Crafts from CDs. What to do with CDs
Crafts from CDs. What to do with CDs

Time is running out, and once popular for playing music and songs, CDs are no longer in vogue. Many of us keep them, because getting rid of such a “relic” does not raise a hand. There is a more interesting option - what if you make crafts from CDs? Lack of ingenuity, where to attach them? Then this article is for you. We offer several options for interesting crafts from discs.


An excellent use of damaged or already unnecessary CDs is the manufacture of an unusual attribute for the home from them. For special "mods" who follow the latest innovations, we can offer to make crafts from CDs in the form of a dream catcher. If anyone does not know what it is, this is an unusual souvenir, the purpose of which is to invoke good dreams and scare away bad ones. So, what do we need to make such a thing out of CD-ROMs with our own hands:

  • disc, it is desirable that it be without printing on the reverse side;
  • acrylic white or any other color;
  • alcohol oracetone;
  • cotton wool;
  • feathers;
  • fishing line or rope;
  • beads.
what to do with cd disks
what to do with cd disks

Production steps:

  • We heat the awl and use it to make four holes in the disk at a distance of about a centimeter from the edge. If you hang the plate, then one hole should be at the very top, the second - at the very bottom, opposite the first, and the other two - on the sides of the second (2-3 cm).
  • If there are inscriptions on the disc, then remove them using cotton wool and alcohol for this.
  • Draw any snowflake or ornament you like on the plate. You can simply decorate with beads and beads.
  • Cut off three pieces of fishing line 20-25 centimeters each and string beads on them. At one end we attach a pen (if any).
  • The remaining end should be tied to the disk through the holes on it. So with every piece of fishing line.
  • Attach a rope through the top hole (you can also string beads on it), for which you can hang the finished dream catcher over the bed.

These CD crafts will look great in your bedroom.


To make this unusual animal we need:

  • 10 discs;
  • a wooden stick to be wrapped in food foil;
  • scissors;
  • Moment glue or glue gun.

How these children's crafts are made from CDs:

  • take 4 disks and cut their edges with scissors, thus making a fringe;
  • cut out a beak, eyebrows from one more plate (also make a fringe),feathers (scribble veins with scissors) and ears;
  • take 2 from the first four discs and make an owl's head out of them, gluing them together with glue;
  • next make her eyes - stick yellow paper in the right place and draw pupils with a pencil;
  • from the two remaining disks with fringe and two without it, we glue the body of the bird to which we attach the head;
  • from the remaining three disks we make the base of an owl, gluing them together to form a triangle, and only after that you can put the bird together;
  • glue leaves to a stick wrapped in foil, and to them - the body of an owl.

That's it - she's done. But keep in mind that such crafts from CDs may require significantly more records, since during manufacture many of them crack and become unusable.


There are many options for performing such a necessary thing in the house. It is possible to make clocks from disks by connecting several CDs. The result is a beautiful dial that shimmers in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. And if you drill additional holes on the plates, then its shape can be changed as much as you wish. Such crafts from CDs (see photo below) can even be used as a gift.

from cd disks do it yourself
from cd disks do it yourself

Making a simple watch is very easy. To do this, you need to take a clock mechanism with arrows from the alarm clock and connect it to our plate, on which the numbers have already been pasted. You can decorate them as you wish (with beads, flowers, etc.). Such crafts from CDs can behang both in the living room and in the children's room.

Christmas wreaths

Those who are used to celebrating this great holiday according to "all the rules" can be advised to make such a craft. All it takes to make some very pretty Christmas wreaths is a couple of dozen disks, some glue and some decorations.

crafts from sd photo disks
crafts from sd photo disks

Connect the plates in a circle as shown in the photo. On top of the wreath, glue everything that comes to hand - flowers, small and large beads, bows, snowflakes and more.


As unusual postcards or wall hangings, you can make beautiful children's crafts from CDs in the form of various animals. The simplest and easiest is the fish. We will do it.

We will need:

  • disk;
  • thick colored paper (cardboard);
  • glue;
  • beads;
  • felt pens;
  • scissors.
children's crafts from cd disks
children's crafts from cd disks

Cut out the fins, tail and mouth of the fish from cardboard. We glue beads and various beads on the disk in any order (in the form of a wave, flowers, hearts, etc.). Glue the cut out fins, mouth and tail. If desired, you can make a hole in the disk and hang our fish.

Flower pot

What else to do with CDs? You can try decorating flower pots with them. To make this craft, we need:

  • disk;
  • flower pot;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint.

First we needbreak the plate into pieces. Their size can be different - from the smallest to the largest. Then we glue these pieces on the pot in a chaotic manner, leaving a gap of about 1-1.5 mm between them. After the glue dries, fill the voids with acrylic paint. Once dry, the pot is ready to use.

crafts from cd disks
crafts from cd disks

Various little things

Crafts from CDs can also be made in the form of a variety of trinkets. For example, Christmas decorations look very beautiful from such shiny plates. Various figures, stars, animals are cut out of the disks. You can decorate them as you wish. And you can leave it as it is - it's also very beautiful.

A postcard from a CD will serve as a very original gift. To make it, you need to take a sheet of paper, fold it in half and cut out the necessary shape from it (square, rhombus, heart). The edges can be left straight or cut with curves. Attach a disc to the middle of the postcard (on the outside). From cardboard, cut out figures in the idea of \u200b\u200bnotes and stick them on the disk. In its center we attach pre-prepared cardboard plates, painted in various colors. Now it remains to paint the card itself with acrylic paints, write a congratulation and give it as a gift.
