Cross stitch cats - ancient needlework for the modern world
Cross stitch cats - ancient needlework for the modern world

Handmade gifts are most valued. Especially if this gift is meaningful and promises a good life or good luck in the future. And even more valuable is embroidery. Because it is made by hand and always with a certain meaning. The advantage is that the master puts his whole soul into the work. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent. Especially if the picture has cross stitch with a cat and a cat.

Is someone embroidering now?

Despite the fact that embroidery is now necessarily included in the general education school curriculum, not everyone knows it well. A rare schoolgirl will be able to make even a small picture with a flower with a needle and thread, not to mention cross-stitching cats. Masterfully executed works are now very popular and in great demand. Fashion for embroidered things is back. But in today's world it is hard to imagine a young girl who will give up meetings with friends, discos and various entertainments in favor of a monotonous home pastime with hoops, canvas and threads.

cat tea party embroidery
cat tea party embroidery

Of course, only a fewprefer to stay at home while others are having fun. However, there are also lovers of needlework. And given the fashion for embroidery, modern ladies again took out the hoop from the past, wiped it off the dirt and put it into use.

History of embroidery

The oldest embroidered things date back to the 5th century BC. Such ancient canvases were found in China, which is considered the founder of all embroidery. But embroidery was invented even earlier. Embroidery was still among the ancient people. Sewing clothes from skins, the ancient people noticed the unevenness of the stitches and decided to decorate clothes with such stitches. In China, they embroidered on thin silk fabrics, depicting natural motifs.

Ancient embroideries were also found on other continents in various countries. Of course, each nation has its own way of this craftsmanship, its favorite colors, amulets, ornaments and motifs, ranging from embroideries of landscapes of nature to embroidery of representatives of the animal world. For example, cats were often embroidered with a cross. These animals were considered sacred, they were often depicted on fabric canvases. We can say that embroidery is one of the most ancient types of needlework.

four cats embroidery
four cats embroidery

Where to start?

Embroidery is not an easy art, but anyone can learn it. There is not even a gender division. The world knows the names of many men who embroider beautifully and even put up their paintings for sale and collect exhibitions. In order to learn how to embroider, you do not need a lot of resources. It is enough to have a few things:

  1. Canva, available at the fabric store.
  2. Muline threads. They can also be purchased at fabric or craft stores.
  3. Embroidery needles. They differ from sewing ones with a blunt end and a large eye.
  4. Hoop. It is better to buy wooden ones, they hold the fabric more tightly and the tension is stronger in them. Plastic, among other flaws, also quickly fail.
  5. Scheme. It is almost impossible to embroider without this important element.

What is most often embroidered?

Despite the huge popularity of embroidered shirts and dresses, paintings remain the most popular. In the modern world, people have learned to create patterns not only for ornaments. With the help of different programs, you can create a diagram of your own photo or embroider a picture of a famous artist. Of course, such works are done by experienced craftswomen. Young children start their work with small pictures of animals: puppies, hamsters and parrots. Cross-stitching of a black cat is considered very popular.

cat embroidery
cat embroidery

Cross stitch cats

Cats are a hot topic for the modern world. Cross stitch cats and cats. More and more often they find many plots and meanings for them. It is believed that a cat embroidered with a cross brings good luck and comfort to the house.

These animals were sacred in ancient times, they were even worshiped and protected. Like mystical animals, they carry the souls of the dead to the next world. Now there is no such belief. But the cat theme is one of the most popular. Such pets are embroidered both according to single patterns and by buying cross-stitch kits with cats. An embroidery kit is much more convenient than a single pattern. ATit already has everything you need to work. No need to worry about the size of the canvas, it is precisely adjusted to the embroidery. The kit also contains all the threads. They are exactly as many as required for embroidery or a little more. You don't have to search and buy yourself. Also, embroidery kits are equipped with needles and patterns. Cross stitch with cats is very diverse. You can meet not only colored cute cats or kittens.

black cat embroidery
black cat embroidery

What is monochrome embroidery?

There is also the so-called monochrome cross-stitch of cats. This is a way to perform a work in one color, most often using black. This type of embroidery is also distinguished by its minimalist plots. Usually such paintings depict several objects or only their outlines. Monochrome is also considered one of the easiest types of embroidery. You can't mix up the colors in it. And counting crosses is easier when they are the same color. Such embroidery is easily suitable for beginners or students. There are a lot of motives for such embroidery: figures and shadows of various objects and plants, silhouettes of people or animals.

Two cats monochrome embroidery
Two cats monochrome embroidery

Among the different types of embroidery, people more often choose a cross not because its sign protects from evil, but because every person can do such creative work. And among the many themes and beautiful pictures, embroidered cats feel safe. These proud, beautiful, cute and funny pets have boldly and confidently taken their rightful place in the hearts of an entire planet of people.
