Rug crochet. A Few Ideas
Rug crochet. A Few Ideas

You can crochet a lot of useful things: clothes, toys, pillows, bedspreads, shawls and wraps. They will not only be of high quality, but also one of a kind. But few people know that you can crochet a rug - colored or plain, with or without pile. It is about him that we will discuss in our article.

crochet rug
crochet rug

First of all, you need to pick up yarn. Threads of both synthetic and natural origin are suitable. Some even crochet a rug out of plastic bags.

So, you have decided on the thickness of the threads. It's time to choose the right color scheme. Special shade tables can help you with this. If you want to make a rug quickly, it is better to buy a thick hook (starting from the sixth number) and thick threads. And if you want to knit a rug with many small patterns, then you can buy thinner threads, but this decision will not always be justified.

rug crochet pattern
rug crochet pattern

After you've chosen your threads, it's time to knit! The easiest crochet rug can be created using only air loops andcolumns with one crochet. First you must make a mesh according to the principle of loin knitting. In this case, the grid can be not only rectangular or square, but also round or oval. In this case, you will have to knit it in a circle. Once you have tied the mesh (it is better to make it from thick, strong threads), you can start knitting the rug itself. First, with a needle and thread of a different color, you must outline the pattern. Then start tying the mesh. In each cell, knit three single crochet stitches (you can also double crochet, but no more). In this case, you should start with the main color, and then tie the colored part of the pattern with ruffles in an arbitrary direction. Such a rug will be beautiful and soft. It is better to knit it from natural threads - cotton or linen. At the same time, its wrong side will also be quite nice.

You can crochet a rug from individual motifs. They can be square, round, hexagonal or triangular. In this case, you can also use different threads. First you need to make motifs, and then connect them with a thread with a needle, a hook or a fillet net that will be knitted between them.

crochet rug
crochet rug

You can try to make a crochet rug using the Irish technique. You will also have to impose many motifs - colors, patterns, animals. Then they all connect and turn into a single canvas. Motifs can be either the same or different colors.

But there is also continuous knitting (that is, without breaking the thread). In this case, you use one thread and knit the motif one by one.

You can tie a rug from unnecessary plastic bags to the cottage or to a country house. First you need to collect many colored bags, then tear them into strips and tie them together into one long rope. A crochet rug is knitted from it. The scheme is simple - you knit either in a circle with single crochets, or in rows - with single crochets or with one. Such a rug has a number of valuable advantages. Firstly, it is not a pity to lay it somewhere in a barn or on a porch, and secondly, the creation of such a rug requires practically no investment. And, thirdly, it is quite durable and waterproof.
