The eternal question: how to change a button on jeans?
The eternal question: how to change a button on jeans?

The easiest way to change a button on jeans is to find a specialized workshop and entrust everything to professionals. No one will demand exorbitant payment for the service, and repairing your favorite clothes does not take much time, but not always a comprehensive center for sewing and repairing clothes is located close to work or home. In this case, you will have to change the button yourself.

What is a denim button

Such a small but essential attribute appeared with denim clothing. By the way, things familiar to everyone and everyone initially served as a form for hard physical work.

change jeans button
change jeans button

Rough fabric must be fastened with reliable fittings, which means that the button is fixed directly in the material, otherwise not a single thread will withstand the load. Yes, there are requirements for the button itselfincreased strength, which is why they are made of metal.

Button device

Before talking about how to change a button on jeans, it is worth finding out what this accessory is. The hat and stud directly form a jeans button, but it can already have different sizes and fastening methods.

The button shape is determined by the hat:

  • square;
  • round;
  • square with rounded corners;
  • hexagonal.

The most convenient shape is considered to be round, it is them that are easy and quick to thread into loops.

Directly hats are found as follows:

  • convex;
  • concave;
  • straight;
  • semicircular.

Sizes are determined by diameter and range from 14 to 40 mm.

Features of fasteners and types of studs

Before describing the process of how to change a button on jeans, you also need to mention the types of fasteners:

  • presence of a fixed leg;
  • floating or broken leg, this feature allows the button not to lose mobility after it is attached to the product.

If we talk about carnations, then there are the following types:

  • having a round notch - are among the most reliable methods of fastening;
  • solid metal or smooth;
  • hollow smooth;
  • double or with a pair of spikes.

Hats are solid or with a through hole in the middle.

how to remove a buttonjeans
how to remove a buttonjeans

Those who are thinking about how to change a button on jeans themselves should know one nuance. Buying denim fittings in parts is not the best option. The characteristics of such important details will depend on the dimensions, materials and manufacturer. Even if the parts are the same size, but they are made by different manufacturers, it is far from certain that they will fit together.

Installing a button

Sewing production involves the installation of accessories using a specialized mechanism - a press. If the enterprise has small volumes of production, then they use manual equipment - these are levers or percussion mechanisms. Large factories use electromechanical type machines.

Installing jeans buttons by hand requires the following tools:

  • awl - they pierce the fabric in the place where the fittings are supposed to be installed;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • bolt (if the button has a through hole);
  • metal tubes to secure the floating leg.
how to change a button on jeans
how to change a button on jeans

It is important to remember that the workplace must be stable, and it is best if it has a wooden surface.

Installing Steady Buttons

How to change a button on jeans? First, the fabric is pierced, then a nail is inserted into the puncture site and driven into the top of the button. This must be done very carefully so that the hat is not pierced through.

For fittings,having a through hole, the tip of the nail sticking out of it, is first shortened using pliers. If it is impossible to carry out this operation, then you can make a plastic tab - it is installed between the tip and the cap.

how to change a button on jeans
how to change a button on jeans

The sharp part of the nail should be flattened. This is easy to do with a bolt that has the right diameter. It is inserted into the hole, then it is necessary to gently tap the bolt with a hammer until the nail tip is flattened.

Installing broken leg buttons

You can install such fittings on a smooth carnation, all-metal or hollow. Here the work is complicated by the mobility of the button, while the smoothness of the nail makes it difficult to install it.

To facilitate the task, you can take a tube with a diameter of a floating leg. The tube is placed on the leg and thus the latter is fixed in a level position. It remains only to install the nail.

There are special kits that include plastic presses - fasteners, with their help the process of installing a button is greatly facilitated.

Replacement for double leg buttons

Such accessories do not have holes, and therefore you will need to make them yourself. Here you can use an awl or a regular nail.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Punch a couple of holes in the fabric where the spiked legs will be inserted.
  2. Put a hat on the leg.
  3. Bend the ends of the spikes inward through the through hole on the hat. This is done with a regular screwdriver.
  4. Fix the button using the bolt using the method already described.

How to remove a button from jeans

You will need to carry out such work if a broken pin remains on the clothes. The remains of the part are bitten off with side cutters or pliers. Removing the hat after this procedure will not be difficult.

how to change a button on jeans
how to change a button on jeans

So, the article described how to change a button on jeans. By the way, the accessories are considered very reliable and will not let you down, even if the clothes are subject to long-term loads. Strength is provided by fastening the button directly into the fabric. Very often, buttons are decorated with various engravings, which allows them to perform a decorative function.
