Works from s alt dough. Recipe for making s alt dough for modeling
Works from s alt dough. Recipe for making s alt dough for modeling

A lot of different materials are used to make handicrafts. One of the most inexpensive and convenient is s alt dough. It's easy to make your own. It is a flexible and easy-to-work material. You can do crafts with children, starting from a very young age. Kids like to roll out the dough with a rocking chair, squeeze out different figures with molds. This exciting activity is inherent not only to children. Many artists and craftsmen make their wonderful work from s alt dough.

The article presents different options for making crafts from this material. Step-by-step instructions and photos of finished works are given, there are useful recommendations and tips.

How to make dough?

There are several recipes. Let's introduce you to some of them. Practice and experience will help you choose the most successful one.

First recipe. You need to take two glasses of sifted premium wheat flour, 1 glass of s alt (only fine "Extra" is suitable), 50 ml of PVA glue and water (about half a glass). In dry form, s alt is mixed with flour, thenSlightly warm water is gradually poured in small parts, and everything is well kneaded. Glue is added at the end. If before that the mixture could be prepared with a mixer or dough mixer, then you will have to work with the glue with your fingers. It is necessary to knead until a homogeneous plastic mass. The finished material is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.

s alt dough work
s alt dough work

Second recipe. The following recipe for making s alt dough for modeling includes the following ingredients: wheat flour - 200 grams, any s alt - 400 grams, cold water - 250-300 ml. S alt is poured into cold water and mixed until completely dissolved. It is advisable to strain the liquid at the end so that the grains do not get into the batch. Then the flour is sifted through a fine sieve and introduced into a bowl in small portions.

When everything is well mixed, the container is covered with a cotton napkin and sent to the cold for a couple of hours. The result is a strong material suitable for any s alt dough work.

Mass of starch

There are recipes for making homemade dough using starch. Ingredients required: potato starch - 1 tablespoon, a glass of cold water, a glass of wheat flour and the same amount of s alt.

Pour a tablespoon of starch into cold water and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. This mixture is poured into an enameled bowl. Then pour half a glass of boiling water, also stirring constantly. You should get a thick substance.

Separately, in a bowl, mix flour and dry s alt. Then, with a spoon, gradually add the cooledjelly. To perform work from s alt dough, you do not need to make it too soft, it is better if it is tight.

Plastic butter dough

Required ingredients:

  1. One third of a glass of s alt.
  2. Two teaspoons of baking soda.
  3. Glass of cold water.
  4. A glass of wheat flour.
  5. Spoon of vegetable oil.

Pour all dry ingredients into a bowl and mix. Separately, add water and oil to the container. The resulting liquid is poured into bulk products and put on low heat, while constantly stirring with smooth movements. You need to check the consistency of the dough. It's ready when the mixture starts to stick to the spoon. The fire must be turned off, and the dough should be transferred to an empty plate. When it reaches room temperature, knead it well with your hands.


If you do not know how to store s alt dough, then this advice will not be superfluous. So that the modeling material does not dry out, it must be placed in a plastic bag. A plastic food container is also suitable. It should be tightly covered so that it does not let in air.

If you did not have time to put the mass in the bag and it dried up, then do not worry, it's not scary. You need to add a little water, let the dough stand and soak in the liquid, and then knead everything well again.


From s alt dough you can make different toys. To play the store, you can mold vegetables and fruits, fish and sausages, bakery products (loaves, bagels, buns, bagels) and much more. In addition to playing shop, every child will need onea set of products for playing "daughters-mothers".

s alt dough toys
s alt dough toys

In the children's kitchen, you can arrange them on plates, invite dolls to visit, set a festive table. The child's fantasy is well developed, so that such things can be used quickly. To make the details bright and colorful, they can be painted with gouache. So that later in the game the child’s hands do not get dirty, the products are opened with varnish.

Cute hedgehogs

Such s alt dough toys are made by rolling out the shape of a ball first, then you need to press it a little on the sides to make an egg. The muzzle of the beast is made sharp by stretching. A tiny ball is attached to the tip of the nose. The eyes are first pressed in with a stick. Then the same balls are inserted into the holes.

s alt dough houses
s alt dough houses

To make such beautiful identical spines, you need to use nail scissors. They need to cut pieces of dough, moving with scissors in a circle. You can attach an apple or a pear to the needles, and a fungus will do. Then the product is put to dry and painted. You can add food coloring during kneading directly into the dough and mix thoroughly. Then the entire material will be evenly dyed.


Fruits can be made from s alt dough. It can be whole volumetric figures, as well as cut into thin slices. Children, performing such crafts, learn the internal structure of fruits. If a solid mass is required as the main color, then food coloring of the desired color can be added at the cooking stage.masses for modeling.

s alt dough dolls
s alt dough dolls

The rest of the elements are finished manually with a brush. But this is done after drying. At the end, the work is covered with acrylic varnish.

Christmas decorations

It is interesting to make children's crafts from s alt dough to decorate the Christmas tree. The children are very fond of the New Year, they are waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. One of the main entertainments of the holiday is to hang toys on branches on your own. If you invite a child to dream up and make crafts from dough, he will be very happy and will get down to business with inspiration.

DIY s alt dough step by step instructions
DIY s alt dough step by step instructions

The first thing that comes to mind as a New Year's decoration is a festively decorated Christmas tree. If there are molds for the test, then you can use them. If you haven't bought them yet, don't worry. You can cut any figure with a knife.

At the finished Christmas tree, you need to push dents with your finger, which are then painted with different colors. These are balls. In addition to such a toy, you can make original balls. Just cut out a circle. And then the pattern is squeezed out with different objects. This can be done with a ribbed cap of a felt-tip pen, the bottom of a crystal glass, or you can press a three-dimensional pattern from any piece of furniture.

Then they are baked in the oven and painted or tinted. Do not forget to make a hole in the finished toy for the rope, for which the child will then hang it on a branch.


Such small multi-colored s alt dough houses are made from a single piece. The roof is pulled outcube by squeezing fingers on both sides. Buildings can be not only different colors, but also different shapes. Multi-story and one-story huts made of individual logs or a castle with turrets. For children's games, you can make a lot of the most interesting buildings. For example, a store or a pharmacy, a cinema or a club.

s alt dough fruit
s alt dough fruit

To make colored bases, you need to add food coloring at the kneading stage. Then it remains to paint the roof, windows, doors and draw small details.

Glowing house

In the form of s alt dough houses, you can decorate a lamp or a night light. To do this, you will need to roll out a sheet with a rocking chair in an even layer. Then cut out the walls of the future structure of the same size. Holes-windows are cut in several walls through which light will pour.

s alt dough recipe
s alt dough recipe

Then you need to fasten the finished parts together by squeezing the edges with your fingers. The bottom can not be done. So it will be more convenient to put the finished product on top of the candle. The house is not baked for long, since its walls are not thick, and the product is hollow inside. You can paint it, or you can leave it in a natural beige color.

People figurines

Girls love to make dolls out of s alt dough. Such a figurine, made by a baby, can be dressed in fabric clothes, sew a hat for her or knit a scarf. Kids love dynamic toys that they can do things with. But such a figure will not move, so clothing will correct this shortcoming. You can make her hairfrom threads, gluing them on the head with superglue.

s alt dough crafts for kids
s alt dough crafts for kids

Such a s alt dough doll, as in this photo, an older child or an adult can make. This angel can be hung on a Christmas tree. They mold it piece by piece. The head is made of a round ball. The mouth is pierced with a sharp stick. The stripes on the wings and cloak are drawn with a knife. It is very easy to bring your plans to life with the help of such a plastic material as dough. The main thing is to have an interesting idea. This is real art, you need to be an artist to create human figures.


You can try this s alt dough work with a 5-6 year old child. You need to carefully follow the step-by-step instructions and consider the photo of the sequence for making an owl figurine:

  1. First, a large ball of dough is molded.
  2. The rocking chair needs to roll it into a circle with a diameter of 10-12 cm.
  3. With a cap from a pen or marker, you need to make feathers by pressing. They cover the bottom of the circle. They will not be visible from above, so there is no point in doing it.
  4. The next step is to fold the circle in the middle. To do this, visually the part is divided into three equal parts. We carry out bends on the left and on the right.
  5. Then the upper edge of the circle is lowered by one third and the ears are pulled out.
  6. Two eyes are squeezed out with a cap and a beak is drawn with a knife.
  7. The finished owl figurine is put on a slow fire in the oven for half an hour. It is not very voluminous, so it does not take long to dry.
how to stores alty dough
how to stores alty dough

When the figurine cools down, you can start painting. If you want to make not an interior item or a simple craft, but use such a beautiful figurine, for example, as a keychain, then you will need to make a hole for the ring in the middle of the forehead before drying.

Having a step-by-step instruction in front of your eyes, it is quite easy to make any figure from s alt dough with your own hands. There are easy options for children's crafts, and there are complex multi-layered paintings that, after coloring, can be safely framed and hung on the wall.

It is very interesting to make crafts from such a light and plastic material. If you have not tried it yet, then after reading the article, you have all the necessary knowledge to be creative. After all, this does not require a lot of money or any special skills. The main thing is to want. And the rest will definitely work!