Make an amulet for good luck with your own hands
Make an amulet for good luck with your own hands

Everyone knows about the existence of certain amulets for good luck, he alth or love. Many use them in their daily lives and believe that they will certainly make fortune smile at the most crucial and important moments of life. So what is an amulet for good luck? And how does it work?

An amulet is an object, the wearing of which contributes to success in any field of human activity, for example, in finance, career, love, he alth. This intimate thing must be made individually for a person. It is for this reason that purchased talismans work so poorly. Many mistakenly believe that they cannot be done on their own. But in fact, a handmade talisman for good luck works best.

handmade talisman for good luck
handmade talisman for good luck

All amulets can be conditionally divided into the following types:

1. Amulet for protection from negative external influences. These are talismans that protect against evil eye, disease and evil spirits. This option is the most common.

2. Amulets-symbols. This type of amulets helps people choose the right path in life, get rid offrom bad habits and meet good reliable people. They are quite rare, but have great magical power.

3. Amulet for good luck. It affects the emotional mood of a person, contributes to good luck and success both in love affairs and in business.

how to make an amulet for good luck
how to make an amulet for good luck

Probably, many people remember how children searched the beaches for special pebbles with a hole in the middle (the so-called "chicken gods"), bringing incredible luck to their owners. Those who found such rare river stones can really be called lucky for this alone. The rest remains to learn how to make an amulet for good luck on your own. Talismans are easiest to make from natural wood. Working with metals requires certain skills, and stones are very difficult to process. But it is fair to say that it is from stones that the most powerful talismans are obtained.

amulet for good luck
amulet for good luck

By the Slavic peoples, the most revered trees were birch, oak and willow. From their wood (as well as bark or branches) very effective amulets are obtained. Suitable trees can be found in any forest or city park. Do not break living branches, it is better to turn your attention to those that lie under the tree. If you want to make a really strong amulet for good luck, then use a birch. She has always been a symbol of worldly happiness, joy and carelessness. Its leaves and bark are endowed with valuable healing properties by themselves, so the power of the amulet will be doubled.

The most common birch amuletmade in the form of a ring. It must be worn during depression or when a bad streak sets in. Of course, making a ring with your own hands is not easy, so you can use the services of a good carpenter.

Sometimes a good luck amulet can be inherited. And sometimes a random little thing that has always been next to you becomes a talisman. Sometimes luck is brought by a randomly found keychain or a rare coin. Anything can become a talisman: pebbles, pendants, earrings, bracelets, twigs and even grains of cereals. The main thing is to believe that this amulet has power, thus you endow it with energy, and in the future it will really bring good luck at the most decisive moment of your life.
