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Flowers from plasticine. How to make flowers from plasticine?
Flowers from plasticine. How to make flowers from plasticine?

Plasticine is a wonderful material that allows children to create their own unique world. You can mold plasticine flowers with your own hands, little animals, various buildings and much more. The figurines will delight the eye for a long time, and when they get bored, they can be easily converted into something new. Most children are enthusiastic about this kind of creativity, especially if their parents support them and help them in every possible way.

Plasticine flowers
Plasticine flowers

Why you need to sculpt

Some adults don't like plasticine because it sticks to carpets and stains furniture. There are parents who are afraid that plasticine is dangerous to he alth, so they never give it to their children. And in vain. There is no harm in this plastic material, but the benefits are great. When a child creates flowers from plasticine with his own hands, he learns to see and feel the world, develops imagination, realizes his idea of the surrounding reality. He more easily remembers the shape and color, begins to understand the sequence of actions, learns to create whole compositions from separate parts, in general, he develops mentally and aesthetically. In addition, when the baby creates with his handsany plasticine crafts, flowers or anything else, he massages certain points on the palms and fingers and thereby activates the brain.

How to make flowers from plasticine
How to make flowers from plasticine

What is plasticine

Earlier, only one type of plasticine was produced for children. Now there are about a dozen of them. You can still find ordinary plasticine on store shelves, which you need to knead with your hands to make it softer. Now there are varieties with fluorescent additives and mother-of-pearl. Agree, mother-of-pearl plasticine flowers, especially roses, will look great. In addition to the usual, soft plasticine is produced, which does not have to be kneaded before sculpting, and one that hardens in air. Also now there are two completely new types of this amazing material. One of them does not sink in water, and the other is made of environmentally friendly components, so it will not harm the child, even if he takes it into his mouth. What material to choose is up to you. Plasticine flowers of any kind made by your child will never wither and will delight for a long time with their simple beauty.

Plasticine bouquet

DIY plasticine flowers
DIY plasticine flowers

To make plasticine lessons bring only joy, you need to follow a few simple rules. The first is to work on the board intended for this. The second is to use a special plastic knife for sculpting. The third is to be able to create new color combinations from the existing plasticine. To do this, take a little plasticinemasses of two or more colors, sculpt one lump, roll out, sculpt again. And so on until a uniformly colored mass is obtained. Red and white make pink, blue and white make blue. Red and green will make brown, and the combination of blue and yellow will make bright green.

Let's see how to make calla flowers from plasticine. To do this, you need white, green, yellow plasticine and a thin stick. Working technique:

Crafts from plasticine, flowers
Crafts from plasticine, flowers
  1. Roll out a round cake from a piece of white plasticine.
  2. From yellow plasticine make a small sausage tapering at the end.
  3. Green plasticine divided into several pieces. Coat the stick with one. From the second, make an oval cake and use a knife to form a leaf. Roll out the third piece into a small round cake.
  4. Wrap a white cake around the stick, making it look like a bag.
  5. Insert a yellow sausage in the middle.
  6. From the side of the stick, wrap the flower with a small green cake. You will get a receptacle.
  7. Stick a leaf on the stick.

How to make flowers with purple petals from plasticine

To do this, you need purple, yellow, green plasticine and a thin stick. Working technique:

  1. Purple plasticine is divided into five small identical pieces. Each is rolled into a cake and formed into petals.
  2. The yellow plasticine is divided into several tiny pieces and rolled into balls.
  3. Green plasticine is divided into three pieces. One is coated with a stick. From othersmake two leaves.
  4. Petals are attached to the stick. Yellow balls are placed in the middle. Leaves attached.
How to mold flowers from plasticine
How to mold flowers from plasticine

If you combine this flower with white calla, you get a wonderful bouquet.

Plasticine rose

How to mold plasticine flowers so that they look like real ones? To do this, you need to try to convey in the material the features of the petals and buds. Calla we have already turned out. Now let's try to make a rose. She has many petals, small in the middle and larger on the edge. Choose the color of the future flower. It is better to take red, because a bright plasticine rose looks more beautiful. You will also need green plasticine and a thin stick. Working order:

  1. Divide the red plasticine into several pieces of different sizes and roll them into cakes.
  2. Green plasticine divided into two pieces. Coat the stick with one. Make a leaf out of the second one.
  3. Wrap one end of the stick with a small red petal. Add a second to it, then a third, a fourth, and so on. You need to take them from smallest to largest.
  4. When the rose is formed, stick a leaf to the stick. If desired, spikes can be made on the plasticine leg. To do this, pinch plasticine on a stick with two fingers.

For flowers, you can make a flower bed. Her role is played by a green or brown cake, into which pedicels are stuck.

Flowers from plasticine
Flowers from plasticine


Plasticine flowers look beautiful in a vase that can bemake from a cap from mom's hairspray or any bottle. It must be covered with acrylic paint or coated with plasticine of the selected color. Then thin sausages are rolled up from pieces of red, blue, green and any other plasticine and attached to the bottle, forming flower petals, leaves, twigs.

The same principle creates plasticine paintings. For the base, it is better to take an unnecessary disk, a piece of glass or other material on which the plasticine cannot leave stains. Regardless of the composition of the picture, the work is done in the same way as with a vase. Even a child of three or four years old can do such a craft. And no matter how beautiful the flower meadow will turn out, the main thing is the pleasure that the child will receive from the work done.
