How to sew a monkey out of fabric: pattern, master class, photo, diagram
How to sew a monkey out of fabric: pattern, master class, photo, diagram

Toys are always a pleasure to make, because they are pleasant to the touch and sewn from bright fabrics. We offer you several workshops on sewing monkeys that are relevant for 2016.

How to build a pattern for sewing a monkey?

If you decide to sew a monkey (no matter what), but you do not have the necessary pattern, then you can build it yourself.

how to sew a monkey out of fabric pattern
how to sew a monkey out of fabric pattern

Standard patterns of a toy monkey consist of the following elements:

  • torso;
  • head;
  • ears;
  • long ponytail;
  • paws.

Each of the listed details is drawn one by one on paper. As for the paws, on the pattern they are indicated by one element or two. It depends on whether your toy will have the same shape and length of arms and legs.

The size of the parts can be made arbitrary, they do not have to be proportional. Toys with long legs are interesting.

How to sew a monkey with your own hands: a master class with a detailed description

To create such a bright monkey, choose colorful fabrics, preferably with differentpattern for some parts of the toy. Ideally, choose similar colors. For example, sew the main part of the monkey from pink fabric with green polka dots, and the ears and extreme elements of the paws from green fabric with pink stripes.

Master class on how to sew a monkey (photo steps attached):

how to sew a fabric monkey
how to sew a fabric monkey
  1. Cut out one piece for the head and sew the sides together (Figure 1). This seam will run in the center of our muzzle.
  2. Cut out the front part of the torso from the fabric and sew the head to it (illustration 2).
  3. Cut out four pieces of ears and sew them in pairs (Figure 3).
  4. Sew one side of the ears to the front of the head (Figure 4).
  5. Cut out two identical pieces for the tail and sew them together, leaving a hole at one end (Figure 5).
  6. Use a wooden stick (if you don't have one, you can use a brush or pencil) to push the filler (Figure 6).
  7. Prepare two identical halves of the back of the monkey. For one, baste a tail in the middle (Figure 7).
  8. Place the second piece on top of the first half with the tail and stitch them neatly together (Figure 8).
  9. Prepare eight identical halves of "socks" that should be basted to each leg of the front and back of the toy (Figure 9).
  10. Gently baste the front and back of the monkey together (Figure 10).
  11. Sew the pieces together, leaving the two halves unsewn at the top of the back (Figure 11).
  12. Turn the finished toy skin inside out (Figure 12) through the opening you left.

The final stage of tailoring the monkey

how to sew a monkey with your own hands master class
how to sew a monkey with your own hands master class

When the frame of the future toy is completely ready, it must be tightly filled with filler. Since the monkey is of a rather large size, it is better to take a synthetic winterizer for this purpose, and not foam rubber or cotton wool. Spread the filler evenly over all parts of the toy with a wooden stick. Knead the toy with your hands so that there are no lumps or cavities anywhere (Figure 13).

From white and red patches make a muzzle and mouth. Embroider the nose there. Take the buttons and sew on the eyes, and below the prepared muzzle (Figure 14).

Sew up the hole through which the toy was turned inside out and stuffing was pushed in with a blind stitch (Figure 15).

The toy is ready!

Sleep Monkey

Instructions on how to sew a monkey:

how to sew a monkey pattern
how to sew a monkey pattern
  1. The pattern for this toy consists of three parts: body, ear and pocket. Transfer them to the fabric (illustration 1). As a result, you should get two parts of the body and ears, as well as a muzzle and a pocket.
  2. On the patch that is intended for the muzzle, embroider the eyes and nose (illustration 2).
  3. Take the face and pocket to the front of the toy (Figure 3).
  4. Sew or sew on the basted pieces (Figure 4).
  5. Place the ears and back of the toy as shown in picture 5 and stitch the detailstogether, leaving a small opening at the bottom.
  6. Turn the toy inside out and firmly push the stuffing inside with a stick (illustration 6).
  7. Sew up the hole (Figure 7).

Amazing monkey pillow is ready!

Monkey in a hat

Master class on how to sew a monkey out of fabric:

how to sew a monkey
how to sew a monkey
  1. The pattern for this toy consists of only three parts: torso, legs and tail. But the following number of parts should be cut out of the fabric: two for the body, six for the paws and two for the tail.
  2. Fold in pairs all the pieces right side in and sew them, leaving a small hole in each. You end up with one body, four legs and one tail.
  3. Turn parts inside out.
  4. Push any filler (for example, synthetic winterizer) inside all parts of the toy with a wooden stick.
  5. Sew the pieces together.
  6. Sew a piece of fabric to the monkey's cap area to replace it.
  7. Make a muzzle. Sew on button eyes, embroider the nose and mouth.

The monkey is ready!

Charming monkey in full growth

Step-by-step instructions on how to sew a fabric monkey (pattern of a full-length toy):

how to sew a monkey photo
how to sew a monkey photo
  1. Prepare a pattern and two types of fabric - one darker, the other lighter.
  2. Cut out all the details of the paper pattern and lay them out on the fabric.
  3. Cut out the following parts of the toy from a dark canvas: 4 arms, 4 legs, 2 torsos, 2 tails, 4 ears, 1 head, 1forehead. From a light canvas, cut out two middle parts of the ear, 1 belly, 1 heart-shaped part for the eyes and 1 circle for the muzzle.
  4. Sew the paired parts of the ears together, leaving a small hole at the bottom, and then sew the light centers on the front.
  5. Sew eyes and a muzzle to the frontal part. Sew together the finished front and back of the head, remembering to leave a hole at the bottom.
  6. Sew together the paired parts of the arms, legs, tail and torso. A hole should also be left in each component of the toy.
  7. Wash belly on the body from the front side.
  8. Stuff all the parts of the monkey with filler (for example, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or other) using a wooden stick.
  9. Sew together all the details of the toy: attach the ears to the head, and the finished head, tail and paws to the body.
  10. Sew on pupils and nose.

The monkey is ready! If desired, you can decorate the monkey with a bow, ribbon or dress it up in some outfit.

Simple monkey pillow

The sequence of the process, how to sew a monkey with your own hands:

how to sew a monkey
how to sew a monkey
  1. A master class for creating such a monkey involves the presence of soft fabric, for example, it can be fleece. It will be very pleasant to sleep on a product sewn from it. You will also need a thread and a needle.
  2. Cut out a one-piece outline of the monkey figurine from a large piece of fleece, along with the head, ears and tail. Optionally, you can make it with paws.
  3. Prepare two identical parts - front and back.
  4. Carefullyconnect the two parts right side in and baste them.
  5. Sew the monkey, leaving a small hole on one side, through which then turn the frame of the toy.
  6. Push the filler inside the monkey and carefully sew up the opening.
  7. Sew the ears in the middle, making them embossed.
  8. Cut out a belly and eye area from white fleece and sew them onto the toy.
  9. Sew on eyes and nose.

Pillow monkey is ready!
