Tricks on the fingerboard. Fingerboard for beginners: training
Tricks on the fingerboard. Fingerboard for beginners: training

What is there in the modern world! There is a skateboard for fingers. Perhaps this contraption will seem something new to someone, but in fact, the fingerskate has been known to the world for 20 years. During this time, he has changed very little, but his popularity has grown several times.

Skateboard and fingerboard

The world of sports is vast and limitless. Someone loves football, someone loves hockey, and someone needs extreme sports. For such lovers, there are many directions for realizing their potential. Probably, most people at least once in their lives have seen a skateboard - a board with 4 wheels. The first skateboards (namely, this is how the word is translated from English) differed from modern models, but the principle of their operation was absolutely identical.

wooden fingerboards
wooden fingerboards

Over time, they were transformed into more compact and lightweight designs, and with it, the popularity of this sport grew. But not everyone dared to stand on the board. Although this lesson looked impressive, it was quite traumatic.

fingerboard for beginners
fingerboard for beginners

To the hugeto the joy of such people, a finger analogue of a skateboard board (photo above) appeared - a fingerboard. Outwardly, he looked the same as his older brother, but he was made in miniature. The same 4 wheels attached to the board with the same non-slip coating.

History of occurrence

Fingerboard (photo above) as an object has been known to the world for at least 20 years, but it has grown into such a fashionable and popular “disease” quite recently. This is due to the founding of TechDeck. This company is the largest manufacturer of plastic fingerboards. The idea of the finger boards themselves was prompted by bad weather, in particular rain.

fingerboard tricks
fingerboard tricks

One day, heavy rain prevented young skateboarder Stephen Asher from going for a ride. Then he decided to make a model of his board in a reduced form, and then tried to do the same tricks on it, but now with the help of two fingers. His father, Peter Asher, a well-known "toy" magnate, liked the idea of his son, and he realized it on a production scale. Here is such a romantic story of origin.

Later, when fingerskates became popular, TechDeck began to make their products with labels of famous skate brands (Element, Birdhouse, Blind, Zero, Alien Workshop, Santa Cruz, Black Label and others).

Perhaps the idea of creating a mini-skate came into the minds of many guys, but not all of them had a father who was the king of the toy industry, and their ideas remained lying on bookshelves and in garages.

Fingerboard for beginners: what you need to know?

Wo-First, despite their small size, microskates are full-fledged sports equipment. In fingerboarding, both local competitions and world championships are held, which all lovers of "indoor extreme" strive to get into. In recent years, the fashion for such entertainment has reached Russia.

fingerboard training
fingerboard training

Fingerboard (literally “finger board”) is a small skateboard that is “rolled” with two fingers. Modern models are miniature copies of the world brands of their big brothers.

The principle of riding on such a board is simple at first glance, but requires patience and perseverance in mastering. Fingerboards (wooden or plastic) do not differ much in use, but plastic models are more popular, perhaps due to their affordable price. What's more, these boards are harder to break, so they're perfect for beginners. Tricks on a fingerboard are no more difficult to perform than on an ordinary skateboard, and perhaps even easier.

how to do fingerboard tricks
how to do fingerboard tricks

Typically, when buying a microskate, spare wheels, a small screwdriver and a sheet of stickers are included in the kit. There are also sets of three boards.

Real sport

What is fingerboarding? This is a sport where the fingers replace the legs in skateboarding. The device needed for such riding is a small board, the size of which ranges from 95-101 mm in length and 26-36 mm in width, 4 wheels are attached to it. Microboard resembling a projectilefor skateboarding, approaches it in functionality. For control, use the middle and index fingers, you can do tricks of varying degrees of complexity on it.

What is a fingerskate made of

This sports equipment, in addition to the deck (main board), includes a suspension, which is a platform (base) for it with shock absorbers of varying degrees of hardness, nuts and bolts that attach the board and suspension to wheels made of plastic (sometimes polyurethane). In addition to these elements, the board surface is covered with rubber or soft sandpaper. All boards are divided into two types according to the material from which they are made.

Plastic microskate models

There are 4 types of such fingerboards:


As mentioned above, this is the most famous brand in the microboard market. Their fingerboards are made of plastic and feature the finest pendants. They are extremely durable and versatile.


As a rule, such boards are sold together with Stimorol chewing gum, but they are also offered to be bought separately. For the price they are quite a bit lower than TechDeck's, but their quality leaves much to be desired. These boards are strong, but the skin peels off after a couple of weeks, as does the graphics, and the plastic hanger is not adjustable.

No rule

The second highest quality plastic fingerboard after TechDeck. They differ only in the absence of concaves, so these boards are completely flat. Yes, and finding such models for sale is much more difficult, they are not even in every major skateshop.


The cheapest and most unreliable option. It is practically impossible to do tricks on them. They break extremely quickly. They are sold in souvenir stalls, often look like key rings. For people who want to learn the real art of fingerboarding, these boards are not suitable.

Wooden fingerboard patterns

Microskates made of wood are less popular. Their price is always higher than plastic models, and sometimes it is very difficult to find them in stores. They are also divided into four types:

Neon fingerboarding

One of the best boards. Both amateurs and professionals ride them.


These are the finest wood fingerboards on the market today. They are very difficult to buy, and the price is higher than others, an order of magnitude. But if you are lucky enough to find them on sale, and you are willing to invest in them, then these boards are perfect in every way. They are especially suitable for those who plan to master serious tricks on a fingerboard.


Good and relatively inexpensive fingerboards. Their main feature is pronounced concaves.


These are handmade boards. For example, they can be made from a durable wooden ruler. Of course, such boards cannot compete with the above, as they are much inferior to them in everything. Although it also happens that a board made by hand turns out so good that they even compete with it. But for beginners, it is best to give preference to ready-made branded boards.

Fingerparks: what are they?

Do real skateboarders go to training in special parks, but where do fingerboard lovers train? No, you don't have to leave the house to hone your skills. You can simply choose any flat surface, be it a table, floor, window sill, and train right on it, or you can supplement your finger sports equipment with finger parks - special figures that help you practice your tricks. Among the variety, several of the most popular elements can be distinguished:

  • stepping obstacles;
  • railing;
  • semicircular ramps;
  • benches;
  • plastic or concrete park figures;
  • pool-figures.

Such devices help you learn how to do tricks on a fingerboard much faster. Although such elements are usually much more expensive than the board itself.

Various fingerboard tricks

So you've decided to get into finger skateboarding, bought a board, a finger park and… What's next? The next question is how to do fingerboard tricks.

history of occurrence
history of occurrence

The tricks that a skateboard allows you to perform (you can find a photo in the article) are not very different from what you can do on a fingerboard, the only difference is that on a microskate they are performed with your hands. And if you look at the fingerboarder from the side, it may seem that this is easy. All you need is to put your fingers on the board and make a couple of deft hand movements. But this is far from true. Perform similar tricks on a fingerboard withno one will succeed on the first try, because first you need to train your fingers.

Start with basic tricks. The very first and basic is the ollie. This trick involves the ability to jump and jump over the board different objects.

skateboard photo
skateboard photo

The middle finger should be placed on the “tail” of the fingerboard, and the index finger should be placed in the center. With a quick and sharp movement, we press on the tail, making a “click”. At the same moment, the index finger moves up to the bow of the board. These movements should lift the board off the table and lead it forward towards the obstacle to be overcome. It is better to start with small obstacles (pen, felt-tip pen, etc.).

Following the ollie, it is better to learn rotations - flips, sliding along the edges of objects with a deck - slides, as well as combined elements - grides. If you are serious about mastering a fingerboard, it won't take long to learn.
