Self-hardening mass for modeling: step-by-step instructions for use, composition
Self-hardening mass for modeling: step-by-step instructions for use, composition

Sculpting is an exciting activity for adults and children, especially now there are many new materials. It perfectly develops children's thinking, imagination and motor skills, promotes self-expression. In addition, joint creativity brings together and helps to establish contact with other children and parents. Self-hardening mass for modeling is affordable, not in short supply, and if desired, the material can be made independently.


During operation, the substance is easily wrinkled and can be processed. It is softer than plasticine and does not harden at low temperatures. If the mass is not placed in a container and not covered with a tight lid, it dries out, after which its further use is impossible.

Light mass for modeling
Light mass for modeling

In addition, colored elements do not stick together when creating a shape. As an advantage over simpleplasticine, it is worth noting the huge palette of colors and the possibility of using various molds and tools for modeling. In addition, the mass has a light structure that does not require much effort to work.


The composition of the self-hardening mass for modeling contains only natural ingredients, because it was created for children. The main components of different brands are the same - this is soda, s alt and flour. Dyes and flavors for this composition may differ and be a kind of visiting card of the manufacturer.

Self-hardening mass for DIY modeling
Self-hardening mass for DIY modeling

S alt is a preservative that promotes weight retention, prevents sticking, and is virtually non-staining on your work surface.

Polymer clay and plastic clay also have plasticity and are made for modeling, but their composition is not natural and is not recommended for use by children. They are based on PVC and a plasticizer, it is thanks to them that the elasticity of the material is achieved. Polymer clay is available in both quick-dry and heat-only dries.


Self-hardening mass for DIY modeling has many advantages.

How to make mass for modeling?
How to make mass for modeling?

The list of useful properties is as follows:

  • stimulates self-expression and the formation of artistic taste;
  • activates the development and training of fine motor skills, as a result of which the baby’s speech improves faster;
  • activates the imagination;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • improves brain function and ability to think.

Because children love everything colorful and bright, manufacturers try to outdo each other in palette variety. In addition to the colors of the rainbow, this includes a variety of shades, and if you combine different fragments, you get a kind of marble pattern that will not leave any kid indifferent. A huge plus is the presence of various molds and tools, so the modeling process will be much more interesting.


Light mass for modeling is of several types with a number of distinctive properties:

  1. Self-hardening paste in air. Its main feature is fast drying (within half an hour), this can be seen from the brightening color of the figure. As a result, the mass becomes strong and does not change with temperature fluctuations. The finished product can be painted, but over time it cracks and breaks easily.
  2. Quick dry. Dries in layers, starting from the top and gradually reaching the middle. Drying time depends on the thickness, air temperature and weight of the piece.
  3. Does not harden. Due to the special composition, it does not dry out for a long time, so it is not scary if the child leaves it uncovered. However, forgotten for a week, the mass loses its plasticity and is restored only upon contact with warm water.
  4. Transparent self-hardening mass for modeling. The material allows not only to show imagination during creativity, but also when creating the paste itself. You can add glitter, dye, mother of pearl and other elements to it. Another added bonus is the abilityblow colorful bubbles out of the mass.

How to choose

First of all, the material a child works with must be safe and natural. An excessive amount of dyes, flavors and preservatives is fraught with an allergic reaction in children. Therefore, when choosing, you must rely on the composition without unnecessary additives.

We make mass for modeling
We make mass for modeling

If the packaging allows you to see the product, you should carefully examine it. A light self-hardening mass for modeling should be homogeneous without any lumps and inclusions. It's good when the material is in a bag - you can not only see it, but also feel it, evaluate its plasticity.

Most manufacturers pack products in airtight packaging, so you have to rely on composition and intuition. If there is even a subtle plastic or chemical smell, it is recommended to refuse the purchase.

How to use?

The process of using a self-hardening mass for modeling has some differences from working with plasticine. In order for the child to be carried away by a new occupation for him, first you need to create the following conditions for him:

  1. The place where he will sculpt should be well lit without drafts.
  2. The work surface is covered with oilcloth or a board is used for work.
  3. The jars are put in front of the child and they explain that it is not necessary to mix everything at once, but it is better to take a little bit and close the container.

Next, proceed to the process itself:

  1. The baby is given some mass,so that he gets acquainted with an unusual texture for him, kneaded it in his hands, tried to divide it into parts, knead or combine two fragments. Then you can start making simple one-color and two-color figures. For example: fruits, vegetables, balls, objects. Then you can try to cut out the shapes using molds.
  2. The next step is more complex products. All components of the conceived figure are fashioned separately. It is better not to delay the process, otherwise the parts will dry out and it will be difficult to connect them together. If this cannot be avoided, you can use water or PVA glue.
  3. When connecting all the finished elements, they are pressed against each other with neat, confident movements.
  4. After that, the figure can be left to dry completely, and then play with it or store it as a craft.
  5. No need to rush to clean up after the child, it is better if at least partially he will do it himself. The mass must certainly be folded into jars and tightly closed with a lid, if it has somehow dried up, it can be restored if it is sprayed with water and kneaded properly.

How to make your own pasta recipe 1

Sometimes parents have a question about how to make mass for modeling at home.

Lightweight self-hardening mass for modeling
Lightweight self-hardening mass for modeling

You can make this pasta yourself using the following recipe:

  • flour - 160 g;
  • water at room temperature - 120 ml;
  • coarse s alt - 80 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l;
  • any available food coloring - 0.5 tsp

All dry ingredients are mixed. In a separate bowl, bring water to a boil and pour the finished dry mixture into it. The mass is constantly stirred until a ball is obtained, then spread on a board sprinkled with flour. When the ball has cooled, it is thoroughly kneaded until it comes off hands and becomes plastic.

How to make your own pasta: two more recipes

Make mass for modeling according to one more recommendation:

  • 1 tbsp starch (corn starch is better, but potato starch can also be used);
  • 2 tbsp. baking soda;
  • water.

Starch is mixed with soda, poured into a saucepan and put on fire. Add a little water and, with constant stirring, bring to the formation of a ball, if necessary, water can be added. When the mass has cooled, it is thoroughly kneaded.

Mass for modeling self-hardening
Mass for modeling self-hardening

There is another recipe for making modeling paste:

  • 1 glass of water, s alt, flour each;
  • 1 tbsp l vegetable oil;
  • 30g cream of tartar.

All dry ingredients are mixed, then oil, water, cream of tartar and dyes are poured in. Then the mass is placed in a microwave oven at medium power and heated for 5-6 minutes. After cooling, knead it well.


The finished homemade mass is stored in a container or bag in the refrigerator, purchased at the store - at room temperature in a container with a tightly closed lid. If you follow all the rules for the use andstorage, modeling paste will delight the child for a long time and will allow you to show your imagination every day.
