Joking and serious: how to make a water bomb
Joking and serious: how to make a water bomb

Remember the "man in his prime", who was always ready to play pranks, play tricks, fool around? He even made "the biggest and loudest "splash" in the world"! Well, of course, this is Carlson! Do you want to repeat his feat? True, the proposed use of this very "splash" by us is just a joke, so you should not take it seriously.

Your own gunsmith

Let's discuss how to make a water bomb, the easiest one for the first time. What might you need for this? A plastic bag for milk, kefir or sour cream. Fill it with water. Pinch the hole with a clothespin. Climb higher - to the balcony of the 5th-6th floor, for example. Raise the bag over your head, wait for someone to pass under you. Have you calculated that the flight path will correspond to the movement? Then open your hands and let your victim think about how to make a water bomb.

Sponge-bast, start over

how to make a water bomb
how to make a water bomb

For creative and original thinking people (namely, our kids are like that) it will not be difficult to come up with something funny, almost fromair. And even more so, it is not a problem for them to solve the problem to which our article is devoted. For example, do you know how to make a water bomb out of ordinary sponges for bathing or washing dishes? But even a 5-6-year-old kid, imagine, knows! What is needed for this? Connect several sponges (at least five) in a bundle, strung on a harsh thread. Fill a bowl with water and put the workpiece in it. Then follow the instructions in the paragraph above. That is, also go up to the floor above, at least to the roof. Basin, of course, taking with him. Wait for a passerby and drop your weapon on him, just don't wring it out. The more liquid is absorbed into it, the stronger the "splash" will be. Here's how to make a water bomb with the most basic tools at hand!

Paper projectiles

paper origami water bomb
paper origami water bomb

And now something more interesting, more original. Imagine that it is possible to make projectiles from paper. Yes, yes, from it, and fill it with liquid, and throw it at the alleged or obvious enemy. For this, the art of origami will come to your aid. A water bomb is made from paper according to a certain pattern. The sheet is taken in a square shape and bent diagonally on both sides. Then, bending the corners and fixing them, you will get a ball, hollow inside. Fill it with water and quickly use it for its intended purpose! Otherwise, the paper will get wet, and the effect of the projectile will turn against you. But, if you have time, you can admire with what “bang” the bomb will burst! In short, it will be fun!

Exploding balloons

balloon water bombs
balloon water bombs

And finally, balloon water bombs. It's already elementary. Take ordinary rubber balls, round ones are better. Substitute them under the tap and fill with water, of course, cold. Try to get enough liquid so that the ball does not stretch too much. Otherwise, it will simply break, not having time to complete its mission. After dialing the right amount, tie the hole with a thread, as you would with an inflated balloon. Instead of balls, ordinary fingertips or even thin medical rubber gloves are also suitable. The scheme is still the same: filled, tied, aimed, fired. And enjoy the bombshell effect!

Good luck to you, "extremists"-Homemade!

P. S

And although all this is fun and exciting, before the next use of the bomb, remember that the next time you can become the victim of the same prankster!..
