How to make voluminous paper hearts with your own hands?
How to make voluminous paper hearts with your own hands?

Many people spend a lot of time trying to choose a present for a loved one. Despite the huge variety of products, the best gifts are still those that are made by hand. In this case, you get an exclusive souvenir in which you have invested your warmth and love. Do-it-yourself voluminous paper hearts are a unique and very beautiful gift that can be presented to loved ones for any holiday, be it Valentine's Day or a birthday. What is needed for this? Minimum materials and a little patience.

Volumetric paper hearts, the schemes of which will be discussed in this article, look very original, they can become not only a gift, but also an interior decoration. They can be made from a variety of papers using a wide variety of techniques.


This technique allows you to create very beautiful souvenirs that can serve as a separate decor or be part of the paintings. To make such a heart, you need to take:

  • double-sided colored paper in any color, it all depends on your preference;
  • PVA glue;
  • twist tool, such as a pencil or toothpick.

First, the sheet must be cut into identical strips, each of which will need to be wound on the selected item (we have a toothpick). As a result, you should get a large number of spirals of different sizes. Now you have to glue them together starting from the center to get a heart, the size of which you can choose at your discretion. In addition, you can change the shape of the spiral and bend them, for example, in the shape of a "boat" and only then glue them into the desired shape. Such voluminous do-it-yourself paper hearts can be a replacement for postcards or serve as an interior decoration.

do-it-yourself voluminous paper hearts
do-it-yourself voluminous paper hearts

Origami heart

This technique is very popular all over the world. Even in childhood, many made boats and airplanes out of paper. These are the simplest crafts, but you can make real masterpieces. For origami paper "Volumetric Heart" you need to prepare a rectangular sheet of any color.

Take a piece of paper, bend it diagonally so that a narrow strip remains free at the bottom. Now turn it on the other side and bend the bottom strip in half. As a result, from the inside you will have a narrow strip. Then again turn the sheet over and bend horizontally the upper part of the square so that the fold is in the center of the diagonals. We connect the upper edge of the lower strip with the bent edge and turn the half-finished heart over. Now you need to expand the upper square, in the end you should see 2 diagonal and 1horizontal fold. Along these lines, you need to fold the upper square, so that you end up with a triangle, and at its base - a narrow strip. The lower and right corner of the triangle must be bent to the top. The left and right parts of the figure itself are bent towards the center. As a result, you should get a "house" that needs to be bent vertically in half and turned over. We wrap the 2 lower corners up to the center, and at the bottom we get an acute angle. Bend the top one down, and the remaining free ones need to be wrapped, pointing in different directions (left-right). It remains to fill the corners in the pocket. And that's it, the heart is ready. Do-it-yourself voluminous paper hearts made using this method can replace a postcard for Valentine's Day.

paper origami 3D heart
paper origami 3D heart

Volumetric 3d paper heart

Such an original souvenir can be a great substitute for a Valentine's habit. For her, you need to be sure to print a template that will allow you to get the perfect heart. Paper is best to take thicker. Color, as usual, any, at your discretion. Volumetric paper hearts, made from multi-colored paper with your own hands, can be folded into a rainbow. Such a gift will certainly be remembered by every person. The execution technique can be seen in the picture below.

volumetric paper hearts
volumetric paper hearts

Bubble Heart

This is the easiest option that even a child can handle. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper and cardboard, a pencil, double-sided tape, scissors and PVA glue.

volumetric 3d heart frompaper
volumetric 3d heart frompaper

First, make cardboard templates, for this draw hearts of different sizes. After that, circle them on paper and cut them out. On each figure, make a small cut to the center in the middle. Then each of the cut halves must be smeared with glue and glued together. As a result, you should get a voluminous heart. Do the rest in the same way. From ready-made hearts, you can make a composition on the wall, decorate a postcard or a jewelry box.
