Learning to make modular origami swans
Learning to make modular origami swans
modular origami
modular origami

"Origami" means "folded paper" in Japanese. This art was very popular with the samurai. These brave people made such paper souvenirs and gave them to each other, thus expressing their respect. Some of the figurines were believed to bring good luck to their owner. After some time, parchment crafts began to be made in China. Here, in general, the ability to create figures by folding paper was the rule of good form.

Main essence

In our time in China, origami has become a recognized international art. It has many types, one of which is the so-called modular origami. The main feature of modular origami is that the figure is created by adding together a large number of identical particles, the so-called "modules". Each module is made from a separate sheet. A figurine is created by nesting a module within a module. The more such details are used to create a certain image, the more voluminous and believable the creation becomes. Let's take a look at the modular swans origami. Forcreating a bird according to the proposed scheme, you do not need special skills.

modular origami swans
modular origami swans

Steps of work

To make a modular origami "Swan", the scheme of work will be as follows:

  1. Take about 500 paper rectangles measuring 40x60 mm and one red module for the beak.
  2. modular origami swan assembly diagram
    modular origami swan assembly diagram
  3. From these (white or colored) rectangles you need to make triangular origami modules.
  4. modular origami swan assembly diagram
    modular origami swan assembly diagram
  5. We place the first three modules horizontally, inserting the corners of modules 1 and 2 into two pockets of the 3rd module.
  6. modular origami swan assembly diagram
    modular origami swan assembly diagram
    modular origami swan assembly diagram
    modular origami swan assembly diagram
  7. The first ring of the craft will consist of five modules, folded in two rows along the outer and inner circles. There will be thirty modules in each row.
  8. modular origami swan assembly diagram
    modular origami swan assembly diagram

Keep creating

So, modular origami "Swan". The assembly scheme will be as follows. The modules are laid out in a checkerboard pattern, and the last module closes the ends of the chain. When folding modular origami swans, you should know that one of the features of classic origami is that glue, tape or adhesive tape is not needed during operation.

When, according to this scheme, you have already lined up five rows of the torso of the figurine of the future swan, you will need to carefully turn the resulting ring to the wrong sideside. The shape will be like a stadium. Continuing to make origami "Swan", we lay out the modules already on top. Be extremely careful, the main thing in this painstaking work is not to get confused and not make a mistake.

modular origami swan scheme
modular origami swan scheme

And a little more…

When you reach the seventh row, you need to start laying out the head and wings of the swan. It is from this row that one should begin to reduce the number of modules by one. Creating a ponytail, we repeat the same procedure.

modular origami swan scheme
modular origami swan scheme

To create a swan neck, insert the corners of one module into the pockets of another.

modular origami swan scheme
modular origami swan scheme

To make the figure more natural, it can be supplemented with eyes and a stand.

A beautiful modular swans origami will only work if you learn how to create triangular modules correctly and get used to putting them in the right places.

modular origami swan scheme
modular origami swan scheme

Origami for complete happiness

Due to the large number of modules, any figure made in modular origami will seem much more realistic. Get started and you will see how quickly this work will enthrall you! Even doctors say that by creating such masterpieces from paper, a person acquires a sense of peace, peace and complete happiness. And this is often so lacking in our hectic lives.

Start making modular origami swans now.
