How to make a rose from a ribbon with your own hands?
How to make a rose from a ribbon with your own hands?

Ribbon roses are made by needlework masters for postcards, gift wrapping, used in the manufacture of paintings from satin ribbons. Such beautiful flowers can be attached to an elastic band or a hairpin for a girl, decorate a child's blouse. Wreaths with ribbon roses will look spectacular on the daughter's head.

In the article we will discuss the manufacture of such a flower in different ways. After reading, you will be able to understand how to make a rose from satin ribbon, and step-by-step photos will help you compare the made sample with the original made by the master.

Rose for gift wrapping

This is one of the easiest ways to make a lush flower. Such a rose can be made on a long ribbon and wrapped around a box with a birthday present. In the photo below, take a close look at the step-by-step image of the entire process. It is advisable to take a wide tape so that voids do not form in the flower. Seven turns of tape are wound on the palm. The process begins not from the end of the segment, but with a retreat. You need to take into account the size of the box and leave the necessary length for wrapping it in a circle.

When the required number of turns is dialed, on the back of the handtie a knot. The entire pack is removed from the hand, and the turns are carefully separated one by one from the common pile. They are located first in one direction, then in the other. The last turn for the rosette from the ribbon is left in the center and the middle is crushed with two fingers. The ends of the product wrap a box with a gift and tie a knot.

ribbon rosette
ribbon rosette

Making a rose for a bow

A lush rose from a ribbon with your own hands will turn out with a thread and a thin needle. From a whole roll of pink, white, red or yellow ribbon, a segment of 20-25 cm is cut with scissors. The wider the material, the greater the length of the segment you need to take. The thread is matched to the color of the satin so that it is not visible in the finished product. First, one end is sewn along the very edge, then the entire edge of the segment itself is processed with stitches, at the end the thread goes to the other side. The workpiece is ready, but the thread does not break and the knot does not need to be tied. From the edge where the work began, a knot is made from the fabric itself. This will be the base of the flower.

The next step in making a rose from a satin ribbon is to tighten the fabric. To do this, the fabric with your fingers moves along the thread towards the base. The remaining thread is sewn to the base knot. Ribbon rose petals are carefully smoothed out with your fingers.

rose making method
rose making method

Twisting method

To create such a flower, you need to buy a wide ribbon and fold it in half. You can tuck one edge not completely, but by one third. Keep the tape in work with the fold up. From the rightsides, the end of the tape is folded down at a right angle. The size of the folded part must be at least 4 cm. From the bottom, the edge is folded over again and the inside of the rose is fixed with stitches. The needle and thread remain at the bottom, and the fabric of the ribbon is wound around the middle of the flower. To prevent the layers of the satin from slipping off the base, you need to sew the fabric through all layers with a needle and thread.

Winding the satin ribbon around the workpiece continues. When the required size of the bud is reached, the edge is cut so that the end is the same size as the one left at the beginning, approximately 4-4.5 cm. The edge is tucked diagonally, first back, then down. The segment should peek out from under the bend by 1.5 cm. The edge of the self-made rose from satin ribbons is tucked up, and the base of the flower is fixed with a thread. To do this, you need to wrap the base from below with matter 3-4 times. At the end, a knot is tied and the thread is cut with scissors. It turns out not a lush rose, but a dense bud.

satin rosette
satin rosette

Pleated rose

The first step in making a flower using this method is to fold the ribbon in the middle of the segment at a right angle. Then you need to wrap the lower part up, it turns out the fold of the tape at a right angle.

tape folding
tape folding

The same movement is repeated many times until you feel a significant pack of folded corners under your fingers. Then both edges of the tape are tightly clamped with fingers and all folds are released. Holding the edges of the craft, you need to gently pull one end towards you. All the folds of a roseshould move towards the base of the flower.

Then, a self-made satin ribbon rose is sewn as follows: a needle with a thread matched to the tone of the satin is threaded through the base to the central petal, a tiny, barely noticeable stitch is made and the thread is brought back down to the base of the craft.

The thread is not cut off immediately, but wrapped three times around the ends of the base. A thick bundle of ribbon is pierced with a needle and a strong knot is tied. The rosette is sewn onto the fabric with the same thread, only the stitches are made through the lower parts of the petals.

how to make a rose
how to make a rose

Twisting the Ribbon Flip

How to make a ribbon rose? It's not hard. It is enough to read the step-by-step explanation given in this article. This version of the rose is made from a single ribbon by twisting. Unlike the previously described method, the fabric is not folded in half, but a small section of fabric is folded on one side of the tape. Work begins with the base of the craft.

The edge of the ribbon is folded diagonally and held in the hand, the rest of the satin is rolled up around this crease. Then the tape is turned over again to form a diagonal, and the winding continues until the end of the fold. Twisting and further actions are repeated to the required size of the flower. Then the bottom of the base is pierced with a needle and thread, and the needle is led up to the central part of the craft. A small stitch is made and the thread comes back down. All the lower edges of the petals are firmly fastened so that the product does not fall apart. A knot is tied andthe excess edge is trimmed with scissors. The rosette is ready.

how to make a rose
how to make a rose

Folding a flower from individual petals

To make such a beautiful and lush rose, as in the photo below, you must first work on the middle of the flower. A satin ribbon 6-8 cm long is cut off, and one edge is folded at a right angle to the bottom side of the ribbon. A pin with a bead at the end fixes the edge in one position. The rest of the ribbon is wrapped around this corner and sewn on with a thread that matches the color of the fabric.

satin ribbon rose
satin ribbon rose

When the middle of the rose is prepared, it is set aside and the individual petals are made. To work, you will need scissors and a set of thin pins with beads at the end. The fabric of the tape is cut into segments of the same length. In this case, the length of each element depends on the size of the craft. If the flower is large and lush, then more petals need to be prepared. Yes, and the segments are cut longer. Each petal is made as follows: the fabric is bent at an angle of 90 degrees to the bottom side from one end and the other, the edges of the segment are fastened with the help of prepared pins.

Flower assembly

Making a rose from a ribbon with your own hands can be seen step by step in the photo in the article. All parts are assembled together by sewing each petal to the previously assembled base. The petals are placed with the front shiny side of the fabric up, and the folds of the fabric remain from the bottom of the flower. Sew them in a checkerboard pattern, with a shift to the side, so thateach element was clearly visible and did not overlap the next.

When all the petals are attached, you need to take a green ribbon and make leaves in the same way. They are attached to the bottom of the craft. Beautifully look flowers collected from different ribbons. For example, the first layer of elements can be white, the next layer pink, and the last layer dark pink or red. In addition to the green leaves, you can sew several even pieces of the thinnest ribbon, for example, dark green.

3D flower on a cone

Such a spectacular rose can be placed both on a gift box and on any product - a wreath, hairpin, hair band, picture or postcard. As the title of the sub title suggests, you will need a conical base to work. In fact, the basis of the craft is a circle cut out of thick cotton fabric with a diameter of 1.5 cm. However, in the process of stitching the parts, it gradually bends with the middle upwards, a cone figure is obtained.

They use a needle and thread in their work, it is advisable to choose it in accordance with the main color of the craft. Further, the cut end of the tape is sewn onto the circle with small stitches around the entire perimeter. You should get a square of stitches. Then the tape is folded diagonally and again sheathed with petals around the entire perimeter. The seams go through the circle and all layers of the tape. Each subsequent bend is larger. Therefore, the petals increase as they move away from the center of the flower.

rose twist
rose twist


As you can see, collect satina rosette is not difficult, and with a step-by-step explanation and photographs, the work is even easier to do. The main thing is to follow the instructions and fold the petals carefully. Good luck with your work!
