with your own hands. A few good decisions will help you find the best way.

Shelf of water pipes

There will always be items in the house that can no longer be used for their intended purpose. A beautiful shelf can be created from plastic plumbing pipes. The manufacturing process is simple, and the family budget savings are significant.


  1. Initially make a drawing with all the necessary dimensions.
  2. You will need crossbars and fittings. Therefore, if they are not in the workshop, then you need to purchase them.
  3. Plastic pipes must be cut into cylinders of the same size. The length must match the size of the shoes.
  4. Now the cylinders are attached to each other. You can give any shape to the future shoe rack - a triangle, a hexagon.
  5. On the sides, the structure is fastened with a crossbar.
  6. Don't forget to paint it.
  7. It remains to screw the finished product to the wall.

This is a lightweight design with an openshoe storage.

shoe storage in the hallway
shoe storage in the hallway

Step-ladder shoe rack

Look around - you may have great options for how to arrange shoe storage. Ideas in your head can be a great solution.

For example, if you have an old ladder, it can be a great shoe rack. Even a novice master can create such a design.


  1. Cut a piece out of an unnecessary ladder. Its dimensions must correspond to the size of the future product. Choose the number of steps as you wish.
  2. The ladder needs to be well cleaned and carefully sanded.
  3. The edges of the product should be firmly fixed on the wall.
  4. Hooks are mounted on the rungs. On them, shoes will be stored in a suspended form.
do-it-yourself shoe storage in the hallway
do-it-yourself shoe storage in the hallway

Using a pallet

As you can see, there are a variety of ideas if you need to think about storing shoes in the hallway.

The original option may be a pallet. It must be cleaned, painted, varnished. This design is mounted on the wall vertically. Shoes store well in slits.

But this option is more suitable for a country house.

Great organizer

Even a child can make it on their own. You will need a piece of thick fabric. It has pockets for shoes. Such an organizer can be attached to the wall or to the crossbar.

storageshoe ideas in the hallway
storageshoe ideas in the hallway

But this design has a significant drawback. Keep shoes in it only clean and dry.
