How to make simple origami fish according to the scheme?
How to make simple origami fish according to the scheme?

Paper folding is a learning activity. Children learn to memorize work patterns, the sequence of folding a sheet of paper. In this case, you need to act carefully, first evenly set the edges of the paper, and only then smooth the fold with your fingers or a ruler. The child must understand that if he does the work untidy, then the craft will look ugly.

Let's start our acquaintance with origami according to the scheme with a simple fish. By learning how to fold it correctly from paper of different sizes and colors, you can make a large colorful application for an exhibition in a kindergarten or elementary school.

First version of the fish

How to make an origami fish? You need to act according to the scheme proposed in the figure below. You will need a square sheet of thick paper, it is best to use color double-sided for the printer. You can make an even square under the ruler, or you can bend one corner of the sheet in A-4 format to the opposite side.

origami fish diagram
origami fish diagram

Then the square is folded in half firstvertically, then horizontally, getting 4 identical square parts. Two of them are folded inward with triangles, and the other two are bent outward. In the diagram, this is highlighted in two different colors - pink and white.

In the origami diagram of a simple fish, you can see under No. 4 that the upper right-angled triangle is bent in half down. The same procedure is carried out with the bottom part No. 5. It remains only to bend the resulting square in half and turn the craft over to the front side. The fish is ready, you only need to draw scales, an eye and a semicircular valve for the gills.

Origami fish for kids

Children in the older group of kindergarten, following the instructions and model of the teacher, are quite capable of making origami. It is advisable that the teacher or parents at home prepare a square sheet of paper in advance. You can give your child several blanks of different colors and sizes. With each bending of the sheet, the kid will get better and better, and by the end of the work he will remember the whole origami scheme of a simple fish by heart, then he will be able to teach his friends how to make it.

how to fold paper
how to fold paper

First you need to bend the square diagonally and in half horizontally. Then the workpiece is straightened to its original state. The next step is to press with your fingers on both sides so that the paper folds like an accordion inward, as in the picture above.

Further, the extreme front corners go down a little further than the bisector of the upper corner. Fix the paper fold well.

how to make origami fish
how to make origami fish

The same is repeated with the othercorner. As a result, when turning the part on the back side, the tail of the fish from two sharp corners should turn out.

Fish Applique

Having created several simple origami fish, you can make a collective application on a large sheet of paper. Finish the fish with markers or wax crayons with eyes and scales, a mouth and a semicircle of gills. First, algae cut out of green paper are glued to the background sheet, and only then the fish themselves are attached.

origami fish applique
origami fish applique

To make them look voluminous, it is enough to spread only the tail and upper fin with PVA glue. White circles look interesting - air bubbles.

As you can see, according to the origami scheme, it is not difficult to make, older preschoolers will cope with the work. Fantasize with your children, good luck and creative success!
