Pattern "Peacock tail" spokes. Schemes and description
Pattern "Peacock tail" spokes. Schemes and description

Sometimes it is believed that knitting is losing its popularity over the years, that few people are already doing this, but this is not so. Many craftswomen daily create their masterpieces from threads and constantly come up with new patterns. This is especially true for experienced craftsmen, who very often bring something new.

With the help of a chic pattern, you can create a unique piece of clothing. To learn how to apply it, read this article carefully. Here you will find a description and knitting patterns for a peacock tail. Performing them correctly will make a skirt or light dress unique.

"Wave peacock tail" knitting needles. Diagrams and description

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This style has many names. Someone calls it "waves", and someone "fan". But the most common name is Peacock Tail.

Now we will present the diagrams and description of the openwork peacock tail with knitting needles.

This pattern has many details,which include:

  • Face loops. They are located on the edges of the product, as well as in some internal parts.
  • Purl loops. In one "wave" there are 3 purl loops, which are located through 1 row.
  • Crochet and double front loop. Together they form one row - 3 caps at the edges and 6 doubles in the center. Between each slip loop there should be one front loop. Each row is located after the purl.

Before learning the diagrams and descriptions of the peacock tail with knitting needles, you need to improve your technical skills. This is a very complex pattern, and therefore it is necessary to constantly practice creating loops. If you are a beginner needlewoman, then practice creating a purl and front stitch.

You can learn to knit slanted rows. The loop leaning to the left is tied through the back wall, and the one that leans to the right is tied through the front.

The tutorial will help you apply beautiful patterns to various items in your wardrobe.

"Peacock tail" can be used in the following types of clothing:

  • summer dresses and skirts;
  • shirts and tops;
  • sweaters.

Now let's look at two different descriptions and patterns of a peacock tail with knitting needles.

Light peacock tail

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This method will give the clothes elegance and lightness. Great for making shawls. All you need is ordinary knitting needles, as well as knitting threads.

Total number of knitted stitches should beequals 17, excluding edge loops. One wave should be connected in 4 rows. Observe exactly this amount.


  1. Knit 17 stitches, and don't forget about 2 edge stitches.
  2. The first row consists of only facial loops.
  3. Edge loops should be positioned differently. The first should be fastened on the right needle, and the second is knitted with the wrong loop.
  4. The second row consists of purl loops.
  5. We knit the third, which consists of 3 identical cycles: the first loop is tied up, the remaining two are knitted together with the wrong one.
  6. Make a row of five yarn and front loops.
  7. Knit fourth row purl only.
  8. The fifth row is repeated similarly to the fourth.

Wavy Peacock Tail Pattern

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The second method is not as "openwork" as the previous one, but no worse. It also looks great and is very easy to make.

Here not 17, but 18 loops are used. But in this pattern, 2 rapports are used, which means their number increases to 36.

Besides them, there are two edge loops.


  1. The first four rows need to be knitted with a stitch from the front and back loops. The first and third are facial, the second and fourth are purl.
  2. In the fifth row you need to observe the exact number of loops. Work at this stage should be done as carefully as possible.
  3. Knit six knit stitches with a crochet.
  4. Perform the sixth row. All its parts, including the cap ones, consist ofpurl stitches that are knitted from the front side.

Having connected the first six rows, we got the first rapport. Knit a few more of these for a chic pattern.


Read the instructions very carefully and work with great attention and care. The description and diagrams of the "Peacock Tail" with knitting needles will help you create beautiful things. Happy knitting!
