Artbooks what is it? Popular topics for creating artbooks
Artbooks what is it? Popular topics for creating artbooks

If you want to develop your creativity, artistic taste and just spend your free time usefully, try creating artbooks. What is an artbook? A graphic album (from the English Artbook) is a collection of images, illustrations and photographs collected under the cover as an album. Most often, its content is united by a common theme. The images can be works of one artist or works of one genre.

what are artbooks
what are artbooks

Artbooks: what is a picture album?

Artbooks are books created and illustrated by the author himself. In addition, there are fanzines - short-circulation periodicals published by adherents of a certain direction of science fiction, music, etc.

artbook ideas
artbook ideas

Very often, our memory is stored in the form of photographs in old albums or hidden behind ordinary everyday activities, but quite anotherthe case is an artbook. Photos and images, clippings from magazines and own illustrations in it will be scattered across the pages in completely different ways. And they will always be there until the next bright notebook ends. Everything that is lost in our memory and slips away every day will be stored in the artbook in the form of a note, drawing or any other little thing, glued on tape or with glue.

artbook is
artbook is

Ideas for creating a picture album

Artbooks are completely different in terms of subject matter and materials used. If you decide to create your own artbook, the ideas can be completely different and there are no hard and fast rules. This is the wonderful feature of artbooks - even a person who does not know how to draw at all can make it. After all, you can paste photos or beautiful clippings from magazines and newspapers into it, even labels and menus from your favorite restaurants.

As for the subject, there can be no restrictions at all. It can be a book about your life, in which you can display the past, future and elusive present. An artbook can even consist of a set of sketches that we make while chatting on the phone or listening to a boring lecture at the university.

DIY artbook
DIY artbook

An album can reflect the happiest moments of a trip. Then it will be filled with tickets, sketches and, of course, bright photographs.

Another option is to make your own art book in the form of a wish book, which can depict all your dreams. It's kind ofan alternative to the wish board that helps visualize the most intimate and desired things.

One of the areas of art therapy that has become very popular lately is the creation of graphic albums for the purpose of introspection. During the creation of an artbook, a person not only expresses his creative nature, but also increases self-esteem, sets himself up to overcome difficulties.

Working on the artbook

To make your own graphic album, first of all, you should decide on its basis, which can be a diary, a bound book, an album, a notebook. In other words, whatever your imagination tells you.

artbook photo
artbook photo

As already noted, usually the pages of an artbook are united by a common theme - it can be a travel album, a personal diary, visualized wishes, wedding fantasies and much more. But if there is no specific theme, then this is not a hindrance - you can make a prefabricated art book. Ideas are completely different. The album may include sketches, sketches and phrases that made a special impression. In the process of creating such an artbook, a person not only gets a lot of pleasure, but also splashes out his creative energy.

How to fill the album?

When you have already decided on the theme and content of the album, it's time to do the most interesting thing - its content. You can paste interesting clippings from magazines and just pictures, draw with a pencil, felt-tip pens and paints, collect memorable items, supplement everything with sketches and small notes. Very often forartbook creations use the collage technique. Let's take a closer look at how various artbooks are created.

Interesting artbooks: what is a collage?

A collage is understood as a work of art created by gluing materials and objects that differ in texture and color onto a base. Initially, a collage is a combination of images that arise in the mind, and not just a set of beautiful pictures. The finished image can be finished with ink, watercolor and other materials.

what is an artbook
what is an artbook

Some tips for creating a beautiful artbook

Although it was noted that there are no rules in the process of creating an artbook, still some features are worth noting. This is especially true for those people who are far from art and for the first time picked up brushes and pencils to learn how to make artbooks. What is a beautiful picture album and what to look for when creating it?

Rule one: rich but unobtrusive background. Rich - meaning in one part of it is not the same as in the other. Let it be only half a tone or half a detail, but still different. An unobtrusive background is one that does not interrupt the main subject.

The easiest way to create a background is to paint with watercolors on wet paper. To do this, you need to take a dense sheet, smear it with a brush or sponge with clean water, and then paint it with various colors. When hit on water, the colors will blur into bizarre spots.

If the background still turned out to be quite intrusive, you need to take white paint, dilute itwater and apply in several layers on the substrate, achieving the desired degree of pallor. Then you will highlight the main object and get a beautiful artbook. What is a key object? This is the element that draws attention. It is he who contains the main idea that the artbook reflects. It can be an image, text, or a shape. It is very important that any viewer immediately understands that this particular object is the key one.

artbook ideas
artbook ideas

The easiest way to highlight an object is to find an image you like in a magazine or the Internet, cut it out and stick it on the substrate. And free places can be painted over with paint.

Another rule of a good graphic album is that secondary elements should not interrupt the key object, but be brighter than the background. It can be images, text, leaflets, pieces, shells, photographs. In general, everything that is worthy of your attention and relates to the theme of the album.

Artbook is a flight of fancy, a collection of important images and elements united by a common idea. Creating such an album, you can safely do whatever you like: combine various materials and needlework techniques, throw out your imagination in the form of intricate images and unexpected solutions, experiment. And remember that living in the past is not worth it. Learn to turn the pages, because life is full of ups and downs. The main thing is how you feel about them.
