Make a DIY album for photos - keep the memory for years to come
Make a DIY album for photos - keep the memory for years to come

Now, in the age of modern technology, the fashion for "grandmother's" photo albums is a thing of the past. But how nice it is, leafing through an album made with your own hands in childhood with your children, to remember the pleasant moments of life and again feel all the precious moments. With the advent of digital photography, there is no longer a need for printouts. After all, why keep a lot of photos in a drawer? But if you want to preserve the history of your family, children, you should choose the best ones from all the pictures and make an album with your own hands, commenting on significant events with inscriptions.

DIY album
DIY album

Original cover art

Starting this creative work, pay attention to the design of the cover. "Relive" boring oilcloth or fabric, using various decorative elements. A modern type of needlework - scrapbooking - will help with this. For decoration, stickers, rhinestones, buttons, ribbons, trimmings of beautiful fabric andvarious interesting trinkets. Such an album, made with your own hands, will not only be a "repository" of photographs, but also an expression of your unique creative "I".

Scrap albums are unique works of art, because in addition to pictures, poems, memorabilia, notes about events are usually used in their design.

Select photo album

There are three types of photo albums:

- with plastic windows for pictures;

- with cardboard sheets on which photos of different sizes can be pasted;

- with magnetized sheets.

The first type is the most convenient and practical, but excludes the possibility of making a commemorative album by making inscriptions under the pictures. If you prefer the second view, this will allow you to use your imagination more fully by sticking pictures of different sizes in different positions and commenting on events. Magnetic sheets will also help you get creative when creating an album. With your own hands, you can decorate the original thing without using glue and corners. But over time, the magnetic sheet is scratched, while the photos come off. Therefore, if you want to make a beautiful and really valuable thing for a long time, you should take an ordinary album with cardboard sheets as a basis for work.

DIY wedding album
DIY wedding album

Memorial albums

Of course, the main family photo albums will tell about several years of life, showing the most interesting pictures in chronological order. But in the life of every person there are significant events that usuallycapture by taking photographs. Dedicate a separate album to each of them: "Wedding", "Our Baby" (from birth to 1-2-3 years old), "School Years", "Student Life", etc.

The wedding album will be especially unique and important. Making it with your own hands, you can put the warmth of feelings and the sharpness of emotions into the creation of the first joint memorabilia. Think about the location and order of the shots in advance: it will be interesting to recreate the love story from the beginning of the acquaintance to the wedding celebration and wedding.

do-it-yourself children's album
do-it-yourself children's album

Don't procrastinate. The sharper the emotions from the experience, the more interesting the photo album will turn out to help convey your feelings.

The second most important event in the life of every person is the birth of a child. Your baby, when he grows up, will be very grateful to you for unique photos. Make a DIY baby scrapbook, starting with what's trendy right now, with pictures taken before the baby was born.

Create, create amazing albums, keeping the memory for years to come!
