How to make an antenna out of beer cans
How to make an antenna out of beer cans

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Imagine the situation: sitting with friends, watching football. But suddenly - trouble! The house antenna broke (has gone haywire). The match is in full swing! What to do? The way out is simple - you need to use your hands and a little ingenuity! A homemade TV antenna made from beer cans will help!

beer can antenna
beer can antenna

Find the following in the house:

- Two empty 0.75 liter beer cans.

- A non-metallic pin-shaped object about thirty to forty centimeters long (you can use a rolling pin, because it's an emergency).

- Several meters of coaxial cable (depending on the distance from the window to the TV) with a resistance of seventy-five ohms. Coaxial is a cable in which one core runs inside another. It is desirable that at one end there is a plug for connecting to a TV (since this is where the antenna from beer cans is connected).

- Electrical tape.

- Soldering iron (optional).

radio antenna
radio antenna

Start making

Wash the jars. Now attach your cable core to each of them. It is preferable to do this with a soldering iron, otherwise your beer can antenna will interfere. But if there is no soldering iron nearby, then you can simply clamp the wires incuts on the lids of jars. Now place the containers at a distance of seventy-five millimeters between the edges. Tape to your frame. It is also better to wind the wire to the frame so that it does not come off at the most inopportune moment. If there is no plug on the other end of the cable, attach one. Connect to TV. Voila! Homemade beer can antenna ready and working!

Device operation

Banks will catch the satellite (!) signal in a good frequency range. Within the city, the number of received channels will be quite large. The main thing is to successfully position the antenna, and this is the result of many hours of walking around the apartment with the antenna and climbing all the cabinets. For ease of attachment, you can place the containers on a wooden hanger. By the way, the device will not work as an antenna for the radio.

television antenna
television antenna

A bit of history

This design was discovered by Donetsk radio engineers. One day they noticed that Russian channels were being transmitted over the Kyiv-Rostov relay line. And earlier, only test noise signals were transmitted through it. And the antenna for catching these signals was probably made from what was in abundance in the laboratory - from empty beer cans. And so this simplest device appeared.

Why it works

The question of the reasons for the operation of such a simple design will be asked by many. Is radio engineering really that simple? Then why does the TV use a bunch of small and incomprehensible parts, while the beer can antenna works sowell? In fact, everything is not so banal. The bottom line is the successful coincidence of the cans and cable found in that fateful laboratory, when the resistance of 75 ohms fell on cans of 0.75 liters. And the ideal distance between the banks was chosen at 0.075 meters. Here the laws of induction and the interaction of material with electromagnetic oscillations come into play.

In general, use it! Now you can safely watch football without fear of accidents!
