Learning to make a tank with your own hands
Learning to make a tank with your own hands

Toddlers love toys, but they get bored quickly. To interest and captivate them, you can try to make something yourself. A good option in this case would be a do-it-yourself tank. Anyone can make it with just a little effort and patience.

DIY tank models
DIY tank models

What materials can I use to make a tank?

Anything will do as materials for constructing a tank. It can be plasticine, matchboxes, wood, cardboard or plain office paper. Everyone can choose what will be interesting and convenient for him. Sometimes the idea of making a tank with your own hands comes unexpectedly, and then a variety of materials that are at hand are used.

First option - paper tank

It is not necessary to make a big and strong tank. You can collect a few small items and arrange a battlefield. In order to make one such tank with your own hands, you only need a landscape sheet, a 9x9 cm square of paper and adhesive tape to hold the parts together. First you need to fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise. It needs to be turned vertically in its direction and bend the left long corner to the side that is longer.

DIY tank
DIY tank

After that, the sheet needs to be expanded and repeat the same for the other 3 corners. You should get an X from the bottom and top. After that, you need to take the left and right sides of X and fold them into a triangle. You need to do the same from the other end. The small triangles that turned out at the top and bottom need to be turned to the left. Then you should bend the figure that formed on the right to the center and bend it back. On the opposite side, you need to do the same. The result will be tank tracks. Two small triangles need to be bent to the top of the large one. The workpiece should be turned over and the upper edge pulled back. The triangles from the bottom must be folded together and the workpieces bent back from them. All curves should be ironed. The resulting triangles at the bottom need to be filled under those that remained at the top. A tank turret is formed. The folds on the sides need to be straightened. These will be the caterpillars. The square must be twisted into a tube and sealed with tape. It turns out the barrel, which is inserted into the lower part. Such models of tanks, made by hand, are perfect for the game. For those who are fond of origami, it will not be difficult to assemble such a craft at all.

Second option - a tank from improvised means

You can make a toy tank from any available means. In this case

do-it-yourself tank craft
do-it-yourself tank craft

toilet paper tubes are used in the amount of 4 pieces, 2-3 matchboxes, paper formatA4, juice straw, glue and scissors. First of all, you need to glue together 3 tubes. Matchboxes should be glued on top of them. The result is a pyramid shape. From above it is necessary to glue a small tower of trimming from a tube of toilet paper. In this form, it turns out not a very beautiful craft. Do-it-yourself tank should be completely coated with PVA and pasted over with plain paper. From the tube of juice you need to make a barrel. To do this, it should be wrapped in paper and glued to the tank. The finished product can be painted. With the help of paints, the product will look like a real tank.

Third option - corrugated cardboard tank

A corrugated cardboard tank will be more beautiful if you use color right away

do-it-yourself cardboard tank
do-it-yourself cardboard tank

blanks. It is enough to take two contrasting shades. First you need to make long strips 1 cm wide. They can be blue and green. From the first, it is necessary to twist two small and two large wheels for one caterpillar and the same for the second. Next, you need to take cardboard of a different color, cut a wide strip out of it and make a caterpillar with wheels inside. After that, you can prepare the platform. You need to make a rectangle with folds on both sides. Caterpillars are glued to it. To make the tank glued with your own hands more beautiful, you can glue two blue stripes on top. In the middle, a tower is made of twisted cardboard and a cannon. Such a tank will be very durable.

The fourth option is a tank made of ordinary cardboard

Making a tank out of cardboard with your own hands is not at all difficult. At firstyou need to cut two long strips 2 cm wide. They should be glued into a ring. As the basis of the craft, you will need a dense sheet of rectangular cardboard. It is necessary to glue two rings in parallel on it. These will be the caterpillars. The platform must also be glued to the base. It should be located in the middle and fit in size. On top of it, you need to glue a small tower from the same cardboard. You need to make a gun. To do this, a piece of cardboard must be rolled into a tube. On the one hand, it should be cut, bent on all sides and glued to the tank turret. It remains only to color the resulting craft. Such a tank will be installed on a platform, it can be put on a shelf or given to someone.
