How to weave an owl out of rubber bands?
How to weave an owl out of rubber bands?

Not only children, but also adults love to engage in weaving from rubber bands. There are a huge number of ideas that can be made from multi-colored silicone. These are various key chains, toys, mobile phone cases, unusual decorations for the interior. The article will discuss how to weave an owl. It was not by chance that this bird was chosen. She personifies wisdom and fortitude.

how to weave an owl
how to weave an owl

What are the ways of weaving?

You can make a beautiful toy in many ways, for example:

· using the machine;

· forks;

· slingshots.

The first option is considered the easiest and most convenient, even a beginner can handle it, so how to weave an owl?

How convenient is weaving on a loom?

It is very convenient to use a special tool in weaving. To obtain different patterns, multi-colored irises must be arranged and combined in the correct sequence.

First of all, you need to choose a combination of colors tothe craft looked bright and original. For example, you can use blue, light green or pink, and for the tummy of an owl, take irises that will contrast with the above. The eyes of the bird can be made black, and the legs and beak can be orange.

how to weave an owl on a loom
how to weave an owl on a loom

A brief description of the work, or how to weave an owl from rubber bands on a loom

It will be necessary to put rubber bands on the posts located in the machine, observing a certain color sequence. You will need to throw off the finished loops, twist them together, and at the very end remove the resulting toy with a hook.

Step by step instructions

To understand how to weave an owl, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

1. You need to put an elastic band on three columns and at the same time twist them so that you get a figure eight. Then throw orange elastic bands on each side, after wrapping them three times. 2 more elastic bands are put on the extreme posts.

2. Irises of the color from which the tummy will be made are put on the central pegs, and then orange elastic bands are thrown off.

3. On the right side, rubber bands are put on three pins, which go to the manufacture of the body, and the elastic band located below, as well as another one running horizontally, is thrown into the central part. It is necessary to stretch the materials of the tummy and hook them on the closest peg.

4. The horizontal iris returns to its place. And from the right and central parts, more elastic bands are thrown, going to the stomach, from the left iris frombody color. Then it is necessary to throw off all the rows located below and along the horizontal plane so that the elastic bands of the tummy can be returned to the center.

5. The horizontal elastic should be worn on three columns, after which it will be necessary to repeat the point already made again.

6. Weave again in the manner described.

7. At this stage of work, you need to make an owl's head. The rubber bands are thrown along all the pegs, then you need to throw off the irises located below and in the horizontal plane. Put all the materials on a couple of posts.

8. How to weave an owl further? Well, what is a bird without a beak? It is necessary to fasten the elastic bands behind those that play the role of the body, throw off the lower part and put the elastic bands on 3 pegs.

9. One is put on in a horizontal plane, and two more for each column, then you need to throw off the bottom row and form eyes.

10. The irises are distributed on the extreme columns, and then they need to be put on the parts located on the left and right, again throw off the bottom of the craft, fasten the loop and remove the resulting craft.

Detailed description of how to weave an owl on the loom is over.

how to weave an owl from rubber bands on a loom
how to weave an owl from rubber bands on a loom

How else can you make crafts?

There are more traditional ways to make an owl. There is no longer a need for a machine. The technology itself is Japanese, and is called amigurumi. Thanks to special technologies, the toy is voluminous.

For weaving you will need:

· hook;

· rubber bands in large quantities;

·special stuffing for toys;

· plastic lock.

Here, the body of an owl is woven with a hook, with the addition of rubber bands of a different color to make the toy look more attractive. Then the eyes with a beak are woven, and then stuff the filler into the toy.
