Coin 2 kopecks 1935. Description, characteristics, price
Coin 2 kopecks 1935. Description, characteristics, price

Coin value of 2 kopecks 1935 depends directly on the type of stamp that was used for its production. The change of the seals used in the work took place in the same year, so the coins of the same year vary quite a lot in appearance, and therefore in value too.

2 kopecks 1935
2 kopecks 1935


Collectors of rare monetary units call 1935 a very productive and interesting year for collecting. Not every year coins of the same denomination were minted, but of a different design. 2 kopecks 1935 just belong to those.

These were coins produced by the Leningrad Mint. More than eighty million copies went to the people. Initially, these banknotes were made from an alloy of bronze and aluminum. Color - golden. In the second half of the year, the coins changed color.

2 kopecks of 1935 did not have magnetic characteristics. Weighed two grams. Despite a decent circulation, treasure hunters say that finding such a penny is very, very difficult. Particularly rare are coins of a new design, which were printed(according to preliminary and unverified data) about two dozen sets.


The central part of the 2 kopeck coin of 1935 is occupied by the number "2". Below it is the inscription "kopecks" and the year of manufacture. At the very bottom, under the year of minting, there is a decorative dot. It is often found on the monetary units of that time. on the sides the inscriptions are decorated with thin braided ears of wheat. Under the point below, they intersect with each other and then go around all the sides of the coin.


The most interesting is on the reverse side. The central part of the emblem of the Soviet Union, which depicts the Earth, a sickle, a hammer and the sun with rays warming the earth - this is what remains unchanged. The rest of the details on the 1935 2 kopeck coin are subject to changes during the stamp change.

The earth on the sides of the coin is decorated with wheat stalks gathered into small ears. The ears, in turn, are wrapped in beautiful lush ribbons. Three turns on each side, the seventh part of the tape collects the ears at the bottom. At the top, where the spikelets converge, there is a five-pointed star.

The coat of arms is surrounded by a thin line around the entire perimeter. Further along the circle is the famous Soviet slogan "PROLETARIANS OF ALL COUNTRIES UNITE!". Moreover, all punctuation marks are observed in the sentence.

Here, just like on the reverse side of the coin, there are decorative dots. They are located after each letter in the USSR inscription. "Country" is at the very bottom, under the coat of arms.

2 kopecks 1935
2 kopecks 1935


After thatAs the stamp was changed, the 2 kopeck coin 1935 changed its appearance. The following transformations have taken place:

  • The proposal calling for unity, which ringed the image of the Soviet coat of arms, was gone.
  • The inner circle around the coat of arms also disappeared.
  • If on the "old" coin the star was homogeneous, more uniform and rounded, then on the "new" it is cut, pointed and sharp.
  • The letters in the name of the state have also changed. Now the USSR is written in square letters.
  • The decorative dots separating each letter have also been removed.


On this type of coins of 1935, a clearly visible marriage is very rare. Only a few times the auctions got coins, where there were:

  • splits,
  • convex shape;
  • concave shape;
  • image rotations;
  • extra metal near the image of the number on the reverse.
2 kopecks 1935
2 kopecks 1935


Coins with the slogan cost from ten to six hundred rubles. Everything will depend on safety. Next in ascending order are 2 kopecks of the “new” stamp, which are valued in different collections and at different auctions from 1200 to 80000. Coins that have any type of marriage can be sold for 100-1000 rubles. The most expensive are "remakes", that is, coins issued on Khrushchev's personal order in very small quantities. Here the price can reach 130,000 rubles or more.
