"Pineapple" (hook): pattern scheme and scope
"Pineapple" (hook): pattern scheme and scope

Among the huge variety of existing knitting patterns, perhaps the most popular is the pineapple pattern (crocheted). The scheme can be classic, improved or modified. Superiority, of course, remains with simple ornaments from several rows, but "pineapple" is optimal for making most openwork fabrics. In addition, this pattern is available for both experienced craftswomen and beginner knitters.

Specificity of the pineapple ornament (hook): pattern scheme

In its classic form, this is a wedge-shaped element. It is quite simple and consists of the following main elements:

  • Fan-shaped solid base, all columns of which have a common beginning. It can be either single crochet or single crochet or multiple crochet.
  • Decorative part of a triangle. It can be solid or openwork. In some schemes of an increased level of complexity, the cells of the inner triangle of the "pineapple" are additionally decorated with "pico" of air loops, lush columns, beads or other elements.
  • Frame fragment. The “pineapple” itself is formed due to the presence of a kind of frame. Often sheconsists of "bushes" and serves as a common border for two adjacent "pineapples". The frame is connected to the triangle with chains of air loops.
pineapple hook round yoke
pineapple hook round yoke

These features are common to all canvases where "pineapple" (hook) is used. The pattern scheme in this case can have a different type of expansion, be located horizontally or vertically.

pineapple hook pattern pattern
pineapple hook pattern pattern

Scope of the pattern

This pattern is well suited for knitting even or expanding fabrics. It is used for the manufacture of women's and children's wardrobe items, and is also quite widely used to create interior decorations. These include pillows, bedspreads, rugs, curtains and curtains.

For these reasons, many craftswomen consider the “pineapple” pattern (crocheted) to be optimal. The circuit can even be designed by yourself.

Knitting a flat fabric with a pineapple pattern

The principle of forming a simple canvas without additions and extensions is to maintain the original size of the "pineapples" in all elements of the pattern, as well as maintaining the correct proportion of fragments.

Vertical rows or a checkerboard arrangement do not provide for the appearance of new air loops or single crochets, unlike circular canvases. An example of such a scheme is the one below.

pattern pineapple crochet pattern
pattern pineapple crochet pattern

Here the number of columns and air loops changes in almost every row, but the result is evenstraight canvas with a curly edge.

"Pineapple" (hook): Pattern scheme with a circular expansion

Given the specifics of the formation of "pineapples", this pattern is great for a sharp or gradual expansion of the canvas. New elements are convenient to include in the gaps between the "pineapples".

The photo below shows a pineapple ornament (hook). The pattern diagram of a fairly large napkin is a great illustration of how extension can be applied.

pineapple hook pattern pattern
pineapple hook pattern pattern

It's no secret that many napkin patterns have become prototypes of the most successful solutions used to make clothes. So this pattern can serve as the basis for designing a pattern for a dress, pullover, skirt or blouse.

The most common technique was a coquette based on circular rows. Many knitters use the pineapple (crochet) pattern for this. A round yoke with these elements expands and goes into the details of the front and back.

Pineapples are also indispensable for skirts: thanks to the possibility of flaring the fabric, you can even make a product of the “sun” type or a multi-layered voluminous fabric with rows of ruffles.
