Making a terrarium with your own hands
Making a terrarium with your own hands

Did you know that making a terrarium with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance? Now you will be convinced of this, as not only interesting facts from the life of wonderful animals are waiting for you, but also ways to make terrariums for land turtles.

Turtle - exotic or normal life

If an addition is planned in your family - your beloved child forced you to have a pet, and not some thoroughbred Rex or soft and fluffy Barsik, but a turtle, then it's time to open the encyclopedia and find out everything about it.

pond in a terrarium
pond in a terrarium

The most important information for you in this case is:

  • Types of turtles.
  • Features of food.
  • Containment conditions.
  • Pet care.

When choosing an animal, pay attention to its appearance, as the entire maintenance program will depend on this in the future.

In nature, there are about 37 species of these reptiles, but not all of them can be kept in captivity, as a rule, individuals that grow up to 20 cm become pets. and in natural conditions.

Where can I put a land tortoise?

Proper housing for the new neighbor needs to be made in advance so that the poor animal does not have to live in a cardboard box.

terrarium at home
terrarium at home

When you start a land turtle, you must be guided by the following conditions, after reading which, you will be convinced that a terrarium made by yourself will be the best option.

  • The space of the future habitat of the land turtle is calculated based on its size, so the dimensions of the terrarium for an average individual up to 12 cm should be 50 x 40 x 30 cm, where the first indicator is the length, the second is the width and the third is height. And again, we remind you that it is very important to know what type of turtle and what maximum sizes it can reach - this will determine how much you need to make a terrarium for a turtle with your own hands.
  • One of the walls should not be glass - for air circulation.
  • It is necessary to install a lamp for the terrarium, this is necessary not only for good lighting, but also for heating the home, since the temperature in the "room" of the turtle should not fall below +10 °. Zealous with heating is also not worth it - the maximum temperature should be kept at + 25 °.
  • Although the turtle is called a land turtle, it still cannot do without water, so small ponds in the terrarium should be present.
  • Feeders are placed in the terrarium in the form of shallow trays, away from the lighting zone so that the food does not overheat.
  • The bottom of reptile housing should be covered with soil.
  • In addition to everything in the bins, you need to have an ultraviolet lamp, which young animals and females expecting offspring need.

How to make a terrarium for a land turtle yourself?

For a do-it-yourself terrarium, a terrarium can be made no worse than those put on the production line. First of all, arm yourself with tools, material and imagination.

The material used in the manufacture of the terrarium is very different: wood, glass, plexiglass, plastic, but it must be non-toxic, as when heated, toxic gases harmful to the animal can be released.

The best way to make your own terrarium for tortoises is to use old furniture and aquariums.

Don't throw away your old aquarium

And pass this on to your friends, as this is the best house for Tortilla. And do not be embarrassed that the container leaked and cracked somewhere - you still won’t fill it with liquid, and cracks and punctures can be easily masked.

how to make a terrarium
how to make a terrarium

When using glass containers for animals, one should take into account the fact that when moving inside them, reptiles do not see the boundaries of the glass and beat their shells against its surface. This can lead to injury to the animal and damage to the structure of the house. In order to avoid this, the bottom of the aquarium at the height of the turtle should be decorated.

A bedside table will do

Probably many of the readersthere is an old house in the village, where everything that takes the place of the house is brought. Well, it's time to return something, for example, a bedside table, a wall cabinet from the kitchen, and if suddenly an old mezzanine from an old grandmother's headset is gathering dust in the attic, then one can't even dream of a better terrarium for turtles.

By detaching the doors and putting sliding glass in their place, fixing a woven or metal mesh, we get an almost finished design. The matter will remain small - to cut through the ventilation shafts on the sides and carry out lighting in the closet. If during manufacture the front front side was sewn up with a net, then it is necessary to make an additional hole for access inside (you need to somehow feed the little animal).

Turtle Park

This is the name of the most original terrariums for land animals. With their own hands, such structures are made in the yard, as they take up a lot of space, so they can mainly be seen in private houses, not apartments.

turtle house
turtle house

For their manufacture, you will also need natural materials: wood, environmentally friendly plastic, metal parts. The frame of the box (you can create another shape, depending on the imagination of the creator) is assembled using corners, nails and screws. Fasteners should not be accessible to the animal, as this is a 100% guarantee of injury.

Highlight: home improvement

It is not enough to make a terrarium with your own hands, you need to make it habitable. Like humans, a turtle cannot live without water, food, and a pleasant environment. So let's talk about what the fastest pets need in the first place.

terrarium decor
terrarium decor

First of all, the floor of the terrarium must be covered with soil so that the turtle can feel more free and not slide on the smooth surface of glass or polished wood. At the same time, the earth should not be very wet and dry at the same time, it is best to dilute it with gravel or sawdust.

For decor, you can use a variety of natural materials, driftwood and intricately shaped stones, decorative glass pebbles, sea shells and figurines from a pet store, etc. Tree bark is good as wallpaper for an animal's apartment.

Landscaping with live plants in a terrarium is optional, even rather undesirable, as these plants will eventually be eaten, torn or trampled. The only exception is moss. If for aesthetics you cannot refuse greenery, then it is better to choose artificial plants that have high strength and are made from non-toxic materials.

Be sure, if you make a terrarium for a land tortoise with your own hands, think about the presence of a shelter for the animal (old broken flower pots, hollow logs of trees, stone grottoes).

terrarium for tortoise
terrarium for tortoise

There are several other positive aspects in the production of a terrarium for a land turtle - you will save money by putting your soul into your creation, let the newcomer know that he is welcome in your family. And lastly, yourBy example, you will teach children to be responsible for those whom you have tamed.
