How to crochet rugs from packages
How to crochet rugs from packages

The fantasy of needlewomen has no limits. And this was once again proved by their next invention - crocheting rugs from packages. Such crafts really look very original. However, they do not require you to spend a lot of money to complete them. Moreover, you can successfully use used plastic bags, creating a spectacular and unusual little thing that will certainly decorate any room.

What explains the popularity of polyethylene rugs

crochet bag rug step by step
crochet bag rug step by step

Masters who professionally deal with the studied subject of interior argue that the technology does not imply complex actions, and the creative process is a very exciting experience. It allows not only to make an interesting and useful thing "from what was", but also to have an interesting time. And a rug crocheted from packages can decorate not only your interior. Experienced needlewomen say that such a thing will become wonderful andDefinitely a memorable gift for family and friends. In addition, it is not at all necessary to knit gloomy rugs solely in order to put them at the front door or in the hallway. You can also make a bright and colorful craft, ideal for decorating the bathroom, kitchen and even the living room. Of course, if the owners can successfully fit an unusual rug crocheted from packages into the overall interior ensemble.

Required materials and tools

spiral bag rug
spiral bag rug

You don't have to use the whole package to implement your idea. It must first be cut into thin strips. But first you need to prepare:

  • stationery knife;
  • wooden ruler;
  • large and comfortable scissors;
  • suitable hook (most often use tool number 3, 5 or 7);
  • cellophane bags in various colors.

Preparing "yarn"

Before you start crocheting rugs from bags, you need to prepare cellophane. To do this, straighten and stack several packages in a small pile. We press down with a ruler, stepping back from the edge of about 4 cm. Experienced craftsmen say that the thicker the package, the narrower the strip should be. That is, the ruler should be closer to the edge. It is also important to try to select packages of the same thickness so that the product is even and neat. Having measured the desired width, we draw a knife along the package, cutting off the strip. We "cut" the whole package in this way. Then we connect the prepared "rings" into a single"a thread". Which we will use to crochet rugs from bags. To do this is quite simple. We take two prepared strips, unfold. We wrap one around the other and thread the tip into the resulting loop. We tighten. Thus we connect the edges of all the tapes. And only then we wind the resulting "thread" into a skein, while slightly twisting it.

bag rug how to make
bag rug how to make

How to crochet a square rug

Experienced craftsmen note that polyethylene "yarn" is used in the same way as wool. Therefore, you can safely embody various schemes you like. However, beginner needlewomen should still wait a little with the implementation of a complex product. It is better to start with a simple technology, and having mastered it, continue self-improvement. Experts agree that square rugs from crocheted packages look the most interesting. They are not difficult to perform, so we suggest readers start with just such a product. For its implementation, it is necessary to prepare a hook and a skein of "yarn". After that, perform simple manipulations:

  1. Knit a chain of six loops and close in a ring.
  2. Then knit twelve single crochets. Three pieces on each side of the square.
  3. You need to knit three air loops between them.
  4. Then we continue to knit triple single crochet, and between them - three air loops. In the corners we knit 6 single crochets, making three air loops between them.
  5. Continue like this until we reachdesired square size. In this case, you can use different shades of "yarn" and color combinations. This way you can crochet a rug from garbage bags or used colored ones.
bag rug square
bag rug square

Make a round rug

Beginners in various reviews and comments write that round rugs are the easiest to make. Because they do not need to follow the technology. It is enough just to add loops in time, forming an even circle. However, experienced craftsmen say that a round rug can be started in the same way as a square one. It's best to do it right though. To do this, take a polyethylene "yarn" and wrap it around the index finger of the left hand. Then carefully remove the loop, tie it and pull it together by pulling on the initial tip. As a result of the described actions, a middle without a hole is obtained. And the product looks much more interesting. Further crocheting a rug from garbage bags or any other is very simple. The needlewoman knits columns without a crochet or with one crochet from each loop of the previous row. And to get a beautiful circle, he raises two new ones from one loop. This version of the rug is notable for the fact that it is carried out at the request of the needlewoman.

bag rug round
bag rug round

Cooking a rug from polyethylene pom-poms

This original and simple piece of furniture can be done by the whole family. It is also worth noting that this is the only model that does not require knowledge of technology.knitting. However, it requires a different set of materials and tools. First of all, it is a skein of polyethylene "yarn". And also scissors, a needle and thread, cardboard, a mosquito net. Having completed the preparatory stage, we proceed to the creative process:

  1. Cut cardboard into several identical patterns - strips 3-4 cm wide.
  2. After we make pom-poms. We wind the polyethylene "yarn" on the template, carefully remove it, tie it in the middle and cut the ends.
  3. Sew multi-colored pompoms to the mosquito net, trying to place them closer to each other. This will allow you to get the original "fluffy" rug.
pom pom bag rug
pom pom bag rug

Rug according to the pattern of knitted napkins

Experienced needlewomen, talking about how to crochet a rug from packages, note that fantasy has no boundaries, so you can risk fulfilling an idea even in complex techniques. In this case, you should rely on the pattern of your favorite knitted napkin. However, in this case, it is necessary to prepare a thinner polyethylene "yarn". And cut packages of selected colors should be into strips no more than one centimeter wide. Then we fasten the material and twist it into a skein. And even then we start knitting our idea.

You can use any scheme for this. But still, experts recommend starting with a simpler and smaller one. Therefore, below we suggest our reader to study two options for working. The first will help to understand and master the technique. And the second is to make a truly masterpiecea piece of interior. Which can even be given as a gift.

rug from packages diagram
rug from packages diagram

Rug of motifs

If the needlewoman still cannot determine the degree of her knowledge and patience, experienced craftsmen offer to make a dimensionless crochet rug from plastic bags. It is called so because it consists of squares, the number of which the knitter regulates independently. Therefore, if suddenly the work gets bored, or the craftswoman wants to make a different rug, for example, an openwork one, it will be possible to interrupt. At the same time, you do not have to dissolve the work you have begun or postpone it for future completion. In addition, it is important to note that it is permissible to choose one or more motifs to create your product. Some experienced needlewomen combine many options, effectively beating simple ones with bright polyethylene "yarn". As a result, they get a really interesting and beautiful product that looks no worse than a purchased one. For our readers, we offer several different schemes. Among them, you can choose one, or create an unusual rug from all at once.

rug from bags of motifs
rug from bags of motifs

This concludes our master class. But the creative path of the needlewoman is just beginning. We wish you good luck and new ideas!
