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2025 Author: Sierra Becker | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:09
Not all beautiful and voluminous knitting patterns are made using complex elements, for the execution of which you will need special skills. Having studied the technique of making front and back loops, you can proceed to such a pattern as the Asian spikelet. In some sources, it has a different name, replaced by an Asian braid, but this is the same element that has the same design and execution.

Where to apply?
The Asian spikelet pattern, due to its uniqueness, has found application both in accessories and household items. A simple technology with a voluminous beautiful result is very popular. The product made by this technique looks luxurious and direct. Asian braid is used for knitting hats, scarves, ponchos, jackets, sweaters, as well as blankets, rugs, etc.
Pattern features
Unlike the classic knitting variant, in which the fabric is knitted completely, and patterns are formed due to elements such as yarn over, closing, crossing loops, the Asian braid has its ownpeculiarities. One way of execution is to partially knit the rows. That is, some loops remain on the knitting needle unchanged or close, while others are knitted in a certain sequence. According to another technology, an Asian spikelet is formed with knitting needles by closing and picking up loops in one row, and the pattern itself is made after the knitting of the main fabric is finished. The knitting process is carried out by alternating the usual front and back rows.
As mentioned above, the pattern can be made in two different technologies, while in the end the resulting structure will differ from each other. The first method of execution is the simplest option than the second. Therefore, training should begin with a simpler Asian spikelet pattern, the master class of which we bring to your attention.
Execution Method 1

The dimensions of the finished pattern may vary depending on the number of loops cast on and the number of rows that will be located between the slots in the canvas. First of all, we are talking about the width of the product. It should be borne in mind that after the final execution, this pattern parameter will be reduced by about one and a half times. This happens due to the fact that the ribbons obtained by closing the loops will intertwine with each other, thereby compressing the working canvas. This must be taken into account if you plan to make the product yourself, without ready-made diagrams and descriptions. The number of side loops can also change frompattern and those that will be closed to form a pattern. Consider knitting, the Asian spikelet in which is formed in the first way.
Knitting sequence of the first method
Cast on 40 stitches.
Knit six rows in stockinette stitch. This number can be changed, the fewer rows, the more elegant the spikelet will be. Front stockinette means that odd rows are knit and even rows are purl.
Seventh row. We make the closing of the central 20 loops. To do this, we knit 6 facial loops. Then we begin to close in this way:
- put the working thread on the left knitting needle before knitting;
- slip 11 sts from left to right needle;
- throw the 12th loop so that the working thread is between the loops;
- close the pull of 12 loops through 11 and remove the thread for work;
- we perform the closing of the remaining loops, we carry out this process by dragging the next loop through the previous one, without using a working thread.
Turn knitting to wrong side and cast on 20 stitches.
We stretch the working thread between the knitting needles, turn the knitting over and finish the seventh row with the front surface.
Turn knitting over and complete the eighth row with purl stitches.
Repeat rows one through eight to the desired length of the product.

Stitch casting technology
The set can be done in any way that involves knitting, the Asian spikelet better supports thistechnique:
- spread the two extreme loops on the left needle;
- draw a working thread between them;
- we put the thread on the left knitting needle and get the first loop;
- in the same sequence we collect 20 more loops;
- cast on loops must be connected to the main fabric, for this we use 21 loops, remove the extreme loop from the right knitting needle to the left and put 21 loops on top of it;
- return the extreme loop back to the right knitting needle.
This cast-on technique will give a denser base for the Asian spike pattern than regular cast-on.
Assembling the spikelet according to the first method of execution
When the fabric is knitted to the required length, we proceed to create the spikelet itself.
Turn the knitting over, the Asian spikelet will be formed on the wrong side.
Take the extreme first and second strips and twist twice around each other, as a result we get the first loop of the spikelet.
Into the formed loop we stretch the next strip and get the second loop.
Such manipulations are repeated until the end of the canvas, in the process of formation it is necessary to stretch the loops to the base to get a beautiful spikelet.
We straighten the Asian spikelet, sew the beginning and end of the pattern so that it keeps the correct shape. If you knit a circular product, you can fasten the spikelet at the same time or sew a button under the last loop, with which you can separate the product if necessary.
Execution method No. 2
The length of the set will bedepend on how many loops one blade of the spikelet will be knitted from. The number of loops cast on will be a multiple of this figure. As a standard, a blade size of 6 loops is used, which means that the number of loops must be a multiple of 6. But if desired, it can be varied. The number of loops in one element can be 4, and 8, and 10, it mainly depends on the thickness of the yarn. Edge loops in this case are not additionally added, but are included in the total number of typesetting. Consider the Asian spikelet (knitting needles), the knitting pattern of which is shown in the figure.

Performing the front side of the spikelet
Cast on 18 stitches.
Preparing the base: knit the first row and purl the second.
In the third row we start the Asian spikelet with knitting needles, the diagram describes the execution of the first blade, which will consist of 6 loops in width and ten rows in height. We remove the edge and knit 5 loops with facial ones.
Turn over knitting and purl 6 stitches.

Before the end of the blade element, we knit eight more rows in this technology. The first element is ready.
To go to the next element in the thirteenth row, we knit 6 loops on the right knitting needle, plus 3 loops of the main fabric located on the left knitting needle.
Turn the knitting over and in the fourteenth row we knit 6 loops from the wrong side, 3 loops remain on the knitting needles. Next, we do the work again only on 6 loops.
Knit 8 rows, alternating knit andpurl rows.
On the twenty-third row, finish the second element and move on to the third.

Next, we continue to work by analogy with the previous rows, and complete all the elements of the pattern. When we reach the end of the canvas, on the left knitting needle we will have the last 6 loops, we knit them all with facial ones, connecting them with the main work. The first side of the Asian spikelet pattern is ready. The diagram further describes the execution of the intermediate rows. The first according to the scheme will be the wrong side, which will combine the elements of the blades into a single whole. After it, we perform the front row. You can stop at the execution of only these two rows, or you can perform an additional two more, as shown in this diagram. First, knit another wrong side and then the front rows.

Performing the wrong side of the spikelet
We start the second half of the spikelet, for this we turn the product over to the wrong side, from which we will start work. This is done so that the blades of the spikelet of the second row are directed in the other direction and the correct Asian spikelet is obtained with knitting needles. The knitting pattern provides for the same sequence as for facial work.
In the thirty-eighth, we begin to carry out the first element, remove the edge and knit 5 loops with purl.
Turn over and knit 6 stitches.
Before the end of the blade element, we knit eight more rows in this technology, alternating purl andfront sides. The first element is ready.
To move on to the next element, in the forty-eighth row we knit 6 loops on the right knitting needle, plus 3 loops of the main fabric, located on the left knitting needle, in the wrong way.
Turn the knitting over and in the next row we knit 6 front loops, 3 loops remain on the knitting needle not knitted. Next, we do the work, only on 6 loops.
Knit eight rows, alternating purl and front rows.
By completing these rows, we finish the second element of the Asian spikelet pattern with knitting needles. The diagram shows that next we leave 3 loops on the knitting needle and make the transition to the third by knitting 6 purl loops.
Repeat 38-48 rows continue to perform the remaining elements, their number will be the same as the number obtained in the first front part.
When we reach the end of knitting, on the left needle we will have the last six loops, we knit them all with the wrong ones, connecting with the main work.
We connect all the elements with the front and back rows. The second side of the spikelet is ready.
If the technology is followed correctly, each of the branches will look in different directions. If the Asian spikelet is repeated many times in your pattern, we start knitting the next one again from the front side of the product.
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