Beautiful papier-mâché crafts
Beautiful papier-mâché crafts

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For the preparation of beautiful and unusual dolls at the beginning of the 16th century, an art form called papier-mâché appeared, which means torn or chewed paper. Over the years, this technique has been used to make decorative moldings, mirror frames, candlesticks, toys, trays and snuff boxes. Papier-mache crafts are very beautiful things that can serve as a great interior decoration or addition to your style. There are two ways to prepare papier-mâché products. The first is sticking torn paper in layers. The second is modeling from a mixture of glue with torn wet paper.

paper mache crafts
paper mache crafts

From papier-mâché you can make wonderful crafts for children with your own hands. The created little things will delight the children and at the same time serve as pride in the work done. Consider the technique of making papier-mâché products.

First way

Pieces of torn paper are glued onto the prepared form. You can use any paper, as long as it is soft. Mixed pasting will be ideal for this method of making crafts frompapier mache. There should be at least eight layers of paper, alternate white paper with colored paper, this is necessary in order not to confuse how many layers have already been applied. It is necessary to stick it carefully, slightly letting the pieces of paper overlap each other. Make sure that they do not wrinkle, every two layers you need to dry well before continuing.

Second way

To prepare the mass, newsprint is taken, cut or torn into small pieces and filled with water. Ideally, it is good to use a mixer, but you can do it yourself. It is necessary to fill the paper with hot water and leave it to soak for three hours, then knead like a dough until a homogeneous mass is obtained, decant the excess water and add the mixture of paste with glue. And knead until the mass is slightly sticky to the hands. This "dough" can be stored in a cool place for a couple of days.

DIY crafts for children
DIY crafts for children

Papier-mache crafts are originality, grace, beauty and magnificence. Creating interesting crafts for children, we understand how exciting this art is, bringing joy not only to kids, but also to adults.

Easter is coming and you can make some great crafts like Easter eggs. What do we need for this? Decor materials: beads, lace, beads, rhinestones, ribbons, acrylic paints, PVA glue, paper (napkins, colored paper, newspapers), threads and a balloon. We inflate the balloon to the size we need, glue it with pieces of torn or cut paper in a couple of layers, let it dry. Then carefully make an incision and remove the ball. Finishing our craftpainting it with paints and decorating it to your liking with beads, ribbons and other materials.

All kids love toys, and the more the better. You can make an interesting dinosaur for your favorite child. To do this, you will need tape, paint, cardboard, foil to prepare the head and legs, a bowl of glue, glue, thick brushes, a balloon and newspaper.

interesting crafts for kids
interesting crafts for kids

The balloon needs to be inflated, placed on a stand, then apply glue with a brush and lay out torn paper in several layers. To create a head and legs, we twist the foil into a cylinder and fasten it to the body with adhesive tape, glue strips of paper on top. We make spikes from cardboard triangles two and four centimeters wide, having previously folded them at the base at an angle of 90 degrees. Glue and wait until the whole dinosaur dries, then paint it and after complete drying, the craft is ready.

Papier-mache crafts are an excellent solution for creating not only original and beautiful toys, dolls, masks, figurines, piggy banks and boxes, but also for unusual decoration of your interior.
