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2025 Author: Sierra Becker | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:09
Thinking of decorating your house for the New Year, but don't know how? Make your own from angel fabric. This toy can be used as decoration for Christmas tree, window, shelf and even ceiling. And the most beautiful crafts are a great gift for friends as a souvenir.
Felt angel

Even a child can make such a toy. Today we will make a fabric angel with our own hands. The photo of the craft conveys all her charm and personality. We need felt, thread and two beads.
First of all, we need to make blanks. The body will look like a triangle with rounded edges. Cut out two pieces and sew them together. If you fill the parts of the angel, then it will turn out to be voluminous, if this is not necessary, then we leave the toy without stuffing. The body is ready. Cut out two flesh-colored circles - this will be the head. We sew the details and attach them to the body. Next, we make a hairstyle. Our sample shows a girl angel with two ponytails, but you can make a boy too. Do not limit the flight of your imagination. Cut out two white wings and sew them to the back. The do-it-yourself angel made of fabric is ready, it remains to detail it. Cut out a heart and sew it to the chest. From two ropes, to the ends of which we will tie beads, we make legs. It remains to embroider the eyes and mouth of the angel. If desired, you can make a nose and blush the cheeks with a pencil.
Cloth angel

Such toys can be used as car pendants or as a key ring. How to make a fabric angel with your own hands? Above is a pattern that is proposed to be printed or copied. First we cut out paper parts, and then we make blanks from fabric.
Let's start sewing the angel from the torso. We combine two parts of the skirt with each other, sew, turn inside out and do not stuff. Now let's make a heart. We sew it and stuff it, it will be the center of our toy. It's time to make the head. We sew two flesh-colored circles and fill the workpiece. You can immediately draw a cute face for an angel, for example, using two beads for the eyes and drawing cheeks with a red pencil. Hair can be made either from woolen threads or satin ribbons. We sew together the blanks of the head and heart. Cut out the wings. In order for them to keep their shape, a piece of cardboard must be inserted between the two pieces of fabric. And you can make wings from felt or any other dense fabric. We sew our blanks to the back of the angel. The matter remains small - we make pens. We sew circles and after we stuff them, it will be necessary to sew fingers on them. We attachhands and decorate the angel with bows and pendants.
Angel from a semicircle

We will make a toy pendant from felt. To make an angel out of fabric with our own hands, let's start by preparing a semicircle pattern. Circle it on felt and cut it out. Lay the semicircle horizontally, cut away from you. Now we pull its two ends to the center and take them back a little. In this position, we fix the fabric with threads. Cut out the head. It will be two circles sewn together. Let's make an angel bangs out of fabric, you can come up with any other hairstyle. It's time for the wings. We will make them from white fabric. Cut out something like butterfly wings or dog bones. We sew the blank to the back of the angel. It remains to detail the toy. Beads will be eyes, cheeks are drawn with a red pencil, and a large bead is attached to the dress.
Simple angel

You can involve a three-year-old child in the process of making such a toy. If mom buys a blank in the form of a felt circle with a carved edge, then it will not be difficult to make a Christmas angel out of fabric with your own hands.
We take our workpiece and divide it into three parts. We cut. One of the parts will become the body, and the other two will make the wings. Now cut out a circle from flesh-colored fabric. This is the head. The angel can be left in such a primitive form or decorated. For example, make him eyes, draw a pattern on the body and wings. If desired, you can makewoolen threads curly hairstyle. Several of these angels will make a beautiful garland, which will decorate the Christmas tree. The child will be especially pleased that he takes part in such a magical event.
Angel sachet

To make such a toy, you will need burlap and fragrant herbs. You can buy a ready-made collection or prepare it yourself in the summer. We will make a fabric angel doll according to a pattern. We print the picture proposed above, or we draw the outline ourselves. We cut out two blanks from the burlap, stuff them with grass and then manually (or on a typewriter) sew the toy with an indent of half a centimeter from the edge. On the wings, you can make a wavy line. To do this, cut out the workpiece and draw the outline of the future product with soap. You can sew with contrasting threads or pick them up to match. It remains to decorate our angel. We sew a small star or heart on the chest of the doll, and attach a ribbon to the head so that the sachet can be hung. If desired, the angel can build a hairstyle.
Angel with beads

We will make this toy from two different materials: felt and ordinary cotton fabric. We also need a silver thread and beads. Print out the pattern. We will make an angel from fabric with our own hands in stages. First, cut out all the details from the material. We sew the blanks together and stuff them. We sew wings to the back. As a decor, you can make a decorative stitch on them.contrast threads. Now you need to sew arms and legs to the body. We will make them in the same way. Make a knot at the end of the thread. We string a bead and sew the free edge to the body. We repeat this operation three times. Remember that the legs should be slightly longer than the arms. Now you need to decorate the craft. On the hem of the angel, you can write a wish or any name. You can also embroider a face and make a hairstyle for the toy.
Burlap Angel

This craft is reminiscent of our grandmothers toy. Making a New Year's angel with your own hands from fabric is quite simple. From cardboard, we need to cut a conical blank and cover it with a cloth. Burlap can simply be glued to one side of the cardboard. We turn the workpiece into a cone and fasten it with a hot gun or a stapler. Now you need to make a head. We cut out a circle, sew it with a seam forward, stuff it and tighten the resulting bag. We sew up the hole from below and put the head on the body. We will make a hairstyle from threads similar in color to burlap. We cut small ropes and sew them in the center of the head so that the seam forms a parting. With a white rope, we will immediately make a halo pendant. We build a loop on the rope and put it on the angel's head. We sew a halo at the level of ¾ of the head. We decorate the joint between the head and the body with a cut of lace. From the rope with which the hair was made, we construct a bow on the chest. It remains to make the wings. We will make them from a rectangle of burlap. Sewing a piece of fabric along the edgelace. Now we need to pick up our workpiece exactly in the center and sew it to the back of the angel.
Assembling an angel from cardboard and fabric

This toy can be hung on a Christmas tree, or you can decorate it with a fireplace, bedside table and even a mirror. How to make an angel out of fabric with your own hands? To do this, we need thick cardboard and embossed matter. You can take a gold or silver piece of fabric. Let's start making an angel.

Print or draw a pattern and transfer it to cardboard and fabric. Cut out blanks. Glue the fabric to the cardboard with a glue gun. In the right places we duplicate the cuts. They should converge on fabric and cardboard. Now fold the angel as shown in the picture.
The manufacturing method of this toy can be upgraded a bit. For example, make it two-sided. To do this, it is necessary to glue the fabric not on one side of the cardboard blank, but on two. You can also make wings and body from different materials. For example, stick feathers on the wings of an angel. They can be purchased at any craft store and are sold in rolls.
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