Casting in chess - how to do everything by the rules
Casting in chess - how to do everything by the rules

Casting in chess is a double move performed by a king and a rook that have never moved in a game.

In a chess game, this trick is often done. The essence of this is that the king is moved towards the rook, and the rook is moved to the cell previously occupied by the king. Each side can only make one such move during the game.

castling in chess
castling in chess

Casting not only makes it possible to hide the king in a safer place on the flank, but also provides a chance to group two rooks in the center or on the flank at once. It can be a powerful offensive weapon. But even without this, the rook becomes in the center of the file. There, her position is more advantageous.

How to make a chess move?

Technically, castling in chess is a double move that can be made by pieces that have never moved in the entire game. The first move is to move the king to the side of the rook by 2 squares at once. On the next move, put the rook in the place recently occupied by the king.

Although two pieces move during castling, it is considered to be one move. First of all, the rule works: touch - go. Therefore, you need to start castling by rearranging the king by 2 squares, and not the rook. This is an important aspect in technology, whichsometimes poured out in violation of the rules.

Castling is performed in any of the directions. It doesn't matter if you move towards the queen or to the short flank. When creating short castling, the king is placed in the position of the knight, and the rook replaces the bishop. If you apply its long version, then the king will end up in the position of the bishop near the queen, in whose position the rook will stand.

Prohibited castling

chess rules castling
chess rules castling

Castle in chess is prohibited in the following cases:

- the move is excluded if the king or rook has previously moved, or if the rook and pawn are castling vertically;

- it is forbidden to do such a chess trick if the king is under attack, that is, he is in check;

- if there are other pieces between the king and the rook, the move is prohibited until the opening of clean squares.

Chess etiquette - what is it?

It is worth observing some rules of the game of chess. Castling is performed with one hand (like all moves). It adds some elegance to the game. By itself, it represents a single move, therefore, the king moves first, and then the rook. All this is done alternately and with one hand. In competitions, there is a rule that if a player captures both the king and the rook at the same time, then it is necessary to castle the last one. If you touched it by accident, and you are not going to perform this trick, then you need to make any other of the king's moves. In such cases, if the participants touched the rook, then they must make a move with it. Only castling will not work anymore.

The rules describe such options when the playing participant made castling in violation of the previously specified rules. In this case, the game stops, the move is canceled, and the pieces are put in their original places. The participant is obliged to perform any other movement with the king.

One of the varieties of chess tricks

Castling in Fischer Chess
Castling in Fischer Chess

According to the rules, castling in Fischer chess makes it possible to move two pieces, not just the king. In this case, the move is considered completed when the clock is set. If the time control is not running, the participant in the game must say that he is castled.

In Fischer chess, based on the results of castling, the king and rook are placed on the same squares as in the classical version. In this case, depending on the initial setting, two pieces can move, and only the king, and only the rook. Therefore, the rule described earlier does not apply here. The participant of the game has the right to move the castled pieces in any order. The castling is completed when the clocks are reset. If the game goes without time control, then, in order to avoid losing the orientation of the partner, the castled participant in the game must say “castling” or “castling” before moving the pieces.

A bit of history

Castle in chess is a relatively recent innovation in Europe, whose "birthday" dates back to the 14th-15th centuries.

Initially, the bishop and queen turned out to be very weak pieces, and the king felt very good in the center of the playingboards. Some rules provided the king with the first move, like a knight, or 2 squares - therefore, a participant in the game could move the rook, and move through it on the next move, this is called "proto-castling". Then in the 16th century, bishops and queens became long-range. Therefore, 2 moves were summarized into one.

long castling in chess
long castling in chess

The current rules of castling in chess were not created immediately. In different countries of Europe, for a long time, there were no rules prohibiting the movement of the king through the beaten field and castling out of check. However, it was not necessary everywhere that there were no pieces between the rooks and the kings. The non-standard castling rules in ordinary chess lasted the longest time in the Italian state - there, the rules accepted by everyone in society were now transferred only at the beginning of the nineteenth century, when the Italians had to choose: either to remain faithful to their rules of the national game of chess, or to take part in international tournaments.

What are the rules?

how to castle in chess
how to castle in chess

There are so-called "non-classical" chess, which have slightly different rules. The king has the right to castle with any rook. Moreover, after such a move, the king and rook move to the squares to which they would have moved in an ordinary game. That is, with a short move, the king will end up on the g1 square, and the rook on f1. After long castling in chess is completed, the king will move to c1 and the rook to d1. These pieces are not required to make moves before castling. The king can be in check. The squares through which the pieces move can be occupied, and those through which the king moves can be attacked by the opponent. With a castling move, situations are possible when the king will stand in its original place, and the rook will move. You can also move the king himself first.

Game Online

When playing Fischer's chess over the Internet, the castling move is marked by indicating the square on which the king is located and the cell on which the rook stands. In such cases, if the original setting remains the position of ordinary chess, the movement must be carried out according to the previously indicated rule. The explanation of the moves in that case when performing castling is the same as in ordinary chess. Other classical chess rules also fit Fischer's rules.

Castleling rules in chess
Castleling rules in chess

Castling is done as follows: the rook and the king move to the square where they would be in ordinary chess, regardless of their current position. At the same time, the king and even all the squares on which he moves can be under threat or be occupied by another piece. If the king or rook made a move, then the essence of the possibility of castling disappears. Or, if only the only rook has made a move, then it remains possible to castle with the second rook.


Chess is the best board game with which you can develop logic. Therefore, it is worth learning how to play it and find out about all the rules. In addition, for such entertainment, time will fly by unnoticed andinteresting. We hope that the article helped to understand how to castling in chess. Good luck on the chess board!
