How much is 1 ruble in 1961? Description and photo of a paper banknote
How much is 1 ruble in 1961? Description and photo of a paper banknote

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-first year is notable for the release of the Soviet 1 ruble banknote, which was valid for more than a quarter of a century. Her circulation in the USSR ends in 1991. This is how it looked exactly this year on the reverse side:

drawing simplification
drawing simplification

During the thirty years of the wanderings of the banknote, there have been different features of its manufacture, issue. For collectors, 1 ruble of 1961 type press is of particular interest - in perfect condition, without signs of walking, as if it had just been made. The reader probably wants to know how much is 1 ruble in 1961.

Paper money of the USSR - year 1961

A banknote on the financial market thirty years is a long time. In addition, banknotes are in such a demanded denomination. The printing departments took into account hundreds of nuances of the production of a ruble banknote for such a time. Varieties of the rublechanged, were replaced, but not immediately, but in stages, segments. The protection of the ticket by the country's treasury was modernized, fine details of the artistic manuscript of his drawing were finalized. During this period, seven varieties of the described banknote were issued. The differences between the issues lurked in the two-digit letter series in front of the seven-digit ordinal numerical number. How much does a 1 ruble banknote of 1961 of the first issue of a "regular" type and "absolute quality" cost, the price thresholds of its varieties - this will be discussed in this article.

with artistic design
with artistic design

General format of the popular banknote of the Soviet Union

The banknote is a rectangular banknote with design criteria located on the obverse and reverse of the billionth circulation banknote of the country of the Soviets. During the circulation period, more than four billion banknotes were produced. The scale is amazing, isn't it?

The drawing contained views and details, protective features and provisions that today determine how much a paper 1 ruble of 1961 costs.

Details of the artistic design of the banknote

The three-quarter obverse of the rectangular format contained an artistic cover with a set of inscriptions and logos of those years. The last quarter had a white background with a small denomination logo and part of the serial number. The artistic part of the ruble on the front side looked like this:

  • in the center of the banknote - the alphanumeric denomination;
  • the top of the banknote contained a strip of artistic knitting with a large inscription "state treasury note";
  • from the leftside of the ruble below the face value is the coat of arms of the USSR;
  • on the right side after the top inscription is the logo of the Treasury of the USSR;
  • the lower part of the banknote is also filled with artistic ligature, where in a wavy frame there is a mandatory inscription, the text of which states that counterfeiting state banknotes is prohibited, and the pen alty for this act is indicated;
  • further on the same tie along the edges - the numerical value of the banknote.
Banknote 1961
Banknote 1961

It is important to understand that the type of printing and the type of paper for the banknote has been modernized, complicated and remade for half a century, but the state design of the obverse has remained unchanged.

The reverse of the rectangular money is also artistic in nature on part of the format. The remaining part, as on the obverse, had a figurative digital logo of the face value and part of the serial numbers.

Reverse ruble sample 1961
Reverse ruble sample 1961

The face of the bill differed from the back by a two-digit letter code located on top of each artistic part. If the obverse had both capital letters or an uppercase and uppercase letter of the code, then the reverse of the banknote carried two lowercase such symbols.

Two-digit letter code and issues of one ruble between 1961 and 1991

The basis of variations of the ruble of the sixty-first year of issue included seven varieties. The division was created by two letters at the beginning of the serial number on the obverse of the banknote.

Letters for this purpose consonants were used, after - the articulation of consonants and vowels, capital anduppercase.

Two types of font were used at the time of printing of banknotes, while one type of font was valued (and is valued today) more than the second. Each of which, according to the visual states of the bill, carries the answer to the main question of numismatists - how much is 1 ruble of the USSR in 1961.

More criteria for the "main" banknote of the USSR

The second most important distinguishing marks were:

  • Paper Type - The 1961 sample had two types of pulp. The first type of paper is matte, with a gray tint of yellowish tint. The second category of paper is pure white format. The background is glossy on one side only. The second subtype of paper was used more widely. The naked eye will not determine on the sample of the ruble a variation of the paper on which it is made. Only an experienced, inquisitive eye of the collector will reveal the distinctive features of one subspecies from another, which will become part of the answer to the question of how much 1 ruble of 1961 of one type or another costs.
  • Watermark - at the time of printing, banknotes had such a distinctive element in the form of a star. It is located linearly, with an inclination to the right sector of the banknote.
Water marks
Water marks

Print subspecies had three options - offset, intaglio and Oryol printing

1 ruble 1961 banknote of the USSR
1 ruble 1961 banknote of the USSR

This seems to be the end of the list of distinctive variants of the 1961 printed banknote. Let's return to the main question of this article: how much does 1 ruble cost in 1961, how does the current value of a banknote depend on its current issue?

Banknote of 1 ruble
Banknote of 1 ruble

Pricebanknote policy for collectors today

In order not to confuse the reader with issues of ruble bills, combinations and differences, describing the collection value, a concise tabular extract of the price of one ruble in 1961 is given, depending on the state and issue.

Table giving an answer to the question tormenting numismatists - how much is 1 ruble in 1961, based on the parameters and external state of the state ticket of the USSR:

Issue type Type of font Two-digit code Real value of the "normal" condition, rub. Real cost of the state of the press, rub.
I issue I view BB 200-280 900-1200
II issue I view Bm 100-180 800-1000
III issue I view mb 110-130 400-700
IV issue I view mm 80-100 300-600
V issue II view BB 30-50 70-130
VI issue II view Bm 10-20 90-110
VII issue II view mb 5-10 80
For replacement Between III and IV initial "I" or "me" 2000 4000

A small video presentation will be the final chord in the structure of the description of the domestic legendary banknote:


It turns out that the banknote of the press state, issued at the turn of III and IV issues, has a worthy collection price as a temporary option. But the main thing is that such an option should wear a two-digit alphabetic code on the “body”, starting with the capital vowel or capital last letter of the Russian alphabet - “ya”.

One ruble of the early seventies of the USSR: conclusion

So let's sum it up. We hope that for the inexperienced reader of this article it was possible to reveal the topic concisely and at the same time in detail. We also hope that the text was able to answer in detail the question of how much a 1 ruble bill of 1961 costs by today's standards and requirements.
