TFP shooting is What is a TFP photo shoot and how to get photography in the studio for free
TFP shooting is What is a TFP photo shoot and how to get photography in the studio for free

TFP shooting is a mutually beneficial agreement between a model and a photographer, usually in the early stages of their careers. What does it mean, how is a contract created and what should it contain, what are the pitfalls of this concept? Read on.

General concepts

What does this abbreviation mean? TFP stands for Time For Print - literally translated, time for printing. As photographs on paper are becoming less popular these days, they often result in digital images on disk. This led to the abbreviation TFCD - Time for CD.

DFT shooting is a contract between a photographer and a model, where the latter agrees to pose for the former without financial compensation, except for the shots that will be used for her portfolio. That is, no one pays anyone. In order to avoid conflict situations, it is better not to limit yourself to a verbal agreement, but to clearly define the rights and obligations of each participant in the creative process by documenting it in the form of a contract.

filming tfp it
filming tfp it

Why is this needed?

Allwant to be paid for their work, but no one will seek the services of people who cannot prove their professionalism. Clients expect to see the skill of the photographer and model in action before signing a contract with them. Therefore, a portfolio is required for both.

For the amateur photographer, shooting DFT is a good alternative to hiring and paying professional models to get quality shots. After all, their fee can be an exorbitant amount for him. While cooperation with novice models will cost many times less.

The situation is the same for the other side. Models with no or little filming experience need to have a quality portfolio. In addition, the more time she spends in front of the camera, the better and more confident she will look in the frame. But the fee for the services of an eminent photographer may be too high. A mutually beneficial agreement with the photographer will benefit both parties.

photo shoots of models
photo shoots of models

How to get studio photography for free

While there is no immediate financial benefit from the DFT shoot, this does not mean that either party intends to do charity work.

When you want to offer a photographer or model such a collaboration, consider whether it will benefit them. After all, they also plan to somehow use the received material: for self-promotion, for sale, etc. If you cannot offer them something profitable, then you should not be offended when they refuse you. This is especially true when working with specialists whose professional level is much higher.your his. It will be difficult for a novice model to work on equal terms with an experienced photographer and vice versa. The chances of a free shoot here will be zero.

Of course, sometimes it happens that a photographer who already has experience and reputation accepts a DFT job because he wants to experiment with a new idea or sell a series of pictures on photo stocks.

But it's best to choose a partner whose skill level is the same or slightly higher than yours. Then you can work almost without investments and maintain normal respectful relationships. So you will either grow together, or improve and move on to work with higher-level specialists.

TFP conditions
TFP conditions

Financial side of the issue

At first glance it may seem that shooting DFT is completely free. In fact, there are certain expenses that beginners forget or don't realize.

So, TFP photographer pays:

  1. Renting and/or purchasing a studio and equipment.
  2. Renting and/or purchasing props.
  3. Processing and printing photos.

In turn, the DFT model will have to pay:

  1. Services of a hairdresser, make-up artist.
  2. Purchase/rent of clothes and accessories.
  3. Services of a stylist.

On rare occasions, the photographer may provide a model with a full team of specialists. Of course, this is a very advantageous offer for her. But in most cases, he can only give contacts or completely shift these worries onto her shoulders. A common scheme is whereBoth parties add up the costs and share them equally. Such points should be agreed at the initial stages of cooperation.

shooting TFP
shooting TFP

Result of work

The terms of the TFP should clearly state how each party will benefit from the shooting. After all, no one wants to work for nothing. For example, they must agree on how many photos will be given to the model and how long the DFT session will last. The average figure is from two to six photos per hour of work. But it varies depending on the arrangement.

If the photographer intends to use the images for commercial purposes, then the parties must decide how much the model will receive. It can be a fixed amount or a certain percentage of the proceeds. In any case, you must obtain permission from the model to use her photo.


In order for the contract concluded for the shooting to be valid, make sure that it contains:

  • full passport details of the photographer and model;
  • date and location of shooting;
  • duties of each party;
  • order of distribution of expenses;
  • remuneration of the model (number, type, terms of taking pictures);
  • signature of each party.

Tips for photographers

The key to a successful model shoot is careful planning. Here are some helpful tips.

DFT shooting conditions
DFT shooting conditions
  1. Design your idea. The photographer needs to know in advance which shots he/she plans to take inresult of the photo shoot. The model does not choose the theme, background, props to be used. Of course, the exchange of ideas is welcome, but the responsibility for this part of the work lies with you. Without a specific goal, you may end up with pointless shots that neither you nor she will need.
  2. Explain the idea behind the model. She should clearly understand what you want from her - from makeup, hairstyles, wardrobe and ending with mood. Separately, the desired degree of nudity and frankness of poses should be discussed.
  3. Selection of shots. Some photographers give the shots at their own discretion, some give the model the opportunity to choose. All this must be agreed in advance.
  4. Copyright protection. Perhaps this is the most delicate moment. The model can take pictures for the portfolio, but the rights to their commercial use belong to the photographer. As a result, images may contain watermarks. However, such photos in the portfolio are considered bad form. Therefore, discuss how you will protect your authorship without compromising the model.
  5. Design TFP contract and terms carefully. Do not forget about the point in which the model gives consent to the commercial use of images. Here it is recommended to attach to the contract a copy of the passport or other identity document with a photo. So with any questions, you can easily prove that the person in the pictures really gave her consent to their use.

Tips for models

DFT models
DFT models
  1. Be careful when choosing a photographer. Not worth spendingyour time and money to prepare just because they agreed to work with you for free.
  2. Take into account the wishes of the photographer to make TFP shooting as productive as possible.
  3. Clearly agree with the hairdresser, makeup artist and other specialists, so as not to disrupt the work due to their absence.
  4. If you're not sure what to wear, go for basics but bring fun accessories. Even a simple scarf can be played with dozens of ways.
  5. Carefully read the terms of the filming contract, insist on its conclusion.
  6. Don't choose a photographer who promises to give you all the pictures. Sometimes this indicates his unprofessionalism - he simply hopes that at least something will turn out well from the mass of material. Each TFP shoot should make a significant contribution to your portfolio, where quality is more important than quantity.
  7. The same goes for photo processing. If you are promised a result immediately after shooting, this is a reason to be wary. The photographer obviously does not have time to process the images. And even successful shots sometimes need to be cropped, adjust colors and contrast, remove small dust particles and other imperfections. Also, just because a photo is in focus doesn't mean it's good. In any case, a professional will reject part of the photo, because they will have technical, compositional and other flaws. Remember quality.
  8. But there may be another problem with processing. Some experts mercilessly delay its terms. Therefore, make sure that the contract contains a clause: “Photo processingwill take no more than _ days, if the photographer does not provide images before the day. month. year, then he undertakes to pay the cost of the model in the amount of _ rub.. This way you will protect your interests and you will not have to act as a petitioner.
  9. Talk to the photographer what the format of the shots will be. If they are printed, discuss the size and quality of the paper. Please note that you will have to scan them yourself for electronic use. Alternatively, the photographer will provide you with a CD of materials or a download link.

DFT for advertising

Such a concept is rare, but still has a place to be. If a photographer offers you such a shoot, then this is a serious reason for reflection. It is one thing when the footage is used for sale on photo stocks, another thing is when your pictures are intended to advertise a specific product, a team of professionals is involved in the work and someone earns a lot from its result. Of course, your recognition as a model will increase, especially if the pictures get into glossy magazines. But if you are good enough to get published, then why not get a decent wage for your work. Moreover, such images may be subject to serious copyright restrictions, and you will not be able to use them for self-promotion. It is difficult to give a definite answer here, so carefully weigh the pros and cons for a particular situation.

TFP photo session
TFP photo session

Professional ethics

Rarely, DFT filming conditions provide for an advance payment for future expenses between the parties. However, this is notreason to be irresponsible. If the photographer disrupts the shooting, the model may either lose the money spent on preparation, or spoil the relationship with the involved specialists. After all, everyone needs to plan their own schedule. The photographer can also suffer losses, as studio and equipment rentals are paid in advance, not to mention lost time.

Don't forget that this professional environment is quite narrow and everyone knows each other. Therefore, you need to protect your reputation and fulfill obligations to each other. Otherwise, they will not want to work with you soon.

Correct attitude

Shooting DFT is a team effort. In order for it to be as productive as possible, each of its participants must make every effort. This is as serious a job as paid model shoots, so don't take it unless you're determined to give your partner the best of your effort, inspiration, creativity, and experience.
