Romper for newborns: patterns, explanations, ideas
Romper for newborns: patterns, explanations, ideas

The best thing a mother can give to her baby is love and affection. However, do not lose sight of the comfort and convenience of the child. Our ancestors started collecting a dowry baby long before his conception, today everything has changed. In modern supermarkets, there is a huge selection of various bonnets, vests and other items of children's wardrobe. But what a mother does for her child herself will be softer and more tender than all purchased analogues. In addition, self-tailoring of children's clothes does not take much time and does not require special skills, so even a beginner can cope with this if he has a pattern of children's sliders.

Choose fabric

To make the child feel comfortable, it is necessary to select the fabric in accordance with the following criteria:

  • The fabric must not cause allergic reactions.
  • Material must perfectly absorb moisture.
  • Good ventilation promotes proper heat transfer.

Only natural materials can cope with these tasks. Their fibers are very soft, so they cannot irritate sensitive skin.

Ideal Fabric Options:

  • Footer is ideal for insulatedsliders.
  • Kulirka products are suitable for "summer" kids.
  • Mohair will create a soft cloud for the child.
  • Other natural fabrics.

Before you go shopping for fabric, take a close look at how newborn sliders are made, patterns and sewing steps. The choice of fabric by color, type and ductility will depend on this.

Step one - measurements

Begin any tailoring with baby measurements. If you already have a child, then ask to hold him while you take measurements, if not, then use the average table. However, keep in mind that children grow quickly and in both cases, add a couple of centimeters for allowances.

Required measurements:

  • Measure the half-girth of the chest. To do this, measure the circumference of the chest and divide the resulting number by 2.
  • Measure the length of the legs, add two centimeters.
  • Measure the length of the sliders, that is, the distance from the shoulder to the heel, plus two centimeters.

All measurements taken must be recorded so that later you do not get crooked and disproportionate sliders for newborns, the patterns of which are based on the measurements taken.

Stage two - building a pattern

In order to build a pattern for the back half, you need to draw a rectangle with sides equal to the half-girth + 2 cm and the length of the product + 2 cm. The dimensions are detailed in the figure, so it will not be difficult to build a similar pattern. For convenience, we separately make a pattern for the foot, drawing an oval 7 by 8 cm. Please note thatthe drawing does not take into account the seam allowances, add 1 centimeter to the resulting lines when transferring to the fabric.

rompers for newborns patterns
rompers for newborns patterns

For the front part, draw a similar rectangle and transfer the pattern to your pattern, observing the dimensions. Make sure that the front and back straps and armpit areas match. To wear a diaper for newborns, the patterns need to be slightly modified - cut out a gusset, 5 by 9 cm in size. This part is advisory in nature, its presence is optional. Remember to add 1cm when transferring to fabric.

how to sew sliders pattern
how to sew sliders pattern

Step four - connecting parts

In order to connect the front and back, you must carefully follow the instructions on how to sew the sliders. The pattern must match the size of the child and have a seam allowance of at least 1 cm.

  1. Parts face each other.
  2. Sew the side seams with a regular stitch on a sewing machine with an overlock.
  3. Sew on foot and, if available, gusset.
  4. Finish the neckline and armhole with bias binding.
  5. Elastic bands, Velcro, buttons, buttons, ties can be used as fasteners. At this point, sew your chosen option in place.

The next steps depend on the model you have chosen. If you plan to change the diaper without removing the sliders completely, then it is advisable to sew rivets, buttons or Velcro on the inside of the legs. In the classic version - sew placeson the inside with a regular seam with an overlock. You can use a zigzag as an overlock, just be sure to check the seam - it should be soft.

pattern of sliders on an elastic band
pattern of sliders on an elastic band

There are many options: a pattern of sliders with an elastic band, with a vest, with additional ties and clamps. This model is basic, the easiest to solve the problem.

Decoration of the finished product

Rompers for newborns, the patterns of which are standard and monotonous, can be made unique and inimitable. First, decide on the color of the finished product. It is recommended not to use bright and dark shades, because the child sweats intensely in them, they shed heavily when washed and can ruin other things, and not every mother has the time and energy to wash with her hands. Of course, bright colors may be acceptable for going out, but not for every day.

Lace and embroidery look very interesting and attractive on children's things. If you have a little patience, skill and time, you can embroider a small appliqué. To do this, choose soft threads and do not make knots on the wrong side. The pattern should not prick or scratch the baby.
