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2025 Author: Sierra Becker | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:09
Tilda's toys and dolls have become quite popular lately. They look funny, cozy and are of interest not only to children. For many, making dolls has become a kind of hobby. In the new year, the decorative Tilda monkey is very popular. The pattern of the toy is quite simple and does not require special skills in sewing. With a little imagination, you can create a wonderful monkey and no one else will have one like it.

From what to sew a doll
In order to make Tilda, you can even use old clothes, because it happens that a thing has not been worn for a long time, but it's a pity to throw it away, because the fabric is of high quality. Surely every hostess has such options. Pieces of chintz, fur, lace - everything will come in handy. The original version of traditional dolls will be used as the basis for the Tilda monkey pattern.

Tools and materials
First, prepare the necessary materials and accessories for sewing. You will need the following:
- Tilda monkey pattern paper;
- cuts of fabric, you can choose to your taste;
- scissors, needles, pins, thread;
- sewing machine (optional);
- synthetic winterizer for stuffing toys;
- two black beads for eyes.
If you wish, you can make a boy and a girl of monkeys so that they have more fun. For sewing the base (body), it is good to use knitwear, mostly brown or beige, you will also need a little lighter cotton for the muzzle. The girl will need to sew a dress, chintz with a small cheerful pattern, lace, satin ribbons will do. For a boy from soft denim, you will need to sew shorts, and a shirt from any bright material.
Preparing for cutting
Now you can arm yourself with a pencil, paper and start building a pattern. A life-size tilda monkey is quite bulky, you can make a toy of a size convenient for you, the main thing is to observe the basic proportions. Transfer the pattern suggested in the photo to paper, you can simply redraw it by hand or print it on a printer in the required size. Cutting a pattern of a tilde monkey will not cause trouble, children can also use scissors. It is useful to involve a child in the process, participation in the process develops fine motor skills of the hands, instills skills in needlework and gives a lot of pleasure.

Ifprint the diagram on A4 sheet, then the doll will turn out to be about 35 cm high. You don’t have to try to make it a copy of the original, let it be your unique toy.

Tilda (monkey), pattern
A master class with detailed instructions is not so necessary, it is enough to apply a little imagination and a creative mood. Step-by-step instructions for transferring patterns from paper to fabric:
- fold the brown fabric in half to make it easy to cut paired pieces;
- lay out the pieces of the pattern cut out of paper on it: body 1pc, arms 2pcs, legs 2pcs;
- ears make one piece of dark color, and the inner pieces will look better from light material, also 1 piece each, also cut out a muzzle pattern from it;
- circle the elements with chalk and cut with a seam allowance of up to 0.5 cm so that the fabric does not climb when stitching.
Tilda monkey pattern from fabric is ready. You can proceed to the next step.

Connecting parts
Start with the muzzle, this is an important point to make your toy look like the original Tilda doll. The monkey will turn out great!
We connect the patterns of the upper and lower parts, having previously stitched a tuck from above, thanks to it the face will look voluminous.
Now sew the two halves of the "face" from the wrong side, do not forget to leave a couple of stitches unsewn for eversion and filling with padding polyester. Lay the line evenly, otherwise the errors will be visible later, since the head will not be covered by anything.
In the same way, connect the details of the ears, dark with light. It is important to iron the parts after turning them out with an iron, after which all the seams will fall into place, the monkey's face after smoothing should already take its shape. Also around the circumference of the muzzle can be smoothed at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge for ease of sewing to the head.
The arms and legs of the Tilda monkey pattern are also sewn and turned through the slit left unsewn. So all the components for the body are ready. It remains to collect all the details together.
Mark with chalk on the fabric the places for the ears in accordance with the paper base pattern of the body, bend them inward and secure with pins (no need to stuff the ears with filler). Do the same with arms and legs pre-filled with padding polyester. Now the body is stitched in a circle, pins are removed along the line. It is important to leave a few centimeters, you can somewhere on the side, unsewn for eversion and stuffing with padding polyester.
Making a funny face
Well, that's almost finished monkey, that's just without the "face". Now you need to work with a needle manually. Fill the prepared face with synthetic winterizer and pin it exactly to the base of the face so that when sewing on, the monkey does not turn out with a crooked mouth. Attach piece with a blind stitch, adjusting slightly if necessary.
The final touch is left. Traditional Tilda dolls have very small beady eyes. Therefore, as an eyeyou can sew small black beads. Or just make a few stitches with black thread and tint around the seams with a simple pencil or felt-tip pen to give a natural look. Well, now everything is ready. Agree that the Tilda doll is easy to sew. The monkey (the pattern and a detailed explanation are given above) turned out to be alive! Now we need to take care of her clothes.

Dress for Tilda
Don't worry, the kids will love it! At such a moment, they certainly will not leave you. Together with your child, choose the fabric for the monkey girl's dress, figure out how to trim the edges with lace.
First, a pattern is drawn on paper, cut out, transferred to the material and cut out on fabric with seam allowances. It is important to respect the dimensions for your monkey. If you made the doll big, then the dress needs to be made bigger, respecting the proportions.
The outfit is sewn quite simply. Sew the side seams, then the shoulder seams. Finish the edges with a seam in the hem, and sew on lace and ribbons for beauty. You can sew several different outfits for different occasions, then your daughter will definitely not part with the toy for a minute. Putting a dress on the Tilda monkey is not difficult, it is easier to do it through the legs, bending the doll a little.

Boys clothes
Dressing the monkey boy is a little more difficult, since you need to sew both shorts and a shirt. For pants, you can pour a rectangle of fabric, make an incision from the bottom,sew the edges. You can sew a narrow elastic band into the belt, especially if the boy will participate in children's games. The shirt can be made according to the pattern of the dress, only a little shorter, in a boyish style - without lace and bows.
Clothes can be detailed and come up with a small collar or pocket.

And if fantasy is played out, you can come up with a lot of additional things for the monkeys. Sew winter clothing options, hats, boots, knit a small scarf. Don't be afraid to experiment with doll makeup. To make it brighter, you can tint your cheeks with blush or build up hairs from threads. And you will certainly have the most beautiful monkey Tilda.
A little about Tilda dolls
Tilda doll is an original fabric toy, loved by many for its simplicity and warmth. The first doll appeared at the turn of the 21st century. Very soon, Tilda became famous all over the world, and both children and adults adore her. In recent years, various versions of dolls have been invented: Tilda the bunny, Tilda the cat, Tilda the monkey (described above), as well as a spy doll to decorate the bedroom of little girls.
Distinctive features of the dolls: natural body color with a slight tan shade, long graceful limbs, small eyes, rosy cheeks, smart clothes made from natural fabrics, like the rest of the body.

The beauty of the toy is that it is created by one's own hands, and one cannot meet twoabsolutely identical dolls. Having tried once to create a toy, it is already impossible to leave this hobby.
If you have an original Tilda (monkey) doll, you can save the patterns for the collection. And try to sew other toy options.
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