Stitch "needle forward" in embroidery. Embroidery "forward with a needle" with diagrams and photos
Stitch "needle forward" in embroidery. Embroidery "forward with a needle" with diagrams and photos

Embroidery is the oldest type of needlework. The art of sewing with decorative stitches on woven fabric is popular all over the world. There are many different techniques and types of seams.

Easy hand stitch for needlework

The main tools and materials for embroidery and sewing will be needles and threads. Craftsmen use all kinds of work methods. Simple and versatile are the seams, during which the movement of the needle is directed forward. They can be used for handicrafts when sewing clothes or soft toys, decorating finished products, or as ancillary techniques.

How to sew a "forward needle" stitch?

It is easy to master the technique of making ordinary stitches. At the beginning of work, the thread is fixed on the right side of the fabric. The seam is sewn from right to left. During operation, the needle always moves forward. Make successive stitches along the contour line. They should be the same size and spaced at regular intervals.

Stitch length and spacing may vary. Let's say the stitch length is5 mm. In this case, the gap between the stitches can be 2 mm or 5 mm. Moreover, the front and back sides have the same appearance. Like a dotted line looks like a seam "forward needle".

Seam forward with a needle
Seam forward with a needle

The diagram shows the sequence of its implementation. Such a seam is called a running seam. It is used when sewing to connect individual parts after cutting. It also serves as the basis for other embroidery and sewing techniques.

Connecting seam

Strong stitching of fabric can be achieved by sewing stitches in two steps. The seam "forward with a needle" is performed in the following sequence:

a) sew the first row with small stitches;

b) rotate the main fabric one hundred and eighty degrees;

c) sew stitches in the gaps made in the first row.

Seam forward needle
Seam forward needle

The resulting connecting seam provides a secure fastening of individual parts. It looks the same from the front and back sides. It is used for sewing soft toys and clothes.

Stroke or contour stitch

When embroidering various schemes, it is often necessary to highlight the contours of the pattern. At the beginning of work, the selected sketch is stitched with simple stitches. After passing the entire contour, the needle is placed at the starting point.

Seam forward with a needle
Seam forward with a needle

In the opposite direction, fill in the remaining gaps with stitches. As a result, the outline of the pattern to be embroidered is completely outlined.

One-line stitches with interlaces

A line of simplestitches are easy to transform. By simple movements of the needle with the thread, a decorative seam is obtained. At the beginning of needlework, a simple version of the stitches is performed. Next, change the thread in the needle. The new thread can be the same as for plain stitches. If necessary, it can be of any other color, and may also differ in thickness. Due to this combination, the embroidery will turn out to be slightly convex. To perform a "zigzag", a second thread is passed through the embroidered stitches. To do this, from top to bottom, the needle is carried out sequentially in one direction. Passing through the stitches, the needle does not capture the main fabric. The seam "forward needle" with a twist - "zigzag" - is ready. A simple row of stitches turns into a beautiful and decorative one. By changing the direction of the interlacing, different variations of the seams are embroidered.

Seam forward needle pattern
Seam forward needle pattern

Slightly change the movement of the needle with the thread and get a new version. The technique for making this seam is similar to the "zigzag". Embroider one row with a running stitch “forward needle”. The next step is threading a different color thread into the needle. With careful movements, without piercing the main fabric, pass it through a row of stitches. In this case, the movements of the needle alternate. First it goes from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. The thread is laid along a sinusoid in the form of a wave.

The needle-forward embroidery described above can easily be converted to a different kind of stitch. In order for the "wave" to become a "chain", another row is added. It is performed in the same way as in the previous case. But at the same time, the movement of the needle will be opposite, namely, first from the bottom up,and then top to bottom. Get a two-way sinusoid in the form of a "chain".

Seam forward needle with interlacing
Seam forward needle with interlacing

Slightly changing the direction of the transplants, we get a new version called "rings". How to embroider a seam “forward with a needle” with a “ringlet” twist? Getting started is a series of simple stitches. Next, proceed to the embroidery of "rings". The thread is fixed near the last stitch. He is skipped. The needle and thread pass through the penultimate stitch from bottom to top and then through the last stitch from top to bottom. In the same way, all interlaces are performed to the end of the stitch line.

Seam consisting of several lines of stitches

We have considered the transformation of one line of simple stitches into various types of decorative ones. A multi-line needle-forward stitch is parallel or alternating stitches that are staggered. The execution technique is the same as in the one-line version.

Seam forward needle photo
Seam forward needle photo

A parallel seam "forward needle" is laid from left to right in a simple row of stitches. The second line is embroidered parallel to the first. Identical stitches are placed strictly under those located in the top row. If necessary, the following lines of parallels are similarly performed.

Technique for interlacing based on several lines of stitches

Consider the implementation of a double seam "tape". First, two lines of simple stitches are embroidered. A thread of a different color performs simple transplants. The needle should not grab the underlying fabric. The thread is passed through the stitches of the top andbottom line only once. Work starts from the bottom row. The thread is passed from top to bottom through the last stitch. Further - from the bottom up, to the penultimate stitch of the bottom line. The needle is moved to the top row. The thread is passed from bottom to top through the stitch of the top line. Thus, they pass the entire row, receiving a decorative "ribbon".

Needle forward embroidery
Needle forward embroidery

By changing the direction of movement of the needle and thread, you can embroider a double seam “forward with a needle” with a twist of “eight”. Start by sewing a few lines of simple stitches. Having changed the thread, they begin to perform transplants. First, it is passed from top to bottom into the last stitch of the second row and from bottom to top into the next one. Move to the top row, shifting back. In it, the movement of the needle ensures the passage of the thread through the adjacent stitches. First, in the first - movement from the bottom up, in the second we go from top to bottom. Actions are repeated in the same sequence. As a result, the thread is laid between the stitches in the form of "eight".

What is "lowering"?

Stitches made with a needle-forward stitch form a geometric pattern. This type of embroidery is easy to perform. Perform embroidery with simple even stitches, without pulling the thread. It should be long enough.

How to stitch forward with a needle
How to stitch forward with a needle

Geometric patterns are easier to do on fabrics with a clear weave. Embroidery threads should be thick and untwisted. They are selected in accordance with the fabric chosen for work. Mostly they are black, red, blue or white. Embroidery can besingle color or multicolor. The geometric patterns used are ten to fifteen centimeters wide. The pattern is embroidered by moving from one row to another. Cross-stitch patterns can be used as patterns. At the same time, instead of crosses, drawings are performed using a “forward needle” seam.

Embroidery seam forward needle
Embroidery seam forward needle

The photo shows samples of ornaments for this type of needlework. Tablecloths and bed linen decorated with bright ornaments look beautiful. Quite often they can be found on the tracks and pillows. Embroidery (seam "forward needle"), made with this technique, is also great for decorating napkins and towels.

Sewing with beads

This type of embroidery is done in various ways. To fasten the beads, use the “forward needle” seam. Needlework is performed according to a pre-selected pattern. A needle with a strong thread or thin fishing line is located on the front side of the needlework.

Seam forward with a needle
Seam forward with a needle

Pierce the fabric from the bottom up. String the first bead. The next stitch is performed close to the bead. After fixing it on the fabric, the next bead is strung. Again pierce the fabric from the bottom up. Fix the next bead. The operation is repeated. In this way, all the beads that make up a certain pattern are fixed.

Several methods of embroidery with ribbons

Skillful needlewomen use all kinds of materials in their work. For this needlework, various types of seams and techniques are used. When using ribbons, a beautiful three-dimensional embroidery is obtained. The seam"Forward with a needle" is performed with interlacing. However, the second thread is replaced with a ribbon.

At the beginning of the work, a simple row of stitches is performed. They should be wider than the ribbon used in this embroidery. To the right of the first stitch, fasten the tape. The stitches are wrapped around it in the same way as the interlacing was done with a regular thread. The embroidery is ready. At the end of the row, the tape is fixed.

In addition to the described technique, you can embroider with a ribbon. She is tucked into a needle. On the front of the work, the first stitch is performed. Next, we move on to the wrong side. We carry out the second stitch. We repeat the operation. We align the tape and make sure that it does not twist. The “needle forward” seam, made with ribbon, is used in embroidery for processing the contours of the pattern, as well as for decorating various products.
