We make animals from plasticine. Children's crafts from plasticine
We make animals from plasticine. Children's crafts from plasticine

Plasticine modeling is a very useful and exciting activity for both children and adults. The process of creating sculptural images calms the nerves, because there are many nerve endings at the fingertips, and by pressing on the plasticine, a massage is performed that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. So if the kid asks you: “Dad, are we sculpting animals from plasticine?”, then do not refuse him, but take care of the process together.

For a child, the benefits of modeling are also obvious. Kneading the elastic mass, the baby develops the strength of the muscles of the fingers and hands, which he will soon need at school when writing. When a child sculpts an object, he better understands its structure, the shape of the object. Attention, memory, fantasy and imagination develop, orientation in space, the ability to count and distinguish between the size of objects. The list of useful skills can be long.

In the article we will tell you how to make animals from plasticine, what modeling methods you need to know to make the work interesting and similar to the samples given in the photographs in the article. So, we sculpt animals from plasticine.

Pig with piglets

To work on thesefigures you need to roll out two balls in your hands. One should be small for the head, the other should be larger for the torso. On the head with a sharp object, for example, the tip of a pencil, two dents for the eyes are pressed through, a patch is attached. To make it, you need to roll a piece of plasticine into a ball, then flatten it a little. After attaching to the front of the head on the patch, two holes are pressed through.

pig with piglets
pig with piglets

Lepim from plasticine animals further. The tail of the pigs is made from a thin, rolled stick, twisted. The legs of these animals are quite large, so you can make four small but thick sticks. Hooves can be made in a different color or draw dents as in the photo in the article. It remains to create triangular ears and after attaching them to the head of the pig, bend forward a little.

Hedgehog with apple

Making a plasticine hedgehog is a painstaking task, because the animal needs to create a huge number of needles. Work on the character begins with the torso. On this sample, the head merges with the stomach, so for the whole body you will need one piece, rolled into a ball. Then the line separating the head from the body is pressed inward. The dent is barely noticeable. On the head of a plasticine hedgehog, a pointed muzzle is pulled out by indentation.

plasticine hedgehog
plasticine hedgehog

Separately, you need to make handles with fingers and round feet with pink heels. The contours of the mouth are drawn with a stack, and the eyes are pressed through with a rod. The main work is on the manufacture of brown needlescolors.

They are placed alternately on the back of the animal. On top of the head, the needles are larger, it turns out something like a forelock. At the end we sculpt an apple and put it on needles. Plasticine craft for children is ready!

Rainbow hedgehog with a flower

The next hedgehog pattern is not quite usual. Multi-colored needles show the true feelings of the animal, which has clearly fallen in love and gives a flower to its lover. A boy can mold such a figure to a girl, hinting to her about his attitude.

hedgehog in love
hedgehog in love

Modeling methods and techniques are identical with the previous performance, the difference lies in the setting of the hands and the thickness of the needles. The colors change on the spines in layers, in rows. The flower petals have the same shades.

How to mold a dog out of plasticine?

The ways of sculpting a dog depend on the position of the animal's body. If the dog is sitting, his hind legs are molded from two parts. We need a thigh from a circle, stuck on the side of the body, and a foot, represented either by a ball or an oval shape. The body has an elongated shape, which expands downwards. The front paws of a sitting dog may be made of thin sticks that widen at the ends. Claws are cut by pressing stacks.

how to sculpt a dog
how to sculpt a dog

The shape of the dog's head depends on the breed. There are rounded, sharp, rectangular noses. There must be a black ball at the tip.

If we sculpt animals from plasticine (as in the photo above), then the most difficult manufacturing option will be the dog on the right. After all, to create an animal lying on the flooryou will need to mold a lot of thin and long sticks depicting the fur of the beast. The process is long, laborious, but such a children's plasticine craft looks very impressive. A tongue is molded from pink plasticine at the end of the muzzle. The nose and eyes are represented by black balls. The muzzle is extended forward, and the paws lie along the body. It can be seen that the dog is resting and completely relaxed. The ears of all dogs are positioned differently. If the poodle has them simply lowered, then the central dog in the photo fervently raised them. On a dog with long hair, ears are made with more thin sticks.

The tail of the dogs also conveys their mood. The poodle sits quietly so its tail just rests on the floor. The middle dog is made playful, the tail betrays its mood, as it is raised up. So, now you know how to mold a dog from plasticine.

Penguin on an ice floe

The next step-by-step photo clearly shows what shape you need to create blanks to make a penguin. The parts are assembled one by one, as they are located on the first frame. First, a large ball of the body sits on the paws. Then the wings are attached and the head is placed on top.

plasticine penguin
plasticine penguin

Then work on small details. A white "pancake" is attached to the stomach. The eyes are assembled from large white and small black balls. It remains to attach a long orange beak and put the penguin on a blue ice floe.

Plasticine bird

To mold a bird, you need to make two main details. This head is round and elongated.torso. The tail can be molded separately, but most often it is made by pulling from the body. At the end, the tail feathers expand. Wings can be created in a contrasting color.

bird pecks grain
bird pecks grain

Both the wings and the tail are shaped by drawing small stripes in a stack. The beak is made of black or brown mass. First, the ball is rolled out, then one side of it is pulled forward and the tip is sharpened. The eyes are made from two small breasts rolled into balls. Since the bird sits on its stomach, paws can not be sculpted.

Cute bunny

A hare is molded from plasticine of any color. Both the head and the body have the same shape, differ only in size. The ears of the animal are long, so you must first mold the sticks, and then place them on the top of the head. They can be flattened and made slightly thicker at the top, or one ear can be bent in half.

how to draw a bunny
how to draw a bunny

The paws are molded in different sizes. The arms are long and the legs become round and small. Claws are drawn with incisions using a stack. Decorate the craft with a bow or flowers. The nose is highlighted in a different color.

Teddy Bear

To mold a formidable predator of our forests from plasticine, you need to take a mass of brown color and divide it into several parts. The head is created from a small breast by rolling a ball. A slightly elongated nose with a black dot at the end is attached to the front of the muzzle. The mouth is pressed by the stack. The bear's ears are semicircular. They must first be rolled into a ball, then flattened with your fingers and pressed down from the bottom, making it flat.

plasticine bear
plasticine bear

Then on the head it remains only to attach the eyes. The torso is made of oval-shaped plasticine, the arms and legs are glued in such a way that no joints are visible. The heels on the paws are made of light mass in the form of "pancakes".

The article describes only a few options for creating figurines of animals and birds from plasticine. If you need to make other animals, use the same sculpting methods. They are identical to those described above. Good luck with your work!
